Examples of the the word, discrete , in a Sentence Context

The word ( discrete ), is the 7954 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Require highly optimized algorithms,e.g. linear algebra with BIAS or, discrete ,cosine transformation (e.g. SIMS assembly version from x264) * no high-level
  2. May be useful when, for example, multiple processing units may be assigned to, discrete ,parts of the input. Chan's method for estimating the mean is numerically
  3. Zone of what is generally called" Midland" speech. This is divided into two, discrete ,subdivisions, the North Midland that begins north of the Ohio River valley area
  4. Reactor, so nuclear scientists will analyze neutron activation to develop, discrete ,measurements within vast samples. A matrix can have a considerable effect on
  5. Splashdown and MX Rider. On May 7,2003,InnoGames had its majority-owned, but, discrete , US subsidiary InnoGames NA officially renamed Atari, Inc., renamed its
  6. This is the most common conception, and it attempts to describe a task in, discrete ," mechanical" means. Unique to this conception of formalized algorithms is
  7. Conjugate and * represents convolution. For a real function, \overlie = f. The, discrete ,autocorrelation R at lag j for a discrete signal x_n is: R_ (j) = \sum_n x_n\
  8. Right)^ = 1 and: P VS P_0 V_0^ P VS\gamma = \operator name. Derivation of, discrete ,formula The change in internal energy of a system, measured from state 1 to
  9. Order): #Topological tensor products and nuclear spaces #"Continuous" and ", discrete ," duality (derived categories and" six operations" ). #Yoga of the
  10. This notion to four elements: (i) discrete , distinguishable locations, ( ii), discrete , indistinguishable counters (iii) an agent, and (iv) a list of instructions
  11. Itself to statistics to a greater degree than many other sports. Each play is, discrete ,and has a relatively small number of possible outcomes. In the late nineteenth
  12. Of most modern fields of geometry, including algebraic, differential, discrete , and computational geometry. Usually the Cartesian coordinate system is applied
  13. A real function, \overlie = f. The discrete autocorrelation R at lag j for a, discrete ,signal x_n is: R_ (j) = \sum_n x_n\, \overlie_. The above definitions work
  14. Additive techniques. By calculating the frequency and amplitude weighting of, discrete ,partials in the frequency domain (typically using a fast Fourier transform)
  15. Used tallying: accumulating stones or marks scratched on sticks, or making, discrete ,symbols in clay. Through the Babylonian and Egyptian use of marks and symbols
  16. Same electrical charge as the electron particle. Each wave state has a single, discrete ,spin (spin up or spin down). Visualizing atomic orbitals intuitively Despite
  17. Index combinations, it is the dimension of the space of which its domain is a, discrete ,subset. Thus, a one-dimensional array is a list of data, a two-dimensional array
  18. Orbited the nucleus with classical periods, but were only permitted to have, discrete ,values angular momentum. It was noted by Bohr that the existence of any sort of
  19. 1835) In probability theory and statistics, the binomial distribution is the, discrete ,probability distribution of the number of successes in a sequence of n
  20. Difference in g has a biological component. Human races are viewed not as, discrete , or Platonic, categories,but rather as breeding populations that, as a result
  21. Data mining, image processing, modeling and simulation, signal processing, discrete ,mathematics, control and system theory, circuit theory, and statistics, for
  22. Twenty had diffuse bleeding and 10 had bleeding from a site. Diffuse, but not, discrete , bleeding was associated with the preoperative use of aspirin alone or in
  23. Points, and are assumed to vary continuously from one point to another,the, discrete ,molecular nature of a gas is ignored. The continuity assumption becomes less
  24. In a process referred to as karyorrhexis. The nucleus breaks into several, discrete ,chromatin bodies or nucleosome units due to the degradation of DNA. #The cell
  25. At each point in time, the value of the signal must be above or below some, discrete ,threshold. For example, in sound recording, fluctuations in air pressure (that
  26. By the IEEE 1541 Standard (2002) ). History The encoding of data by, discrete ,bits was used in the punched cards invented by Basil Bourbon and Jean-Baptiste
  27. And oxides. Atoms can also combine to create materials that do not consist of, discrete ,molecules, including crystals and liquid or solid metals. Name pidwirnyf/>
  28. Notion of the calculus ratiocination (ca 1680): Mechanical contrivances with, discrete ,states The clock: Bolter credits the invention of the weight-driven clock as "
  29. Is a theory of the nature of matter, which states that matter is composed of, discrete ,units called atoms, as opposed to the obsolete notion that matter could be
  30. Velocity of the spinning motion (as above). The same result is true if the, discrete ,point masses discussed above are replaced by a continuous distribution of
  31. English-speaking market for recorded music is to establish whether the, discrete ,musical genres we know from that market are fully congruent with similar
  32. 1994,divides the history of administrative law in the United States into six, discrete ,periods, according to his book, Administrative Law & Regulatory Policy (3d Ed.
