Examples of the the word, pratt , in a Sentence Context
The word ( pratt ), is the 12707 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Stone arches on south side, and a further three on the north. The central, pratt , truss bridge was originally made of three iron spans that were wide enough to
- Moore has stated that he" is in some ways every man, because he's a complete, pratt , sic and doesn't know what's going on ... he is like a lot of people, he is a
- From: 1927 till: 1928 color: battle text:" Louis R. de Stagger" bar:, pratt , from: 1928 till: 1929 color: battle bar: Pratt from: 1929 till: 1930 color:
- Williams bar: Hughes bar: Jackson bar: Wiley bar: Bristol bar: Vestager bar:, pratt , bar: Fulton bar: McVay bar: chase bar: Schofield bar: Taylor bar: Leigh bar:
- Her cloaca. Copulation may last between 15 seconds and 4 minutes. Name ", pratt , and/IN"> carrier"/> The clappers of the male are unusual in that each has a row of
- Distinguished by a narrower spread to better accommodate the four-in-hand knot, pratt , knot,and the half-windsor knot. A moderate dress collar. **button-down collar
- Till: 1929 color: battle bar: Pratt from: 1929 till: 1930 color: circus bar:, pratt , from: 1930 till: 1933 color: CNO text:" William V. Pratt" bar: Fulton from:
- Louis R. de Stagger" bar: Pratt from: 1928 till: 1929 color: battle bar:, pratt , from: 1929 till: 1930 color: circus bar: Pratt from: 1930 till: 1933 color: CNO
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