Examples of the the word, violently , in a Sentence Context
The word ( violently ), is the 12332 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Stated that" all my paintings are organic, violent comedies. They have to be, violently ,done and primitive and crude, and to achieve that I try to let nature paint
- Or dummy fish which a territorial male stickleback fish would fight more, violently ,than a real invading male if the dummy had a brighter-colored underside.
- Fluorine or ozone.: BrO3− + H2O + F2 → + 2 HF: BrO3− + O3 → + O2 Bromine reacts, violently ,and explosively with aluminum metal, forming aluminum bromide: :2 Al + 3 Br2
- For democracy on 8 August 1988 (8–8–88,a day seen as auspicious),which were, violently ,suppressed in what came to be known as the 8888 Uprising. On 26 August 1988
- That TiCl4 will be a good Lewis acid. Indeed, it reacts (in some cases, violently ,) with water, alcohols,ethers, amines.: neutral counting: Fe contributes 8
- Of the English Book of Common Prayer to Scotland in summer of 1637. This was, violently ,resisted; a riot broke out in Edinburgh, which may have been started in a
- Human individual," they acknowledged that many readers" may well disagree, violently ," with their opinions. Reviewing the book for Astounding Science Fiction, P.
- Imagination into chivalrous quests. Don Quixote’s tendency to intervene, violently ,in matters which do not concern him, and his habit of not paying his debts
- Where her mother was banished. In prison at Annamaria, Agrippina protested, violently , On one occasion, Tiberius ordered a centurion to flog her and in the course
- Cordite propellant (when uncased and exposed in the silk bag) tended to burn, violently , causing uncontrollable" flash fires" when ignited by nearby shell hits. In
- Gas. Liquid ammonia can also attack rubber and certain plastics. Ammonia reacts, violently ,with the halogens. Nitrogen trioxide, a primary high explosive, is formed when
- Civil Rights Movement, when majority whites bureaucratically, and at times, violently ,resisted protests for electoral and social reform. George Wallace, the state's
- Has pushed for enforced Islamic dress code and other traditions which, violently ,repress women. The president Ramzan Kadyrov is quoted as saying" I have the
- The 20th century, a conservative anti-imperialist movement, the Boxer Rebellion, violently ,revolted against foreign suppression over vast areas in Northern China. The
- Taken refuge, and was embracing the statue of the goddess as a supplicant. Ajax, violently ,dragged her away to the other captives. According to some writers, he even
- King quarrelled with the church, and particularly the Cistercians, almost as, violently ,as with his wife. As he defeated her, so he drove Archbishop Bernard into exile
- The Jehovah's Witnesses, have been subjected to harassment, sometimes, violently , All churches apart from the Armenian Apostolic Church must register with the
- Down the shank of the mouthpiece. He believed that it would be illogical to ", violently ,deflect" the air stream downward at the point of where the air moves past the
- Stops the reaction by forming the insoluble barium sulfate. It also reacts, violently ,with water according to the reaction:: Ba + 2 H2O → Ba (OH)2 + H2↑ Barium
- The traditionalist Jews and the Hellenized Jews in Jerusalem. These competed, violently ,over who would be the High Priest, with traditionalists with Hebrew/Aramaic
- At the Oakland-Berkeley city line and drew several thousand marchers, was not, violently ,interrupted by the California chapter of the notorious motorcycle gang, the
- Moon reveals the American flag, planted some from the descent stage, whipping, violently , in the exhaust of the ascent stage engine. Buzz Aldrin witnessed it topple: "
- An occupation of the main Post Office at Granville and Hastings which was, violently ,put down by the police and an effective imposition of martial law on the docks
- By having the mulatto's tongue cut out, marooning him on a coral reef and, violently ,killing Yellow Pete, the ship's Chinese cook, who represented the crew in
- Groups (" international relations" ) but has no inside authority, and may be, violently ,removed if he attempts to abuse this position. The most important French social
- First book of Edward VI. First used in 1637,it was never accepted, having been, violently ,rejected by the Scots. Following the Wars of the Three Kingdoms (including the
- Swineherd Tubules (they saw a girl being carried of into the earth which had, violently ,opened up, in a black chariot, driven by an invisible driver),she was called
- And enemies, rarely took the diplomatic approach and sometimes responded, violently ,verbally, which often undermined his cause. His associations were numerous and
- Similarly toxic. Precautions The alkali metals all react with water ever more, violently ,and thus should all be handled with great care. Of note is the toxicity of
- A difference between the two is that" Expressionism doesn't shun from the, violently ,unpleasant effect, while baroque does. Expressionism throws some terrific "
- Carcasses were burned in a series of piles south of town; townsfolk became, violently ,ill from the stench. Confederate retreat The armies stared at one another in a
- He was assassinated in February 1919. The Weimar Republic under Friedrich Ebert, violently ,suppressed workers' uprisings with the help of Gustav Nose and Reichswehr
- Westerners to achieve or maintain that popularity. Joan Ellen, recording the, violently ,negative reaction (in the 1970s) of the left-wing director NASA Shiva to
- Violent windstorm ", from the verb 'αïσσω (stem 'in-) =" I rush or move, violently ,". Akin to" καταιγίς" hurricane. # The shield of a deity as described above #
- A molecule excited by light, but could also start with two molecules colliding, violently ,in the traditional way classically previously proposed for initiation of
- Leaving him in a coma. From the psychic trauma of Xavier using his powers so, violently ,and the mixing of Magneto's and Xavier's repressed anger, Onslaught is born.
- Rules and equipment favored the" inside game" and the game was played more, violently ,and aggressively than it is today. This period ended in the 1920s with several
- In the light of his character and situation at the time, that Galois reacted, violently ,to the rejection letter, and decided to abandon publishing his papers through
- The high-density, over-compressed region rapidly depressurizes, exploding, violently , to set in train the sequence of events that produces the impact crater.
- Sex on the floor of Scarlet nightclub, and another scene involving Owen Turner, violently ,attacking Denise Fox, prompted 129 and 128 complaints, respectively. Carly and
- And countries, elections have been unfair, and political opponents have been, violently ,suppressed. In 2000,Belarus and Russia signed a treaty for greater cooperation
- At the fall of Troy, she sought shelter in the temple of Athena, where she was, violently ,abducted and raped by Ajax the Lesser. Cassandra was then taken as a concubine
- A republic was that the former became weaker as it got larger and suffered more, violently ,from the effects of faction, whereas a republic could get stronger as it got
- Back into a liquid by the discharge pressure. This imploding action occurs, violently ,and attacks the face of the impeller. An impeller that has been operating under
- Wallach, died. * 1499. Cormac, son of Dominant, son of Brian O'hugging, was, violently , killed with one shot of an arrow by the Clann-Feorais this year. Richard OG
- Was among his differences with Andreas Darmstadt as early as 1525. Calvin was, violently ,opposed to both cross and crucifix. In England the Royal Chapels of Elizabeth I
- Chile. At the same time, indigenous and peasant forces across the country, violently ,started to take control of agricultural lands, forcibly fulfilling Allende's
- A favorable view as to the American Revolution and the necessity at times to, violently ,overthrow the government. Thus, in April 1917,after the Russian Revolution but
- For any associated misconduct at the next stoppage of play. If a defender, violently ,attacks an opponent within the penalty area, a penalty shot is awarded. Certain
- And can be caused by protesting or behaving incorrectly, attacking an opponent, violently ,or stopping the ball incorrectly to get an advantage. The third time a player
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