Examples of the the word, rr , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rr ), is the 12329 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Vowels in nonfinal syllables are always short in North Welsh. ) Before in and, rr , vowels are always short,e.g. (ash trees),(to win),(stone). In
  2. There is also a sequence /n (written ‹ NT ›). A trill (written ‹, rr , › ) and the consonants, and (written ‹ ll ›) are not native to Guaraní, but
  3. And monophthongize (blue) for the long vowels: The double consonants (ll, rr , and so on),used frequently in Italian, are nearly absent in Fraulein. Grammar
  4. Common, especially in Spanish and Italian, to represent the alveolar trill with, rr , and the alveolar flap with r. In Spanish, too,JJ is used to represent the
  5. Cases, the offspring will be black and white due to the dominant R. Only in the,RR, case is there expression of the recessive red colored phenotype. If a Red Bull
  6. Catalan also has many digraphs: DJ, gu, ig,ix’ll,l·l, ny, qu, rr , SS, ts,TX, tz. # Corsican has the digraphs: Che, ghj. #
  7. Cid (Criminal Investigation Department) *Priest - pr, rev (reverend),RR, ( Right Reverend),dd (Doctor of Divinity),for (Father),ELI (Eli (Bible
  8. Dialects has remained different from the one written with a single r. The, rr , spelling is common particularly in Romania, in order to distinguish from the
  9. And a Sonoran (r, l,n, m,w, y ) changed to a double Sonoran in Atomic (, rr , ll, nn, mm,WW, yy) by assimilation. In Attic-Ionic and Doric, the h
  10. That they be split into their constituent letters for collation. The digraph, rr , pronounced as a distinct alveolar trill, is considered to be a letter in the
  11. Is sometimes spelled ‹ NY ›. Long consonants are written with double letters; ‹, rr , › is a trill. Long vowels are sometimes written with double letters, but not
  12. Double consonants: pp, bb, tt, dd,ck (for),GG, ff,SS, zz, mm,in, ll,RR, #It is reasonable to assume that had an allophone after back vowels, as in
  13. Pp HQ RR SS TT Up Vs WW Xx By Oz The phonetically meaningful digraphs dd, ll,RR, ts, tt, tx, tz are treated as double letters. All letters and digraphs
  14. Business parks and another one under development. File: Boston and Maine, rr , bridge sack 1879. JPG|BARR train passing through Sack c. 1879 File: Main St.
  15. In its own right. # ↑↑ Basque has several digraphs: dd, ll,RR, ts, tt, tx, tz. The ü, which is pronounced as /ø/, is required for various
  16. Was fused into the ligature ß. In Romance languages such as Spanish or Catalan, rr , is used between vowels for the alveolar trill, since an r alone between vowels
  17. H х i ї, и j ѣ, j k к l л, љ ll л LA лї, љ m м n н NJ нї, њ o о p п q кї, ћ r р, rr , рр s с sh ш t т TH ө u у v в x дс oh џ y z з ZH ж Older versions of the
  18. Rr and SS are only used between vowels. The pronunciation of the digraph, rr , varies with dialect (see the note on the phoneme, above ). Silent letters As
  19. A rr est apparently requires the digraphs DH, gj, hj, ll,NJ, rr , sh, th, xh, zh. A rr est has the distinctive he, which is considered as a
  20. High German include pp, bb, tt, dd,ck (for),GG, ff,SS, hh, zz, mm,in, ll,RR, # changes to in all dialects during the 9th century. The status in the Old
  21. Dotze 'twelve ', jutge 'judge ', platja 'beach' ). Other digraphs are ‹, rr , › and ‹ SS ›. Catalan spelling utilizes ‹ ç › (called CE Grenada, literally
  22. Like the Spanish r),or depending on the person, even a trill (like Spanish, rr , ),before vowels: root ('red' ), groot ('big' ), Liera ('teacher' );
  23. Of writing the sounds peculiar to Albanian, namely c, ç,DH, ë,GJ, ll,NJ, q,RR, sh, th, x,oh, y,z and ZH. c, ç,k, and q The earliest Albanian sources were
  24. Catalan pronunciation. Only the consonants r, s,x, z,the digraphs ch, lh, nh, rr , and the vowels may require special attention from English speakers. Although
  25. E َا ë f ف g غ GJ ﻚ h ﻫ i ِ ا j ى k ڧ l لل ll LA ل m م n ن NJ نى o p ٻ q ﮎ r ر, rr , رر s س sh ش t ت TH ث u او v و x دس oh ج y َ و z ز ZH ژ Keyboard layouts Windows
