Examples of the the word, belonging , in a Sentence Context
The word ( belonging ), is the 12713 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Gregory S. Paul gives a length of 845 millimeters (33.3 in) for a skull, belonging ,to an individual he estimates at 7.9 meters long (26 ft). Each premarital (
- Practically all of them immigrants from West African and other countries and, belonging ,to the Sunnite branch, represent only about 1 %; because of their diversity
- Away the uninitiated. In this context, Graves identifies the aegis as clearly, belonging ,first to Athena. Another version describes it to have been really the goat's
- Figures of German history. Until 1800,Babelsberg was a municipality, belonging ,to the Stabbing district of the Electorate of Bavaria. Babelsberg also
- Woman. The church also contains a solid silver statue of the archangel Michael, belonging ,to the confraternity of Neapolitan fishermen. Villa Abd-el-Tif, former
- Cases keeping some as sub-branches. Naval artillery disappeared apart from that, belonging ,to marines. However, two new branches of artillery emerged during that war and
- Clay, named after Asteraceae obtuse) succeeding from south to north, all, belonging , to the Jurassic. They are at last succeeded by the Crossing Formation already
- Amazon Steam Navigation Company—as well as numerous small steamboats, belonging ,to companies and firms engaged in the rubber trade, navigating the Negro
- Of amber was limited to a single species; and indeed many conifers, belonging ,to different genera are represented in the amber-flora. Paleontological
- Jews came to call the town Jerusalem of the West, a reference to their sense of, belonging ,there. As they became established in the city, other Christian denominations
- Kathy) and Khorana (Dur-Sharrukin). A rare discovery of metal plates, belonging ,to wooden doors was made at BAPAAT (Imgur-Enlil). Assyrian sculpture reached
- And free—served on both sides during the war. The British recruited slaves, belonging ,to Patriot masters and promised freedom to those who served. Because of
- Midway, and Away al-Hazmi did not check any bags for the flight. Checked bags, belonging ,to Moved and Salem al-Hazmi were held until they boarded the aircraft. By 07:50
- So it was purchased by Poles. This fact may be explained by Saint Adalbert's, belonging ,to the Slaves family; it highlights the strength of the two clans' conflict.
- Zoology, paleontology,anatomy, music theory, art history, sociology and so on, belonging ,to professional societies in those disciplines as well. History The first use
- Voiced in Japan. In general In the early to mid-1950s,a number of critics, belonging ,to the French New Wave championed the films of the older Japanese master, Kenji
- Nudum' Alder is the common name of a genus of flowering plants (Anus), belonging , to the birch family (Family Betulaceae). The genus comprises about 30 species
- May also be divided into several numbered rectangular 'blocks '. The elements, belonging ,to a given block have this common feature: their highest-energy electrons all
- Figure is likely to rise. *September 21- A. F. P. overrun a camp in the south, belonging ,to the Abu SAAF, killing nearly 20 militants, the authorities said. 5 A. F.
- To continue to survey for invading microorganisms. Antibodies are glycoproteins, belonging ,to the immunoglobulin super family; the terms antibody and immunoglobulin are
- As time passed, slavery was abolished, and locals began to see themselves as ", belonging ," to Anguilla society. Between 1992 and 2001 the number of followers of the
- In early December 1905. At the end of the month he was jailed on suspicion of, belonging ,to a militant group. Afterwards he gained a reputation for his work as a
- Sense of identity, a sense of historical and religious tradition, a feeling of, belonging ,to a concrete family, place,and region, which are psychologically and
- The town. The eighth of eleven children, Maria had enjoyed all the benefits of, belonging ,to a prosperous family in a small town. After the death of both parents within
- In the Sumerian King List; the later Assyro-Babylonian form Akkad (" of or, belonging ,to Akkad" ) was likely derived from this. It is possible that the Sumerian
- Including the rise of Sikhism. Chhatrapati Shiva Sahara captured forts, belonging ,to both Mughal and Dimapur. At last The Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb ordered the
- Madrid, and Allah Rasheed Turbo. Most Telugu Christians are Protestant, belonging ,to major Indian Protestant denominations such as the Church of South India, the
- RED) # Oil import and distribution (claimed by Armenian opposition parties to, belonging ,to a handful of government-linked individuals, one of which -" Mikey Limited "
- Meaning" tree of the gods" or" tree of heaven" ) is a genus of trees, belonging ,to the family Simaroubaceae, in the order Spindles (formerly Ru tales or
- Miniature monasteries for 5 or 10 monks. The outlying farming establishments, belonging ,to the monastic foundations were known as village or granges. They were usually
- 15 On This Day in Canada ---- Acacia (or) is a genus of shrubs and trees, belonging ,to the subfamily Mimosoideae of the family Fagaceae, first described in Africa
- To the Jurassic. They are at last succeeded by the Crossing Formation already, belonging ,to the Late Triassic. On the Brandenburg hill, until 1939 iron ore was mined (
- And injustice have delivered into the slave-master's devilish clutches" as ", belonging ,to the blackest pages of mankind's criminal record ". Schopenhauer
- Reported in the press. The New York Times called him" the last of the giants, belonging ,to that wonderful group of intellectuals that included, among others, Darwin
- Influence on the see of Worcester. Alfred retained a number of estates, belonging ,to Worcester. Even after the Norman Conquest, Ealdred still controlled some
- Of ca. 2000 BC. The discovery on the island of a number of gold ornaments, belonging ,to the latest period of Mycenaean art suggests the inference that the Mycenaean
- People and Lauren language of the Botha, both of which are categorized as, belonging ,to the Armenian language family. Standardized forms Armenian is a Eurocentric
- The Young British Artists, Art,class, and value Art is sometimes perceived as, belonging ,exclusively to higher social classes. In this context, art is seen as an
- Qatar are 1000 camels of" Gi-in-di-bu'u the ar-ba-a-a" or" the man India, belonging ,to the Arab" ( ar-ba-a-a being an adjectival Nisha of the noun Arab).
- Writing Do' ξ'-ξ'0 and Do' η'-η'0,then Do' and Do' are the aberrations, belonging ,to ξ, η and x, y,and are functions of these magnitudes which, when expanded in
- Abbot. The office is elective, the choice being by the secret votes of the nuns, belonging ,to the community. Like an abbot, an abbess is solemnly admitted to her office
- As" Sharp Knife" ). The executionsand Jackson's invasion of territory, belonging ,to Spain, a country with which the U. S. was not at war, created an
- Of a range of products, which have in common their status as medicine, belonging ,under the Danish Medicines Act. In the Danish Medicines Act there exist four
- And a church or chapel on one side, placed back to back. A detached building, belonging ,to each contains a bath and a kitchen. One of these diminutive convents is
- Ablative case were taken by the genitive, so that the genitive has functions, belonging ,to the Proto-Indo-European genitive and ablative cases. The genitive case with
- SS staff car. They drove out the main gate in a stolen automobile, a Steyr 220, belonging , to Rudolf Host. Master carried with him a report about conditions in the camp
- Or vessel, to assault, with intent to murder, any person being on board of or, belonging ,to such ship or vessel.; Assault on an officer of Revenue and Customs: This
- The punch out hole in the A-E drive, nearly into the building. Personal effects, belonging ,to victims were also found, and taken to Fort Mayer. Remains Army engineers
- 1 billion. It exited in December. Publications Aramaic is a group of languages, belonging ,to the Afroasiatic language phylum. The name of the language is based on the
- Of discrepancies including the size difference, Marsh incorrectly identified as, belonging ,to an entirely new genus and species. He dubbed the new species Brontosaurus
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