Examples of the the word, benevolent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( benevolent ), is the 12701 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Mourners, took part in these processions. Less well-to-do Romans could join, benevolent ,funerary societies (collegia funeraticia) who undertook these rites on their
  2. Government, modeled after the semi-mythical governance of Shannon, is led by a, benevolent ,king, one who works alongside the people in tilling the fields. The
  3. And shaped” the material world. Times describes the Demiurge as unreservedly, benevolent , and hence desirous of a world as good as possible. The world remains allegedly
  4. Demon, though the Magnetic text tells us that the spirit was sent by God. Some, benevolent ,she dim were used in kabbalist ceremonies (as with the golem of Rabbi Neruda
  5. And was stopped only when she spat in his mouth. When the priest used his, benevolent ,reputation to convince Priam that he was innocent of her wild claims, Cassandra
  6. Respond extremely well to the guidance, support,and clear communication of a, benevolent ,human leadership. Borzoi were bred to pursue, or " course ", game and have a
  7. Stories such as" Heir Apparent ", whose protagonist was described as a ", benevolent ,dictator ". Van Vogt systematized his writing method, using scenes of 800 words
  8. Sukarno, and Jamal Abdul Nasser have been characterized by their supporters as, benevolent ,dictators. In Spanish, the word dictablanda is sometimes used for a
  9. Figure, a benevolent creator of the universe who works to make the universe as, benevolent ,as the limitations of matter will allow; in the latter, the description of the
  10. Professor, is considered by historians to have been an eccentric but, benevolent ,intellectual, comically absent-minded, with peculiar habits of speech and gait
  11. Cycle regardless of social or ethnic background as it was moral integrity and, benevolent ,leadership that had been validating the" Mandate of Heaven. " By assuming the
  12. Government, modeled after the semi-mythical governance of Shannon, is led by a, benevolent ,king, one who works alongside the people in tilling the fields. The
  13. A variety of ways in these ballads and stories, most commonly as mystical and, benevolent , but also at times as sinister and wicked. The mysteriousness of the land, and
  14. An invisible hand. Helios wishes to merge with Denton and rule the world as a, benevolent ,dictator with infinite knowledge and reason. The player's decision determines
  15. With them and fly; and the monstrous Thing (Ben Grimm),their grumpy but, benevolent ,friend, a former college football star and Reed's college roommate as well as
  16. That we observe can take values suitable for life without being fine-tuned by a, benevolent ,creator. " Others, most notably David Gross but also Lubes Motel, Peter Wait
  17. Massive rebuilding and depopulation effort while being generally welcoming and, benevolent ,towards the Jews. A type of frontier environment ensued where new people and
  18. You conduct your life after attaining the knowledge of the Vedas. May you be, benevolent , the harbinger of good fortune and health and live in great dignity and indeed
  19. In essence, the accusation was that the accused committed treason against the ", benevolent ,and righteous" common cause. These theories were given credence by the fact
  20. Taken to their superlative degrees: he is omniscient, omnipotent and truly, benevolent , The Serbian conception of the most hidden transcendent God is, by contrast
  21. Wealth. The second part was for the subsequent distribution of this wealth to, benevolent ,causes. The philanthropy was key to making the life worthwhile. Carnegie was
  22. And naturalistic religions) or conflict (in western religions) between the, benevolent ,and the malignant. Most religious systems have some form of moral dualism - in
  23. Means doing something under the protection of a powerful, knowledgeable,or, benevolent ,source. The word aegis is identified with protection by a strong force with its
  24. Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes British/Australian social and, benevolent ,organization. Arts and entertainment Music * Buffalo (The Phoenix Foundation
  25. Welfare of the whole world. They also suggested that such killing is in fact a, benevolent ,act, because the slaughtered animal will attain a high rebirth in the cycle of
  26. Andrea Adam wrote, in character, Allegri was regarded as singularly pure and, benevolent , Among the musical compositions of Allegra were two volumes of concerti for
  27. To aid one another in case of an attack by Russia. Also, each state promised, benevolent ,neutrality to the other if one of them was attacked by another European power (
  28. That inhabited a place, or that accompanied a person. Whether such a daemon was, benevolent ,or malevolent, the Greek word meant something different from the later medieval
  29. Inside joke among the San Franciscans in the bid—"Six Companies" was a Chinese, benevolent ,association in the city. There were three valid bids, and Six Companies' bid
  30. Would end up winning three out of the four games at Pittsburgh. The Pirates ', benevolent ,owner Barney Dreyfuss added his share of the gate receipts to the players '
  31. Fish as looking as“ a meek and innocuous little old man, gentle and, benevolent , friendly and polite. If you wanted someone to entrust your child to, he would
  32. Laws or opposition, etc.). However, in enlightened absolutism (also known as, benevolent ,despotism),which came to prominence in 18th century Europe, absolute monarchs
  33. The Roman Empire was to be governed as a divine monarchy with himself as the, benevolent ,despot at its head. To usher in the new era, he embarked on ambitious economic
  34. Of him into their works, some good-natured, others hostile. One of the more, benevolent ,is the main character in a mystery novel Murder at the A. B. A. by Isaac Asimov
  35. Reflecting divine design for functional needs. In the meantime,Ray's ideas of, benevolent ,design had been developed by William Paley into a natural theology which
  36. To Deepak Patinas, a philosophy holding that one should be honest, just, benevolent , etc., because those virtues serve one's self-interest is egoistic; one holding
  37. From Kaifeng sent him a captured Zulu (, only appears during the rule of a, benevolent ,and sincere monarch. It is said to be fierce as a tiger, but gentle and
  38. September 1860 Antonio Morning (b. 1819 - d. 1902) Benevolent dictators The, benevolent ,dictator is a more modern version of the classical“ enlightened despot ”
  39. For its lack of anguished yearning and angst and is marked instead by a ", benevolent ,tranquility. " Despite the fluctuating critical assessment of the various
  40. Is eventually revealed to be the one in which humanity transforms itself into a, benevolent ,super-species that, amongst other achievements, creates time travel to ensure
  41. Introduced burial insurance circa 600 AD when they organized guilds called ", benevolent ,societies" which cared for the surviving families and paid funeral expenses of
  42. Found it easier to attribute them to magical powers. His talents attracted the, benevolent ,attention of the king Henry III. The king summoned him to the court. Bruno
  43. Cesbron's book Chains versus sans collier, the story of an orphan boy and a, benevolent ,judge, was made into a movie starring Jean Gain and Robert Dalian. The GNU
  44. Of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz that says all is for the best because God is a, benevolent ,deity. This concept is often put into the form," all is for the best in the
  45. They never met. Verdi's comments on Wagner and his music are few and hardly, benevolent ,(" He invariably chooses, unnecessarily,the untrod den path, attempting to fly
  46. S Times and Republic. In the former, the demiurges is a central figure,a, benevolent ,creator of the universe who works to make the universe as benevolent as the
  47. Alone, his ancestor being the original pensioner:" Mine was from a mild and, benevolent ,sovereign; his from Henry the Eighth ". Burke also hinted at what would happen
  48. Citizens. The language of the edict calls on the people's memory of their, benevolent ,leaders, and exhorts them to enforce the provisions of the edict, and thereby
  49. Called on for help or protection. However, the gods were not always viewed as, benevolent , and Egyptians believed they had to be appeased with offerings and prayers. The
  50. Was perceived to be the creator of only the good (Asia 31.4),the" supreme, benevolent ,providence" ( Asia 43.11),that will ultimately triumph (Asia 48.1). In

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