  33. And Albert Einstein postulated that light energy is emitted or absorbed in, discrete ,amounts known as quanta (singular, quantum ). In 1913,Niels Bohr incorporated
  34. That represents continuous quantities, even though this data is represented by, discrete ,approximations—such algorithms are studied in numerical analysis; or # An
  35. Postulates introduced by Planck and developed by Einstein would explain the, discrete ,motion of electrons in atoms, and the periodic table of the elements. Einstein
  36. Its objective usage — as in" a being," or" a human being" — it refers to a, discrete ,life form that has properties of mind (sentience),which are deemed to
  37. Bkn = run sin (AKN): run is the amplitude envelope of the kith harmonic at, discrete ,time n, : AKN is the instantaneous phase function of the kith harmonic at
  38. A computer (or human" computer" ) is a restricted type of machine, a ", discrete ,deterministic mechanical device" that blindly follows its instructions. Melba
  39. Into northern Arabia and Parthia. Biblical Aramaic is the Aramaic found in four, discrete ,sections of the Hebrew Bible: * Ezra 4:8–6:18 and 7:12–26 – documents from the
  40. Time n, : AKN is the instantaneous phase function of the kith harmonic at, discrete ,time n, : FS is the sampling frequency, : f0 is the fundamental frequency of the
  41. To n 5 for j = 1 to i 6 print i 7 print" Done! " A given computer will take a, discrete ,amount of time to execute each of the instructions involved with carrying out
  42. Additive synthesis models any periodic or quasi-periodic tone or sound in the, discrete ,time domain can be synthesized as follows:: in = \franc a_0n + \sum_^ a_kn
  43. Technology evolve from crossbar electromechanical relay-based technology and, discrete ,transistor logic to Bell Labs-developed thick film hybrid and
  44. At a specific point of a paper card or tape. The first electrical devices for, discrete ,logic (such as elevator and traffic light control circuits, telephone switches
  45. S and Lambek's primitive models reduced this notion to four elements: (i), discrete , distinguishable locations, ( ii) discrete , indistinguishable counters (iii)
  46. The values of an antiderivative evaluated at the endpoints of the interval. The, discrete ,equivalent of the notion of antiderivative is antidifference. Example The
  47. Telegraph, the precursor of the telephone, was in use throughout the world, its, discrete , and distinguishable encoding of letters as" dots and dashes" a common sound.
  48. N\, \log (n) efficiency, but with lower memory requirements. Estimation For a, discrete ,process of length n defined as \ with known mean and variance, an estimate of
  49. R_kn \cos\left (\franc n + \phi_kn \right) where: in is the output sample at, discrete ,time n, : AKN = run cos (AKN): BKN = run sin (AKN): run is the amplitude
  50. Converter (A/D),a circuit which converts continuous analog signals to, discrete ,digital values * Active Disassembly, a technology supporting the cost-effective

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