Examples of the the word, dread , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dread ), is the 7953 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To die or pass out. Emotional effects may include" feelings of apprehension or, dread , trouble concentrating, feeling tense or jumpy, anticipating the worst
  2. Emphasised that" There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not, dread ,the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous
  3. S impulse to cram every inch of infinity with hard guitar meat and absolute, dread ,". And 1996,as well as in 2006,after the term came into popularity. Musical
  4. During the late 18th and 19th century, feelings of horror and supernatural, dread ,were widespread motifs in popular literature; the process continues in the
  5. Rastaban" ( Sugar Minot); and as Morgan Heritage sings:" You don't half, dread ,to be Rasta ... ", and " Children of Selassie I,don't lose your faith;
  6. Hades and dread Persephone" ( 9,569) ***"And come to the house of Hades and, dread ,Persephone to seek sooth saying of the spirit of Theban Tiresias. To him
  7. Theme of existentialist thought, as is the focus on the feelings of anxiety and, dread ,that we feel in the face of our own radical freedom and our awareness of death.
  8. To repression, which Sigmund Freud had linked with the development of morbid, dread , Jones surmised in this case the original wish of a (sexual) reunion may be
  9. Floating hair!: Weave a circle round him thrice, : And close your eyes with holy, dread ,: For he on honey-dew hath fed, : And drunk the milk of Paradise. (lines 48-54
  10. Disorder that predominantly affects children, causing feelings of terror or, dread , Night terrors should not be confused with nightmares, which are bad dreams
  11. Army would march" at daybreak" and dine on" cold meat ", that he began to, dread ,those two phrases. While on campaign, he seldom ate anything between breakfast
  12. Dilation. Someone who has anxiety might also experience it as a sense of, dread ,or panic. Although panic attacks are not experienced by every person who has
  13. Tend badly to underrate them" ( italics added). This question results:" Has, dread ,of the split infinitive led the writer to attach the adverbs 'absurdly' and
  14. Of horror fiction," terror" and" horror. " Whereas terror is a feeling of, dread ,that takes place before an event happens, horror is a feeling of revulsion or
  15. Lay Erebus, which could be taken for an euphony of Hades, whose own name was, dread , There were two pools, that of Lethe, where the common souls flocked to erase
  16. Tells her she is in the thrall of infernal forces, Marina collapses in, dread , Ranging demands her obedience. Scene 2: Mniszech's Castle in Sandier. A
  17. Navy have borne the name HMS Dreadnought in the expectation that they would ", dread ,bought ",i.e." fear nothing, but God ". The 1906 ship was one of the Royal
  18. To put aside their differences (largely because of mutual hatred and growing, dread ,of the SA or Sturmabteilung) and Göring transferred full authority over the
  19. It can be claimed, human lives would be unbearable if every choice facilitated, dread ,), but that doesn't change the fact that freedom remains a condition of every
  20. Philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, in The Concept of Anxiety, described anxiety or, dread ,associated with the" dizziness of freedom" and suggested the possibility for
  21. Rastafarian may be referred to simply as a" dread locks" or" natty (natural), dread ,". As important and connected with the movement as the wearing of locks is
  22. Influential in Gothic novels. It not only evokes the atmosphere of horror and, dread , but also portrays the deterioration of its world. The decaying, ruined scenery
  23. Culture professed a religion and/or running joke involving the worship of the, dread ,god Finagle and his mad prophet Murphy. " Finagle's Law" can also be the
  24. Is insufficient; the insufficiency gives rise to the emotions of anxiety and, dread , felt in facing one's radical freedom, and the concomitant awareness of death.
  25. Man mask, and the other two, keyboardist " Chuck" and guitarist" Bob ", wore, dread , lock wigs and some kind of illuminated optical gear over their faces. The songs
  26. Of these things essentially. Angst" Existential" Angst, sometimes called, dread , anxiety or even anguish is a term that is common to many existentialists
  27. Shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep, Where the foe’s haughty host in, dread ,silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep, As it
  28. To put aside their differences—largely because of mutual hatred and growing, dread ,of the Sturmabteilung (SA)—and Göring transferred full authority over the
  29. Popular slogans, often incorporated within reggae lyrics, include:" Not every, dread ,is a Rasta and not every Rasta is a dread ... ";" It's not the dread upon
  30. References ***"the gods fulfilled his curse, even Zeus of the nether world and, dread ,Persephone. " (9,line 457; A. T. Murray, trans ) ***"Althea prayed instantly
  31. Respecting its form, covering or habits; they appear to have been in such, dread ,of it as to have been unable to take note of its characteristics. " However
  32. Is not fully related in any surviving myth. The Iliad reduced the figure of the, dread ,goddess to that of a girl, who,having been thrashed by Hera, climbs weeping
  33. S second war against Licenses in 324,the latter developed a superstitious, dread ,of Constantine's standard. During the attack of Constantine's troops at the
  34. Queen of the Underworld There is an archaic role for Persephone as the, dread ,queen of the Underworld, whose very name it was forbidden to speak. As goddess
  35. Reggae lyrics, include:" Not every dread is a Rasta and not every Rasta is a, dread ,... ";" It's not the dread upon your head, but the love Anna your heart, that
  36. Kierkegaard used the word Angst (in common Danish, angst,meaning ", dread ," or" anxiety" ) to describe a profound and deep-seated spiritual condition
  37. Dylan's 1963 Masters of War and A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall articulated the, dread ,caused by the threat of nuclear war. A key text is Jeff Nuttall's book Bomb
  38. Beat with her hands upon the all-nurturing earth, calling upon Hades and, dread ,Persephone" ( 9,569) ***"And come to the house of Hades and dread
  39. God reverses the covenant made with Noah in which he said," The fear and the, dread ,of you will be on every beast of the earth, on every bird of the air, on all
  40. Landlords in Ireland used their powers without remorse, and the people lived in, dread ,of them. In these circumstances, Woodham-Smith writes" industry and enterprise
  41. 1945),an homage to the classic Faust with modern theories and Lovecraft, dread ,;“ Promised Land” ( February 1950) and“ Heir Apparent” ( July 1950) both
  42. Aside their differences (largely because of their shared hatred and growing, dread ,of the Sturmabteilung). Göring transferred full authority over the Gestapo to
  43. Gel mires and Burning, virtually princes within their territories, had reason to, dread ,the extension of Urraca's authority. It was arranged that Theresa should be
  44. The ‘ implosion of meaning ’, the collapse of cultural hierarchies,the, dread ,engendered by the threat of nuclear self-destruction, the decline of the
  45. Of the fool in myth and history, and ruminations on the mingling of ecstasy and, dread ,in the Information Age, Dery asserts the evil clown is an icon of our times.
  46. Every dread is a Rasta and not every Rasta is a dread ... ";" It's not the, dread ,upon your head, but the love Anna your heart, that me ya Rastaban" ( Sugar
  47. Finding meaning in freedom. To try to suppress their feelings of anxiety and, dread , people confine themselves within everyday experience, Sartre asserts, thereby
  48. Physically ill as she prepared to film her scenes, and attributed it to her, dread ,of performing. He commented," Very few people experience terror. We all
  49. A glimpse of the forbidden thing, and therefore turned his amazed eyes from the, dread ,spectacle of the roads that he journeyed. " Additionally, in book II, Biarco
  50. Closed this message with" I look forward without dogmatic optimism but without, dread , I love you all, and I deeply implore you to keep the lasagna flying. Please

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