Examples of the the word, reiterate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reiterate ), is the 7963 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Having to clear up misunderstandings later on. Then, take what was heard and, reiterate ,in your own words, and ask them if that’s what they meant. Barriers to
  2. Cette frontier n'a done Jamie etc définitivement arrested. " (The ministers, reiterate ,that no Quebec government has ever formally recognized the drawing of the
  3. Which is to say, explained by an extensive general theory. Again, to, reiterate , it should be pointed out that such judgments about what is or is not
  4. The name" Rally of Peace" ( Reichsparteitag DES Fried ens). It was meant to, reiterate ,the German desire for peace, both to the German population and to other
  5. Of Spring, on the 7th day of the month of Vision, his birthday. This also would, reiterate ,the absences of the great goddess Demeter in winter also, which would have been
  6. Have always been in a minority within the African elephant range states. To, reiterate ,this point 19 African countries signed the" Accra declaration" in 2006
  7. Of Venezuela and Ecuador were being established, the isthmus would again, reiterate ,its independence, now under the same General Azure as supreme military
  8. Interview, Somers denied rumors that she had suffered from cancer. She would, reiterate ,that point in future interviews. Homers had a naturally husky voice that might
  9. Their employers. Hill quit replied that he had no new message rather than to, reiterate ,a belief in a two-sided workers' movement, with separate and equal political and
  10. Winner either, so we can't support them too much. " Square Enix continued to, reiterate ,their devotion to multi-platform publishing in 2007,promising more support for
  11. He and Al-Qaeda caused the deaths of countless Muslims worldwide. We also, reiterate ,President Obama's clear statement tonight that the United States is not at war
  12. Answers are both provided by the organization, placing pressure on members to, reiterate ,its opinions. Former Witnesses Heather and Gary Batting claimed Witnesses" are
  13. A Great Assembly to celebrate the 66th anniversary of the founding of NU and to, reiterate ,the organization's support for Fantasia. Zahid had planned for the event to
  14. As a prescription for policy. For the rest of his life, Kennan continued to, reiterate ,that the article did not imply an automatic commitment to resist Soviet
  15. O' skew on t' treadle. " When questioned as to his meaning, he attempts to, reiterate ,it's using Received Pronunciation:" One of the cross-beams has gone out of skew
  16. The Loyal JIRA (Grand Council). The foreign minister takes the opportunity to, reiterate ,the government's determination to maintain neutrality and to follow a peaceful
  17. Thereby enabling him to become socially mobile, he effectively has worked to, reiterate ,and reproduce the stratification of society, as social capital has done little
  18. To Arizona. Mobley and Brahman held an impromptu news conference to publicly, reiterate ,the warning. Arizona's voters rejected the 1990 initiative to create a King
  19. That this element of Mr Donovan's complaint should be upheld, and we, reiterate ,that the inclusion of material of a party political nature is not permissible
  20. And in a reply to Dr. Hobson, Douglas restated his central thesis:" To, reiterate ,categorically, the theorem criticized by Mr. Hobson: the wages, salaries and
  21. Modern European law on witchcraft. Strabo, Gaius Accents and Cassius Did all, reiterate ,the traditional Roman opposition against sorcery and divination, and Tacitus
  22. That the converse of these facts are also true (therein lies the fallacy). To, reiterate , these arguments ignore the fact, and difficulty, that some true things may
  23. Taken to adopt a standard script, although successive governments continued to, reiterate ,their intention to resolve the issue. On coming to power, the SRC made clear
  24. Programming designed to tap into humans' basic instincts with stories that, reiterate ,what makes humans human. Programming Recent additions to the channel, such as
  25. Was gone and his relief now that is safely back. Homer even uses a simile to, reiterate ,the father-son relationship between Telemachus and Numbers. He says, : " And as
  26. K, which are the normal second-step of the BO equations discussed above. We, reiterate ,that when two or more potential energy surfaces approach each other, or even
  27. S responsibility to protect the public health.: Dr. Novella said:: :“I want to, reiterate ,that the welfare of the children of your community is our common goal and that
  28. In prison for three days. On the third day, he brought them out of prison to, reiterate ,that he wanted their youngest brother to come to Egypt to verify their
  29. To more than A results of the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), reiterate , Warwick’s status as one of the UK’s leading research universities, with Warwick
  30. Not \implies (p + \franc) (Van) NRT. Other thermodynamic parameters We, reiterate ,that the extensive volume V is related to the volume per particle v/N where N
  31. Play. Even after this initial introduction, however,the Vice will continually, reiterate ,to the audience that his nature is diabolic. Very often, the Vice presented
  32. Toward modernization programs that has persisted. Reagan would subsequently, reiterate ,his points at the 1964 Republican National Convention, in his speech" A Time
  33. Benedict XII (1334–42). In 1344,Clement VI (1342–52) found it necessary to, reiterate ,the earlier decrees. Between 1363-1370,it at last became possible for
  34. And construction of the MSC facility was under way, Kennedy visited Rice to, reiterate ,his challenge in a famous speech: Choosing a mission mode Once Kennedy had
  35. Is how Buddhists are expected to celebrate VESA: to use the opportunity to, reiterate ,their determination to lead noble lives, to develop their minds, to practice
  36. Husband of Lucretia. All the numerous sources on the beginning of the republic, reiterate ,these basic events. Lucretia and the monarchy cannot therefore be total myth or
  37. In Sindh from where River Indus flows to express their love for the river and, reiterate ,their stand on the water issue. People from Tharparkar belonging to the Wheel
  38. Position in a field or social space. Different uses of language tend to, reiterate ,the respective positions of each participant. Linguistic interactions are
  39. The possibility of orbiting companions, although as Xavier Harbors and his team, reiterate ,in 2009,the possibility of a close companion contributing to the overall flux
  40. Are in the interest of either the church or the Jewish people. " He goes on to, reiterate ,that the problem lies with a prayer that calls for the conversion of the Jews
  41. Secretary of State Christopher's letter to Netanyahu states:" I would like to, reiterate ,our position that Israel is entitled to secure and defensible borders, which
  42. Following the controversial interview, Clark went on several news programs to, reiterate ,his true admiration and heartfelt support for McCain's military service as a
  43. Software, middleware,and Oracle Linux for the Titanium. ** March: Intel and HP, reiterate ,their support of Titanium. ** April: Huawei and In spur announce that they will
  44. Prevalence of omnivory in real ecosystems. This has lead some ecologists to ", reiterate ,that the notion that species clearly aggregate into discrete, homogeneous
  45. The Islamic and Western civilizations. The political party His ut-Tahrir also, reiterate ,Huntington's views in their published book, The Inevitability of Clash of
  46. Movement against the German occupation, but the flashbacks again only serve to, reiterate ,the fact that Clouseau can survive anything despite or, perhaps,due to his
  47. Sequences and the spaces, programs,and movement which produce and, reiterate ,these sequences; and second, by inventing new associations between space and
  48. That linking it to Europe would be a mistake. Later visiting the country to ", reiterate ,the solidarity between the cultures," it was reported that he made a
  49. And accessories to, and co-responsible for, the plan he was pursuing. To, reiterate ,: the plan was to exile all Jews in the present and future areas under German
  50. The show would be taped. One of the producers then sat down with each guest to, reiterate ,the story the guest would tell, including emphasis on various phrases or

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