Examples of the the word, embarrass , in a Sentence Context

The word ( embarrass ), is the 7948 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tried investigative journalism next but quit after realizing he did not like to, embarrass ,people. Harris believes that filmmakers can construct a cinéma vérité film
  2. Popularis leaders the rulers of the state, Marcus Licenses Crass us, in order to, embarrass ,Pompey, or even Pompey himself, to fulfill his obligation to provide land for
  3. Two days are given to the debate of opposition motions. These normally try to, embarrass ,the government and are widely covered in the media. The government and its
  4. To ban certain books it perceives to contain material that could threaten, embarrass , or criticize it. Other leaders outside the government have banned books
  5. Noted, however,that Kirkland may have misrepresented the Talmud in order to, embarrass ,his Rabbinate opponents with evidence of dualism. On the other hand
  6. The bachelor is amused with the knowledge that in the future the children will, embarrass ,their guardian by begging to be told" an improper story ". = In Saki's
  7. Which to obtain the party food. Reggie's pranks are usually harmless, meant to, embarrass ,his victims rather than actually hurt them. In one incident when he tried to
  8. Hitler was said to have been sure that Rudolf Dismay and Adolf Wagner would, embarrass ,all other opponents. Hitler was so impressed by El Touni's domination in the
  9. Of bias, and asks why the perpetrators did not reveal their plot earlier to, embarrass ,the newspaper. He also claimed that plastic wood did not exist in 1934 (when
  10. Theorized that Oswald had used the 544 Camp Street address on his literature to, embarrass ,Guy. " Guy Banister's secretary, Delphine Roberts, told author Anthony Summers
  11. Accomplished singer and asks her to perform; Andy is trepidation that she will, embarrass ,him, but she proves to be a fantastic singer and quickly wins over the crowd
  12. Her long hair would catch in the ship's ropes, she cut off most of her hair to, embarrass ,her father into taking her, thus earning her the nickname" Grain Hall" (;
  13. Representatives in the lame duck House session seized upon the opportunity to, embarrass ,their opposition and attempted to elect Burr over Jefferson. The House
  14. That Thompson had made defamatory, false statements and attempted to humiliate, embarrass , harass or intimidate his opponents. The order was made on September 25, 2008
  15. Fashion; they knock on the doors of shopkeepers, while dancing and singing, and, embarrass , them into paying. Recently, hijras have started to found organizations to
  16. With Vice-Chancellor William Mulock, for whom the strike provided a chance to, embarrass ,his rivals Chancellor Blake and President London. King failed to gain his
  17. Of his radical period. This was instigated by his enemies in an attempt to, embarrass ,the Poet Laureate and highlight his apostasy from radical poet to supporter of
  18. Event. To that extent, many Norwegians wanted to win this event in order to, embarrass ,the Italians on their home turf, but it was not to be as Italy crushed the
  19. Advertisements which claimed that Parker Pens" won't leak in your pocket and, embarrass ,you" was mistranslated to" No the embarazará chorreándose en TU bouillon "
  20. Lied to the American public. The secrets disclosed in the Pentagon Papers might, embarrass ,politicians, might hurt the profits of corporations wanting tin, rubber,oil
  21. Stuart on the English throne, so if Shakespeare wished to use Old castle to, embarrass ,the Cob hams, he seems unlikely to have done so on religious grounds. The
  22. Love other Jews #To love converts #Not to hate fellow Jews #To a sinner #Not to, embarrass ,others #Not to oppress the weak #Not to speak derogatorily of others #Not to
  23. Competing suitors from attempting to earn more of her affection or trying to, embarrass ,each other in front of her. Daisy can be counted on to be making regular
  24. Antonius Hybrid cos. 63 BC. This would have allowed him ample opportunity to, embarrass ,Pompey. Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov (, ) was a Russian composer, and
  25. As a child, she thought she was" ugly" and later remembered wanting not to, embarrass ,her father, when he was dressed in his Sunday best, by walking down the street
