Examples of the the word, wicked , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wicked ), is the 7947 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. From innate human nature. He believed that one should distance oneself from the, wicked , stating that such association increases disposition to vice. Anger, while
  2. Everywhere. ' Death and dementia shadow the album, tempered by tenderness and, wicked ,gallows humor. "" 'Po Boy ', scored for banjo with lounge chord jazz patterns
  3. Existence. The Zohar describes Gehenna not as a place of punishment for the, wicked ,but as a place of spiritual purification for souls. Reform and
  4. Designs, and for the protecting of himself and his adherents in his and their, wicked ,practices, to the same ends hath traitorously and maliciously levied war
  5. In the New Testament is the understanding that the resurrection of the, wicked ,will not be at the same time as that of the righteous. Revelation says: "
  6. The Divyavandana refers to Ashoka putting down a revolt due to activities of, wicked ,ministers. This may have been an incident in Bindusara's times. Taranatha's
  7. Annihilation or eternal torment, the nature of immortality,whether the, wicked ,are resurrected after the millennium, and whether the sanctuary of refers to
  8. The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the, wicked ,". God is strong and will use means, but a mighty God doesn't need anyone else
  9. Is unconscious sleep or consciousness, whether the ultimate punishment of the, wicked ,is annihilation or eternal torment, the nature of immortality,whether
  10. Their" king ", whom he calls Crocus, who " by the advice, it is said, of his, wicked ,mother, and overran the whole of the Gauls, and destroyed from their
  11. Augustus a Machiavellian ruler," a bloodthirsty indicative usurper ",", wicked ,and worthless "," a mean spirit ", and a" tyrant ". The measures of taxation
  12. To attend West Point saddened his mother, who felt that warfare was" rather, wicked ," but she did not overrule him. Eisenhower was baptized in the Presbyterian
  13. Why do you tolerate those who deal treacherously, and keep silent when the, wicked ,swallows up the man who is more righteous than he, ( World English Bible
  14. But that the good may not think it is a great good, God dispenses it even to the, wicked , " Ugliness is a property of a person or thing that is unpleasant to
  15. End of action. That Job should suffer and Socrates and Jesus die while the, wicked ,prosper, then seems unjust. Eudaemonists generally reply that the universe is
  16. Sentiment that smallpox was an inevitability for anyone, both the good and the, wicked , yet God had provided them with the means to save themselves. Mather reported
  17. Society possessing the land would be protected, whereas if they became, wicked ,they would be destroyed and replaced with a more righteous civilization. On the
  18. Is a place of eternal (or some religions, temporal ) torment for the, wicked , Similar places of torment and reward can be seen in Greek Mythology with
  19. Being a place of reward for the righteous and Tartarus being a place for the, wicked , Limbo or purgatory In the Roman Catholic Church limbo is the abode of
  20. Witnesses deny the existence of hell. Instead, they hold that the souls of the, wicked ,will be annihilated. Worship Justin Martyr described 2nd century Christian
  21. In addition to these miracles, there was the testimony of the daughter of the, wicked ,woman who had sold the child to the Jews. A regular judicial examination did
  22. Will eradicate all who oppose the kingdom of God and its rule, wiping out all, wicked ,human and spirit creatures on Earth, leaving only righteous mankind. They
  23. Dark. " Janet Marlin in The New York Times thought that" Mr. Burton creates a, wicked ,world of misfits, all of them rendered with the mixture of horror, sympathy and
  24. As if the vowels were in fact pronounced. For example, meaning “ Ahmed is a, wicked ,husband ”, for the purposes of Arabic grammar and orthography, is treated as if
  25. Him and the British deteriorated. Kitchener often complained about" that, wicked ,little Derive" and wanted to depose him. When the Ottoman Empire joined the
  26. Is righteous. However, the book warns of the evil that occurs when the king is, wicked ,and therefore suggests that it is not generally good to have a king. The book
  27. To share goodness such as compassion and good heart, although they may become, wicked , The Three Character Classic begins with" People at birth are naturally good (
  28. Spencer J. Connie, Liahona,-Church magazine – July 2003) " - - - unto the, wicked ,he did not go, and among the ungodly and the unrepentant - - his voice was not
  29. And I don't mean the Polish, : :Remember this — I don't mean the Polish -: :But, wicked ,little men of a counterfeit kind .... Aristophanes repeatedly savages Clean in
  30. Await resurrection in Paradise, the merely virtuous who await their reward,the, wicked ,who await punishment, and the wicked who have already been punished and will
  31. Teamed, often mentioned in the Qur'an as examples of God's power to destroy, wicked ,peoples. *" Pure Arabs" of South Arabia, descending from Nathan. The
  32. Satan is cast into the lake of fire. (20:10) ###The Last Judgment: the, wicked , along with death and Hades, are cast into the lake of fire. (20:11-15) ##The
  33. And violence. Hence, these words of David: In the morning I put to death all the, wicked ,of the land, that I might cut off all the workers of iniquity from the city of
  34. Burden and was relieved to be rid of his presence. Ali, grieved at hearing this, wicked ,taunt, told Muhammad what the local people were saying. In reply, the prophet
  35. The present Parliament, and the people therein represented ... ", that the ", wicked ,designs, wars,and evil practices of him, the said Charles Stuart, have been
  36. Examination did not take place; it is probable that the above-mentioned ", wicked ,woman" was the murderess. That a judicial murder was then and there committed
  37. Most commonly as mystical and benevolent, but also at times as sinister and, wicked , The mysteriousness of the land, and its otherworldly powers are a source of
  38. Established the Masada fortress. Under the name" King Yann ai" he appears as a, wicked ,tyrant in the Talmud, reflecting his conflict with the Pharisee party. He is
  39. He felt that Abraham did not need to go through the pain of seeing Esau's, wicked ,deeds. The Bible says he was buried by his sons Isaac and Ishmael in the Cave
  40. In the flesh of" both righteous and unrighteous" dead (but not the ", wicked ,"),based on Acts 24:15. Survivors of Armageddon and those who are resurrected
  41. Work. And I suffer because you think this. Otherwise, for the benefit of the, wicked , it was more proper to set a limit for their rage by my silence, rather than
  42. Believe that death is the price for sinning. Individuals judged by God to be, wicked , such as in the Great Flood or at Armageddon, are given no hope of an afterlife
  43. Visible church will be made up of" wheat" and" tares ", that is, good and, wicked ,people (as per Mat. 13:30),until the end of time. This concept countered the
  44. To turn him from his evil ways. But having failed to make him mend his, wicked ,ways, and,on the contrary, daily receiving more and more serious information
  45. Virtuous who await their reward, the wicked who await punishment, and the, wicked ,who have already been punished and will not be resurrected on Judgment Day. It
  46. Stages: in chapters 1-39 the prophet speaks of a judgment which will befall the, wicked ,Israelites; in chapters 40-55 the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple (587
  47. Against Troy, Aegisthus seduced Clytemnestra, the wife of Agamemnon, and was so, wicked ,as to offer up thanks to the gods for the success with which his criminal
  48. The end of the Impressionist period, she began to avoid Degas, against whose ", wicked ,tongue" she was unable to defend herself. Instead, she came to prefer the
  49. 3:14-15). Once again, Malachi has Yahweh assure the people that the, wicked ,will be punished and the faithful will be rewarded. In the light of what
  50. On Byron, but instead blamed Augusta Leigh:" I fear she is more inherently, wicked ,than he ever was ". This did not prevent Lovelace's mother from attempting to

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