Examples of the the word, subdue , in a Sentence Context
The word ( subdue ), is the 12331 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Cologne, Tournai, Le Mans and Cambria. The kings of Tourney eventually came to, subdue ,the other Frankish kings. By the 490s,Clovis I had conquered all the Frankish
- Philip's return from Byzantium, he dispatched Alexander with a small force to, subdue ,certain revolts in southern Thrace. During another campaign against the Greek
- Including the non-Christian Saxons, which his grandson Charlemagne would fully, subdue , and Moors, which he halted on a path of continental domination. Though he
- Could be issued in Hungary, where Magyar aristocrats still believed they could, subdue ,other nationalities and maintain the" Holy Kingdom of St. Stephen ". It was
- Ahmad Shah with his forces invaded and reduced Kashmir. He next sent an army to, subdue ,the areas north of the Hindu Kush. In short order, the powerful army brought
- It ended all attempts by England in the Anglo-Dutch Wars of the 17th century to, subdue ,the Dutch Republic by military force. However, the resulting economic
- In it, he confronts and battles Parnell Flame in an effort to capture and, subdue ,her, thereby making her his wife. He is described as being a man holding a
- Primary economic activity. Repeated attempts were made by various nations to, subdue ,the pirates that disturbed shipping in the western Mediterranean and engaged in
- Marian colony Byzantium. Persian King Darius I the Great, in an attempt to, subdue ,the Scythian horseman north of Black Sea, crossed over at the Bosporus, then
- Removed from Xhosa lands. It required a dedicated imperial military force to, subdue ,the Bantu-speaking states. In 1901,the Boer republics were defeated by Britain
- The 'Fifteen, the Disarming Act and the Clan Act made ineffectual attempts to, subdue ,the Scottish Highlands, and efforts at" rooting out of the Irish language" (
- In the Andean region provided for a general disunity that the Incas needed to, subdue ,in order to maintain control of the empire. While Quechua had been spoken in
- People" supported Mini in opposition to MRI. () It took MRI four years to, subdue ,Mini and at last proclaim himself undisputed king of Israel. (and) For the
- With Sweden caused the Norwegian-Swedish War to break out as Sweden tried to, subdue ,Norway by military means. As Sweden's military was not strong enough to defeat
- Is specifically meant for training: training in how to control the senses and, subdue ,the mind; training to be a Shasta, vanaprastha, and saunas. This training
- Became particularly troublesome, and after several unsuccessful efforts to, subdue ,them, Zaman Shah made the mistake of appointing a forceful young Sikh chief
- Albania A collection of communists moved quickly after World War II to, subdue ,all potential political enemies in Albania, break the country's landowners and
- Incurring significant casualties upon colonial British forces sent to, subdue ,it. An 1881 peace treaty failed to quell sporadic fighting. Cape Town's
- In west-central Poland appealed to the Knights to defend his borders and, subdue ,the pagan Baltic Prussians in 1226. After the subjugation of the Prussians, the
- Captive to Assyria (, ; ). Soon after this Shalmaneser V determined wholly to, subdue ,the kingdom of Israel, Samaria was taken and destroyed (722 BC). So long as
- Who would protect them against the Arab aristocracy. ABD Brahman moved to, subdue ,them by means of a mercenary army that included Christians. He first had to
- In 1762,Ahmad Shah crossed the passes from Afghanistan for the sixth time to, subdue ,the Sikhs. He assaulted Lahore and, after taking their holy city of Amritsar
- Queen in its place; however, his soul remains intact. The X-Men and Streamers, subdue ,this monstrous creature containing Xavier's essence, but the only way to
- Over large territories in the Baltic region. The Teutonic Knights failed to, subdue ,pagan Lithuania, which officially converted to (Catholic) Christianity in
- Flight 77,took control of the aircraft after his team of hijackers helped, subdue ,the pilots, passengers,and crew, and flew the plane into the Pentagon as part
- Iran),but it took him nearly three years (from about 330 BC–327 BC) to, subdue ,Afghanistan. Moving eastward from Persia, the Macedonian leader encountered
- Also gives the government more control over the local economy and temporarily, subdue ,inflation. Inflation averaged 30.1 % between 2005 and 2007. In recent years
- At the heart of the Great Game lay the willingness of Britain and Russia to, subdue , subvert, or subjugate the small independent states that lay between Russia and
- Parts of the country and a half-hearted Danish invasion, but he was able to, subdue ,all resistance and establish an enduring regime. Norman England The Norman
- Under the leadership of the Along, sub-chiefs were appointed to occupy and, subdue ,new areas. The empire began to decline during the early 18th century when
- Proclamation 1017 placing the country in a state of emergency in attempt to, subdue ,a possible military coup. *2007 – Japan launches its fourth spy satellite
- When Dundee was killed in the fighting. A series of government expeditions to, subdue ,the Highlands eventually led to Jacobite defeat in May 1690 and lingering hopes
- Beijing, which was made the capital of the Qing dynasty, and proceeded to, subdue ,the remaining Ming's resistance in the south. The decades of Manchu conquest
- Village of Valverde. Kearny was under orders from the Polk Administration to, subdue ,both New Mexico and California, and set up governments there. Learning that
- Outbreak in the exarchate of Ravenna in 727,which Leo finally endeavored to, subdue ,by means of a large fleet. But the destruction of the armament by a storm
- Oxus. Before he could pass the river with safety, however,it was necessary to, subdue ,certain fortresses, one of which was for several days vigorously defended by
- Of Daniel's prophecy, presumably chapter 8,where a mighty Greek king would, subdue ,and conquer the Persian Empire. Thereupon, Alexander spared Jerusalem and
- His face against the wall and breaking his nose. The guards and Spaghetti, subdue ,her. Still live on national television, Mickey engages in a brief Mexican
- Testament),present him as a polytheist who explained how to conjure gods and, subdue ,demons. Notwithstanding the accounts of Biblical figures like Moses, Enoch and
- Though the unified reign of the Qin Emperor lasted only 12 years, he managed to, subdue ,great parts of what constitutes the core of the Han Chinese homeland and to
- And the U. S. broke out; it took the U. S. almost fifteen years to fully, subdue ,the insurgency. The U. S. sent 70,000 troops and suffered thousands of
- Meet in the Battle of Rural. *1500 – Duke Friedrich and Duke Johann attempt to, subdue ,the peasantry of Dithmarschen, Denmark,in the Battle of Hemmingstedt. *1600 –
- Peoples. After the fall of Tenochtitlan, it took decades of sporadic warfare to, subdue ,the rest of Mesoamerica. Particularly fierce was the Chichewa War (1576–1606
- Since at least 12,000 BCE. By the 16th century, Spanish conquistadors began to, subdue ,and colonize the region of present-day Chile, and the territory became a colony
- Impact on Southern Africa. The Antoni adopted Shaka's military tactics to, subdue ,the lesser tribes, including the Mara vi, they found along their way. Staging
- It was genocide. We survived as a people. Barbaric French atrocities did not, subdue ,our fighting spirit. " On 23 February 2005,the French law on colonialism was
- The subsequent increased strength and size of its army enabled it to annex or, subdue ,most of India by the 1820s. India was now no longer exporting manufactured
- And dejected. As a devout Jesuit, he found himself in an artistic dilemma. To, subdue ,any egotism which would violate the humility required by his religious position
- Appetite for greater wealth, because wealth means power; the power to, subdue , to crush, to exploit, the power to enslave, to outrage, to degrade. " She also
- The rebels, the Emperor told him" I Myself, will lead the One Division and, subdue ,them. " The rebellion was suppressed following his orders on February 29.
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