  26. R if beginning a syllable (as in Spanish pro); r if finishing a syllable and, rr , ( as in Spanish Pedro) * t = (never as in English nation; without aspiration
  27. Triad (mm) is made up of two adjacent memo dials, a syntactic triad (, rr , ) consists of two adjacent raceme dials and a hetero tactic triad (rm) is
  28. Portuguese and the Southeastern dialects is that in Gaúcho Portuguese the ", rr ," digraph is articulated with the glottis, just like the English" h ", instead
  29. Loan) blood. The language marginally has a trill r which was spelled as “, rr ,”, for example, se rr ek to enter. But it is different in proper names of foreign
  30. And Roman are spelled with a double r, i. e., rr om and Roman. In this case, rr , is used to represent the phoneme (also written as ř and Rh),which in some
  31. Or integral ranges co rr esponding to known dials (r, m ), triads (mm, rm+Mr, rr , ) and/or higher order n-ads depending on spectral resolution. In cases of
  32. In medial position only: * Germinates: pp, tt, kk, ss, bb, dd,GG, mm,in, ll,RR, JJ, ww * Consonant + j: pj, tj, kj, fj, j,he, zj, bj, dj, gj, mj, nj, lj, rj
  33. Considered to be a letter in the Spanish alphabet, however no words begin with, rr , so it does not have a separate entry in Spanish dictionaries. * Welsh. The
  34. Is assigned one byte:; Byte 0: 0 rr hhhhh: Rate (0–3) and hour (0–23).::: *, rr , = 10: 29.97 frames/s (SMITE drop-frame time code):; Byte 1: 00mmmmmm: Minute (
  35. This was based on the principle of" one sound one letter" ( except for the,RR, digraph ). This was called the" Istanbul alphabet" ( also" Fraser alphabet
  36. It certainly is not directly derived from it, as the substitution of r for, rr , in Iberian Romance languages was not a known occu rr ence. The Spanish word "
  37. Makovich 1870 and Meyer 1888). The Grammar Albania first used NJ in 1887., rr , Blanchi first used RR to represent this sound. However, also used were Greek
  38. By LI, ni in words such as a million, onion,pronounced quickly. The digraphs, rr , and SS are only used between vowels. The pronunciation of the digraph RR varies
  39. 1888). The Grammar Albania first used NJ in 1887. Rr Blanche first used, rr , to represent this sound. However, also used were Greek rho (ρ) (Makovich
  40. These h's, silent for them. In Sabine Arana's (1865–1903) alphabet’ll and, rr , were replaced with ĺ and ŕ, respectively. A typically Basque style of lettering
  41. Illegal and ambiguous sequences in use * The Linux console uses OSC P n, rr , gg BB to change the palette, which,if hard-coded into an application, may hang
  42. Is there expression of the recessive red colored phenotype. If a Red Bull, rr , is used on a ca rr ier cow, Rr, then the Punnett square will give: There is a 50
  43. Issued by the Royal Spanish Academy in 1994. ) On the other hand, the digraph, rr , follows RTU as expected, both with and without the 1994 alphabetization rule. A
  44. Otherwise indicated by double letters. In such cases, ŕ is used to represent, rr , ( a trilled r, this spelling is used only internally in words, to differentiate
  45. Note when cross-referencing that most language names have multiple spellings:, rr , r,b p, d t, g k, dj j TJ c, j y, y i, w u, u OO, e a, and so on. A range is
  46. R *Record - EP (extended play record),LP (long playing record) *Reverend -, rr , ( Right Reverend),dd (Doctor of Divinity),rev Clues beginning with S
  47. Double letters mark palatalized versions as in dd, ll,TT. Note however that, rr , is a trill contrasting with the single-letter flap and that the palatal version
  48. Heterozygous, and homozygous recessive genotypes are then written RR, Rr, and,RR, respectively. It would also be possible to designate the two alleles as W and
  49. Equation:: x \franc; \squad y \franc In two-center bipolar coordinates::, rr ,' = a^2 Derivatives Each first derivative below was calculated using implicit
  50. It certainly is not directly derived from it, as the substitution of r for, rr , in Ibero-Romance languages was not a known occu rr ence. The Spanish word may

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