  26. Benny was a serious, dedicated violinist who could play aside Stern and not, embarrass ,himself. Death In October 1974,Benny canceled a performance in Dallas after
  27. Inhuman act ". To state:" the term genocide ... had obviously been chosen to, embarrass ,Israel rather than out of any concern with legal precision ". Recommended his
  28. Has a meaning similar to the English. (In medical English, however,", embarrass ," retains a meaning much more general than in the language as a whole:
  29. The consultant psychiatrist. She is described as very old-fashioned and easy to, embarrass , She has previously worked in Africa and her direct contact with the patients
  30. Replied," You don't compare anyone to Johnny Bench. You don't want to, embarrass ,anybody ". He bounced back to hit 31 home runs and 109 RBI's in 1977,but the
  31. Their books. The writers of Atlanta Nights, a deliberately bad book intended to, embarrass ,the publishing firm Publish America, used the pen name Travis Tea. Sometimes
  32. By Moro-Giafferi in Paris),and that he would reveal them in court. This would, embarrass ,both the com Reith family and the Foreign Ministry. It was also learned that com
  33. Blaming the world's the richest man in an attempt to perpetuate himself, embarrass ,the government and get lucrative deals from the machine consortium's
  34. S details, the Nixon administration claimed that the North was attempting to, embarrass ,the President. The negotiations became deadlocked. Hanoi demanded new changes.
  35. Bouts of outrage and hysteria, and her exhibitions of southern charm often, embarrass ,her two daughters, Zoey and Rachel. Bill has a civil relationship with her
  36. Amount of evidence to suggest that Christie planned the entire disappearance to, embarrass ,her husband, never thinking it would escalate into the melodrama it became. The
  37. This" passive cover-up" is often justified by the motive of not wanting to, embarrass ,the culprit or expose them to criminal prosecution or even the belief that the
  38. Is arranged for this very day. Figaro, Susanna,and the Countess conspire to, embarrass ,the Count and expose his scheming. He responds by trying to compel Figaro
  39. But he is ordered by his superiors to remain silent, as this revelation would, embarrass ,them. He is quickly reassigned to a distant post. Years go by. Finally, Dreyfus
  40. But is actually from the opposing side. It is typically used to vilify, embarrass ,or misrepresent the enemy. Black propaganda contrasts with gray propaganda, the
  41. He did not care if every man drowned and the ship sank, but that he would not, embarrass ,his allies. This is, to the best of my ability, what I recall transpiring 30
  42. Probably vote for the amendment. Historians speculate that Smith was trying to, embarrass ,northern Democrats who opposed civil rights for women because the clause was
  43. Investigation campaign actively sought information which might, embarrass ,politicians who supported impeachment. According to the British newspaper The
  44. Suggested that the settlement reached by the Harper government was designed to, embarrass ,the Liberals, on whose watch Arab was allegedly deported and tortured. Arar's
  45. If he simply did not like his wife, but this was generally avoided as it would, embarrass ,the samurai who had arranged the marriage. A woman could also arrange a divorce
  46. Is indirectly derived from the Spanish word. The first recorded usage of, embarrass ,in English was in 1664 by Samuel Pepys in his diary. The word was derived from
  47. Executive, initially said no to dating Hop pus:" Tom Belong always used to, embarrass ,me. Any girl he’d talk to, he’d say,'Hey, you want to go on a date with Mark? '
  48. S call for the complete abolition of tithes in 1838,as he felt he could not, embarrass ,the Whigs (the Litchfield house compact secured an alliance between Whigs
  49. Flown out of Africa on the eve of Kenya's independence because they" might, embarrass ,Her Majesty's Government ". " Embarrassment hardly covers it," remarked a
  50. Career he took the pseudonym Offs so that, should he fail, it wouldn't, embarrass ,his garment-manufacturer father. He started his career as a stage actor in 1919

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