Examples of the the word, anthrax , in a Sentence Context

The word ( anthrax ), is the 7957 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Release in Keypad: In June 1993 the religious group AUM Shinrikyo released, anthrax ,in Tokyo. Eyewitnesses reported a foul odor. The attack was a total failure
  2. People (and/or animals) exposed but not yet ill. For example in the case of, anthrax , it is likely that by 24 – 36 hours after an attack, some small percentage of
  3. Now Yekaterinburg) in the Soviet Union in 1979,sheep became ill with, anthrax ,as far as 200 kilometers from the release point of the organism from a military
  4. 2001 - USA - Anthrax Attacks: In September and October 2001,several cases of, anthrax ,broke out in the United States in the 2001 anthrax attacks, caused deliberately
  5. Attack in the United States in the 20th century.; 1993 - Japan - AUM Shinrikyo, anthrax ,release in Keypad: In June 1993 the religious group AUM Shinrikyo released
  6. Has a high mortality rate, and could be easily obtained. Also, variants of the, anthrax ,bacterium can be found all around the world making it the biological weapon of
  7. Production facility (Military Compound 19),Sverdlovsk, a weaponized, anthrax ,center Japan Iraq: Main articles: Iraqi biological weapons program and Iraq and
  8. Urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis due to E. coli and inhalation, anthrax , Although claimed to be effective, ciprofloxacin is not to be considered a
  9. And Argentina. In Finland, saboteurs mounted on reindeer placed ampules of, anthrax ,in stables of Russian horses in 1916. Anthrax was also supplied to the German
  10. Then humans. Indeed, in the largest biological weapons accident known – the, anthrax ,outbreak in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) in the Soviet Union in 1979,sheep
  11. Y. Pestis have been put forward. Twigs suggested that the cause was a form of, anthrax ,and N. F. Cantor (2001) thought it may have been a combination of anthrax and
  12. Was the founder of cellular pathology, while Robert Koch developed vaccines for, anthrax , cholera, and tuberculosis. The Charité hospital complex is the largest
  13. Complex) causes the disease tuberculosis, Bacillus anthracite causes, anthrax , and Vibrato cholera causes cholera. This line of thinking and evidence is
  14. Can be protected with suitable antibiotics. A large-scale attack using, anthrax ,would require the creation of aerosol particles of 1.5 to 5 microns. Too large
  15. Eaton, Florida,figured prominently in news headlines in late 2001,after an, anthrax ,attack was perpetrated on the company. Since then the corporate headquarters
  16. War, German agents were arrested attempting to inoculate draft animals with, anthrax , and they were believed to be responsible for outbreaks of Flanders in horses
  17. Effects than on the target. However, this argument is in error. For example, anthrax ,can easily be controlled and even created in a garden shed. Also, using
  18. Tract infections and pyelonephritis due to Escherichia coli, and inhalation, anthrax ,(postexposure),and levofloxacin was recently licensed for the treatment of
  19. 2001,several cases of anthrax broke out in the United States in the 2001, anthrax , attacks,caused deliberately. Letters laced with infectious anthrax were
  20. 1.04 billion. " The sale of ciprofloxacin increased dramatically following the, anthrax ,scare of 2001. On 24 October 2002,the Bush Administration (2001–2009)
  21. Of Flanders in horses and mules. The British tainted small feed cakes with, anthrax ,in the Second World War as a potential means of attacking German cattle for
  22. With $12 per person treated with doxycycline, the drug normally used to treat, anthrax , a difference of $192. Generic equivalents On 24 October 2001,The Prescription
  23. To news media offices and the U. S Congress. The letters killed 5. Tests on the, anthrax ,strain used in the attack pointed to a domestic source, possibly from the
  24. Of anthrax and N. F. Cantor (2001) thought it may have been a combination of, anthrax ,and other pandemics. Scott and Duncan have argued that the pandemic was a form
  25. Closely related to B. cars, a soil bacterium, and B. anthracite, the cause of, anthrax ,: the three organisms differ mainly in their plasmids. Like other members of the
  26. The biological weapon of choice in the early 19th century. Another property of, anthrax ,that helped fuel its use as a biological weapon is its poor ability to spread
  27. And levofloxacin was recently licensed for the treatment of inhalation, anthrax ,(postexposure). However, the fluoroquinolones are licensed to treat lower
  28. Person to person. 20th century By the time World War I began, attempts to use, anthrax ,were directed at animal populations. This generally proved to be ineffective.
  29. In those without a spleen, and for both the prevention and treatment of, anthrax , The UK however does not recommend its use for infectious endocarditis
  30. Help with exploiting phages for counteracting bioweapons and toxins, such as, anthrax ,and botulism. There are many developments with this amongst research groups in
  31. Tract infections, cellulitis,urinary tract infections, prostatitis, anthrax , android, among others. *Urinary tract infections (not recommended as a
  32. Crisis. * 1990 – Guitar Island, Scotland,is officially declared free of the, anthrax ,disease after 48 years of quarantine. *1993 – An IRA bomb devastates the
  33. The spores recovered from the attack showed that they were identical to an, anthrax ,vaccine strain given to animals at the time. These vaccine strains are missing
  34. In the process of wallowing, bison may become infected by the fatal disease, anthrax , which may occur naturally in the soil. The bison's temperament is often
  35. Received by members of the United States Congress and media outlets containing, anthrax ,spores: the attack killed five people. The identity of the perpetrator remained
  36. To person, and thus rarely if ever causes secondary infections. A pulmonary, anthrax ,infection starts with ordinary influenza-like symptoms and progresses to a
  37. Bumped into a suitcase, the media briefly reported it as a sign of cutaneous, anthrax ,and a possible link to the 2001 anthrax attacks, although FBI later addressed
  38. Significant enhancement in biological weapon development was the first use of, anthrax , Anthrax effectiveness was initially limited to victims of large dosages. This
  39. In the 2001 anthrax attacks, caused deliberately. Letters laced with infectious, anthrax ,were delivered to news media offices and the U. S Congress. The letters killed
  40. Development programs in 1941 that resulted in the weaponizations of tularemia, anthrax , brucellosis, and botulism toxin. The center for United States military BY
  41. Disease caused by the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus anthracite. An, anthrax ,vaccine does exist but requires many injections for stable use. When discovered
  42. From taking the antibiotic ciprofloxacin (Cipro) in the aftermath of the, anthrax ,attacks in 2001. The adverse effects included; tendon rupture, seizures
  43. Remained unknown until 2008,when a primary suspect was named. See 2001, anthrax , attacks. BY operations Offensive It has been argued that rational people would
  44. Regarding the use of ciprofloxacin as a first line agent in treating, anthrax ,due to the unacceptable risk documented within the Antimicrobial Postexposure
  45. Ciprofloxacin is not to be considered a first line agent for inhalation, anthrax ,in the pediatric population. The CDC revoked its recommendation regarding the
  46. Reported it as a sign of cutaneous anthrax and a possible link to the 2001, anthrax , attacks,although FBI later addressed the rumors stating that" Exhaustive
  47. Species are considered medically significant: B. anthracite, which causes, anthrax , and B. cars, which causes a foodborne illness similar to that of
  48. Data available to local public health officials in real time, most models of, anthrax ,epidemics indicate that more than 80 % of an exposed population can receive
  49. Does exist but requires many injections for stable use. When discovered early, anthrax ,can be cured by administering antibiotics (such as.; n laboratories. Some
  50. Addressed the rumors stating that" Exhaustive testing did not support that, anthrax ,was present anywhere the hijackers had been. " On July 10 Hawaii obtained a

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