Examples of the the word, specialization , in a Sentence Context

The word ( specialization ), is the 7962 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Level * greater connectivity to build larger, more parallel systems * more, specialization ,to aid in specific targeted markets Re-designing a CPU core to a smaller
  2. Evolution to find computer programs that perform a user-defined task. It is a, specialization ,of genetic algorithms (GA) where each individual is a computer program. It is
  3. By sector Education by, specialization ,or department Academic
  4. And economic developments. Thus, agrarianism is not industrial farming, with its, specialization ,on products and industrial scale. Agrarian theorists The name" agrarian" is
  5. Organizations with the wider conservation field, and within their area of, specialization , These organizations exist to" support the conservation professionals who
  6. Declarations to optimize compilation (such as function inclining or type, specialization ,) are proposed in the language specification. Most Common Lisp implementations
  7. Be most prominent in brain areas underlying the development of higher cognitive, specialization , * Disturbed neuronal migration during early gestation. * Unbalanced
  8. Also: specialization ). Hypernym and hyponym This kind of generalization versus, specialization ,(or particularization) is reflected in the mirror of the contrasting words of
  9. Of the division of labor as its cause. Therefore, while for Plato the level of, specialization ,determined by the division of labor was externally determined, for Smith it
  10. At the national level. Andalusian industry is also characterized by a, specialization ,in industrial activities of transforming raw agricultural and mineral materials
  11. Microtheories can inherit from each other and are organized in a hierarchy: one, specialization ,of #$MathMt is #$GeometryGMt, the microtheory about geometry. Inference engine
  12. A constant surface area to volume ratio. These folds may have led to the, specialization ,of internal membranes to maintain communication with the environment. In the
  13. Center delivered the 2008 convocation speech for Faculty of Science honors and, specialization ,students at the University of Alberta. A transcription of the speech is
  14. Among concrete examples of Modern human behavior, anthropologists include, specialization ,of tools, use of jewelry and images (such as cave drawings),organization
  15. Of that bodily specialization which constitutes the human brain, bodily, specialization , itself might be said to be outmoded. " A work that Server said anticipated
  16. Swordplay to a thrusting style ('joining' ). This was a result of increasing, specialization ,in their use on the dueling field, and the social stigma attached to carrying
  17. Chirality is not inherent to organic compounds. A topical theme within this, specialization ,is supra molecular coordination chemistry. Main group compounds These species
  18. The fact that countries follow their comparative advantage and allows for, specialization , For the modern development of Riparian model, see the subsection below:
  19. S successor, aid was reduced and Albania was encouraged to adopt Khrushchev's, specialization ,policy. Under this policy, Albania would develop its agricultural output in
  20. Areas of study, the explosion of knowledge in the scientific age has led to, specialization ,: by the end of the century there were hundreds of specialized areas in
  21. Featuring large mechanized armies and nuclear weapon strikes led to a degree of, specialization ,along two design approaches: interceptors, such as the English Electric
  22. Was much more pragmatic than modern humans. The teeth of A. radius lacked the, specialization ,of other apes, and suggest that it was a generalized omnivore and frugivore (
  23. And unlawful since it appeared a question of a title name conflict rather than, specialization ,or science advancement. A debate to modify this and other reforms, specially
  24. Evolutionist to recognize clearly that ... with the emergence of that bodily, specialization ,which constitutes the human brain, bodily specialization itself might be said
  25. Unlike Intel's approach, will refresh every year, putting focus on platform, specialization , The platform includes components as AMD processors, chipsets,ATI graphics and
  26. Costs as a result of potential economies through expanded output and regional, specialization , and attraction to new investment occurred as a result of the regional market
  27. Organizations encourage staff to communicate advice in their areas of, specialization ,in the hope that visitors will be impressed by the expert knowledge and free
  28. Example is the classification of finitely generated Abelian groups which is a, specialization ,of the structure theorem for finitely generated modules over a principal ideal
  29. The narrow meaning used by geochemists is one of the consequences of, specialization ,in modern science. Some might prefer the word exosphere, coined in the 1960s
  30. A mastery of knowledge and skills that define a particular area of medical, specialization , The American Board of Medical Specialties, a not-for-profit organization
  31. Buying of materials through long-term contracts),managerial (increasing the, specialization ,of managers),financial (obtaining lower-interest charges when borrowing from
  32. The sense of unity gradually was lost in the increasing fragmentation and, specialization ,of knowledge in the last two centuries. Modern usage The word consilience was
  33. As chromosomal aberrations that cause Down syndrome. An understanding of the, specialization ,of cells during embryogenesis has provided information on how stem cells
  34. And there are animals which are not birds (dogs, for instance). (See also:, specialization ,). Hypernym and hyponym This kind of generalization versus specialization (or
  35. Most commonly used by the RAAF. Subvariants of the P-40 N ranged widely in, specialization ,from stripped down four-gun" hot rods" which could reach the highest top
  36. 1820 The Gall–Peters projection, named after James Gall and Arno Peters, is one, specialization ,of a configurable equal-area map projection known as the equal-area cylindrical
  37. Evolution is common as a new field transitions from being an interdisciplinary, specialization ,among already-established fields, to being considered a field in itself. Much
  38. Possession or during timeouts. This restriction is intended to prevent early, specialization ,of players to offense or defense. Field players are allowed to
  39. Both normative and descriptive dimensions. As a corporate practice and a career, specialization , the field is primarily normative. Academics attempting to understand business
  40. The resources and opportunities of a large university while enabling the, specialization ,and personal attention afforded by the individual colleges. The Bachelor of
  41. Though the more traditional word barrister is still employed to denote the same, specialization , Judges of Canada's superior courts (which exist at the provincial and
  42. And international trade, which he thought could increase wealth through, specialization ,in production. He also opposed restrictive trade preferences, state grants of
  43. Level and higher, students tend to specialize in a particular field. Fields of, specialization ,include biochemistry, nuclear chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry
  44. Smith's theory in the context of business processes. Karl Marx Increasing the, specialization ,may also lead to workers with poorer overall skills and a lack of enthusiasm
  45. Of computation to a less frequently executed place (e.g., out of a loop),or, specialization ,of computation based on the context. The middle-end generates another IR for
  46. Long after their deaths. Herodotus remarked that there was a high degree of, specialization ,among Egyptian physicians, with some treating only the head or the stomach
  47. A land cover type classified as deciduous needle leaf trees in one dataset is a, specialization ,or subset of land cover type forest in another more roughly classified dataset
  48. Measured by its progress in agriculture, long-distance trade, occupational, specialization , and urbanism. Aside from these core elements, civilization is often marked by
  49. Been emerging as its own discipline rather than a cross-disciplinary hybrid, specialization ,of other disciplines; now, BME programs of study at all levels are becoming
  50. Offered on more focused topics. Some U. S. law schools also offer an LLM or JSD, specialization ,in environmental law. Additionally, several law schools host legal clinics that

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