Examples of the the word, fencing , in a Sentence Context
The word ( fencing ), is the 12709 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- From Queen's College, Oxford,possessing swashbuckling skills such as riding, fencing , and seamanship. He was content to live the quiet life of a country vicar in
- Has athletic teams in baseball,men's and women's basketball,cross-country, fencing , men's soccer, swimming and diving,men's and women's tennis, track and
- To make it more difficult to scale. It was reinforced by mesh fencing , signal, fencing , anti-vehicle trenches, barbed wire, dogs on long lines," beds of nails "
- Provides the essential clue). This process coats iron structures (such as, fencing ,) with a coating of zinc metal. As long as the zinc remains intact, the iron is
- Thomas Bracknell, an under-cook in the Cecil household, while practicing, fencing ,with Edward Bantam, a Westminster tailor, in the backyard of Cecil House in
- Table the warning from I Corinthians 11:27-29 is read which is referred to as ", fencing ,the table. " Thereafter, when the elements are distributed they are passed to
- Degradation caused by Concorde was negligible. In France, the use of acoustic, fencing ,alongside TGV tracks might not have been achieved without the 1970s controversy
- Point and a double touch is scored, nobody is awarded the point. History Modern, fencing ,originated in the 18th century, as a direct continuation of the 18th century
- Buckler (the smallest shield) together. From 1400 onwards an increasing number of, fencing ,treatises survived from across Europe, with the majority from the 15th century
- And became the primary rationale behind both the Italian and French schools of, fencing , Middle Ages and Renaissance Fencing schools can be found in European
- Growing middle classes meant that more men could afford to carry swords, learn, fencing , and be seen as gentlemen. By the middle of the 16th century many Europeans
- Cricket World Cup, and World Championships in various sports such as athletics, fencing , weightlifting, hockey,cycling, canoeing,gymnastics and others. Cape Town was
- Soccer, lacrosse,field hockey, tennis,track and rowing. The basketball, fencing , swimming & diving, volleyball and wrestling programs are based at the Dodge
- Framework to allow an even load as masses of adobe are spread across the metal, fencing ,like cob and allowed to air dry accordingly. This method was demonstrated with
- Traditionally reported to be a consequence of a deep facial sword wound after a, fencing ,incident. These left him with a noticeable asymmetry during facial expression
- A cut exposes the side to a thrust. This doctrine was exploited by Italian, fencing ,masters in the 16th Century and became the primary rationale behind both the
- Which have been featured at every one of the modern Olympic Games. The sport of, fencing ,is divided into three weapons: * Foil—a light thrusting weapon that targets the
- The 18th century, as a direct continuation of the 18th century French school of, fencing ,which had in turn been influenced by the Italian school of the Renaissance.
- Roundel, bollock or ear daggers. The term (teen). In the German school of, fencing , Johannes Liechtenauer (Ms. 3227a) and his successors (specifically Andres
- Framework has been performed using a steel framing and a layering of a metal, fencing ,or wiring over the framework to allow an even load as masses of adobe are
- Intercollegiate Athletic Conference, which Caltech co-founded in 1915. The, fencing ,team competes in the NCAA's Division I, facing teams from USC, UCLA,UCSD, and
- IX produced masters such as Henry de Sainct-Didier who introduced the French, fencing ,terminology that remains in use today. Early modern period Strictly, the
- The dress sword was abolished, the Parser became the only weapon for thrust, fencing ,in German colleges and universities. Many students died from pierced lungs (
- Steels became more readily available. In England, it was not uncommon for, fencing ,masters to duel other masters, often to the death, stopping to dress wounds.
- Of Echinopsis, Mammillaria and Cars among others. Cacti can be used for, fencing ,material where there is a lack of either natural resources or financial means
- Contests in Mr. Figg's time, in addition to fist fighting, also contained, fencing ,and cudgeling. On 6 January 1681,the first recorded boxing match took place in
- The middle of the 16th century many European cities contained great numbers of, fencing ,schools, often clustered together, such as in London at" Hanging Sword Lane ".
- Will provide Olympic standard facilities for sports including boxing and, fencing , gymnastics, judo,white water events (including canoeing and kayaking) and
- With the name * ASA, alternate term for about; a staff used in Egyptian stick, fencing ,* ASA physical status classification system, a system for assessing the fitness
- Became permanently damaged on horseback and in the boxing ring, so he turned to, fencing ,and gymnastics. Eisenhower would later serve as junior varsity football coach
- Technique in the middle of the 18th century; it enabled fast and elegant thrust, fencing ,with a smaller and safer weapon than a dueling sword. Fencers blunted (or "
- Caltech's mascot is the Beaver, and its teams (except the, fencing ,team) play in the Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
- Physically increase floppy performance. Fencing, which is also known as modern, fencing ,to distinguish it from historical fencing , is a family of combat sports using
- To health, he names many exercises as running, swimming,weight lifting, polo, fencing , boxing, wrestling,long jumping, high jumping, etc. He also gives a diet to go
- Often clustered together, such as in London at" Hanging Sword Lane ". Italian, fencing ,masters were particularly popular and set up schools in many foreign cities.
- On 14th century teachings of the Liechtenauer tradition. In this period German, fencing ,developed sportive tendencies. The rapier's popularity peaked in the 16th and
- However, unlike foil, these off-target touches do not stop the action, and the, fencing ,continues. In the case of both fencers landing a scoring touch, the referee
- Nova was an avid fencer in his younger days, and organized ACO Everett's, fencing ,club. Professional career Nova worked as a technical writer for Project
- To attack an opponent from behind. Renaissance The dagger was very popular as a, fencing ,and personal defense weapon in 17th and 18th century Spain, where it was
- Show that such schools operated illegally. The earliest surviving treatise on, fencing , stored at the Royal Armories Museum in Leeds, England,dates from around 1300
- Weapons, armoured and unarmored, was also featured heavily in the early, fencing ,treatises. By the 16th century, with the widespread adoption of the printing
- Latin battalion, meaning " exercise of soldiers and gladiators in fighting and, fencing ,", from Late Latin (taken from Germanic) battery" beat ", from which the
- Which is also known as modern fencing to distinguish it from historical, fencing , is a family of combat sports using bladed weapons. Fencing is one of four
- Films (see below),in which Miss Marple mentions her awards at marksmanship, fencing ,and equestrianism (although these hints are played for comedic value).
- Such as Arezzo and Fabric outside of Italy shaped a new European mainstream of, fencing , The Cole Franchise d’Esc rime founded in 1567 under Charles IX produced
- The Late Roman military writer described practicing against a post and, fencing ,with other soldiers. Genius describes how the Romans preferred the thrust
- In European historical records dating back to the 12th century. In later times, fencing ,teachers were paid by rich patrons to produce books about their fighting
- Along with their grandmother SAFIRE Sultan. He was known for his skills in, fencing , poetry, horseback riding, and fluency in numerous languages. He was married
- Pipe, intended to make it more difficult to scale. It was reinforced by mesh, fencing , signal fencing , anti-vehicle trenches, barbed wire, dogs on long lines," beds
- In Madison, a post he held until his resignation in 1960. His hobbies included, fencing , swimming, chess,philately and comic-strips (Delete reportedly deployed the
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