Examples of the the word, ankle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ankle ), is the 7966 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Brian Order finishing 2nd and Botany 3rd. He had injured tendons in his right, ankle ,a few weeks before the 1986 U. S. Championships but went on to win his second
  2. This number is expected to increase. History While evidence of primary, ankle ,(Kali) osteoarthritis has been discovered in dinosaurs, the first known
  3. Punjabi dress known as a salwar Kareem, long baggy pants tight at the, ankle ,(salwar) and a long colorful shirt (Kareem). Women also wear chunks
  4. Ankle. Three sutures being used to stabilize the tendon in Schilling's right, ankle ,bled throughout the game, making his sock appear bloody red. Schilling only
  5. To do so. Agassi had a poor start to 2006. He was still recovering from an, ankle ,injury and also suffering from back and leg pain and lack of match play. Agassi
  6. Hospital visits reported for cheerleading injuries dealing with the shoulder, ankle , head, and neck. Meanwhile, in the USA, cheerleading accounted for 65.1 % of
  7. Ratings. On Saturday afternoon,21 July, despite still nursing the injured left, ankle ,that he picked up a month earlier during the final match of La Liga's season
  8. Running corps suffered a blow when RB Ryan Grant suffered a season-ending, ankle ,injury in week 1. By the end of the season, the Packers had 16 people on
  9. And crashing down upon it with his knee-drop. In reality, André had broken his, ankle ,getting out of bed the morning before the match. The injury and subsequent
  10. The midfoot, and the forefoot: The hind foot is composed of the talus or, ankle ,bone and the calcaneus or heel bone. The two long bones of the lower leg, the
  11. On both the front and back. Players wear high-top sneakers that provide extra, ankle ,support. Typically, team names, players ' names and, outside of North America
  12. Giant" Killer Khan. According to the storyline, Khan had snapped André's, ankle ,during a match on May 2,1981,in Rochester, New York by leaping off the top
  13. Wrist. Similarly, the hock contains bones equivalent to those in the human, ankle ,and heel. The lower leg bones of a horse correspond to the bones of the human
  14. Leg, the tibia and fibula, are connected to the top of the talus to form the, ankle , Connected to the talus at the subtler joint, the calcaneus, the largest bone
  15. And lack of match play. Agassi withdrew from the Australian Open because of the, ankle ,injury, and his back injury and other pains forced him to withdraw from several
  16. Shoes, sneakers and boots can impede proper alignment and movement within the, ankle ,and foot. For example, high heels are known to throw off the natural weight
  17. The inguinal ligament, including the hip, the thigh, the knee, the leg,the, ankle , and the foot. Internal organs (by region) Head and neck Thorax Abdomen and
  18. World Cup Maradona captained Argentina again in the 1990 FIFA World Cup. An, ankle ,injury affected his overall performance, and he was much less dominant than
  19. Officers. Phillip is referred to in the John Williamson song" Chains around my, ankle ,". Kate Grenville's 2008 novel The Lieutenant portrays Phillip through the
  20. Keeping it at bay. Talks had one blood vessel which went from his neck to his, ankle , bound shut by only one bronze nail (as in metal casting by the lost wax
  21. Above the ground. This arch stretches from the heel bone over the" keystone ", ankle ,bone to the three medial metatarsals. In contrast, the lateral longitudinal
  22. Of the fingers and toes, are long bones. The exceptions are those of the wrist, ankle ,and kneecap. * Short bones are roughly cube-shaped, and have only a thin layer
  23. Generally including claws or nails. Human foot Anatomy The human foot and, ankle ,is a strong and complex mechanical structure containing more than 26 bones,33
  24. And pinning the toes, lowering the arch, and sometimes, fusing the, ankle ,joint to provide stability. The Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association classifies the
  25. And started shooting the scenes in the airplane. But then Sellers sprained an, ankle ,and could not work in the cramped cockpit set. Sellers is said to have
  26. Are found mainly on the toes and metatarsus, but may be found further up on the, ankle ,in some birds. Most bird scales do not overlap significantly, except in the
  27. Stadium for Game 6,the comeback continued with Schilling pitching on a bad, ankle , Three sutures being used to stabilize the tendon in Schilling's right ankle
  28. The seriously-wounded Connolly, shot while tied to a chair due to a shattered, ankle ,). Not all of those executed were leaders: Willie Pairs described himself as "
  29. Are the Greek ( ankle s),meaning" crooked, curved," and the English word ", ankle ,". Both are connected with the Proto-Indo-European root Euclid defines a plane
  30. Revolution and Beckham decided to sit it out, fearing further aggravating his, ankle ,on the Gillette Stadium's artificial surface. Beckham returned to the pitch
  31. Days before his sixteenth birthday. First a bout with hepatitis, then a broken, ankle ,caused by an ill-timed tackle by Athletic's Andon Goikoetxea jeopardized his
  32. And sustained another" deep wound on his forehead "; Mary broke her right, ankle ,and then her left ankle in successive skiing accidents. In 1947 his sons
  33. Deep wound on his forehead "; Mary broke her right ankle and then her left, ankle ,in successive skiing accidents. In 1947 his sons Patrick and Gregory were in a
  34. Spread to the GPO. Connolly had been incapacitated by a bullet wound to the, ankle ,and has passed command on to Pairs. The O'Ra hilly was killed in a sortie from
  35. With the arch or the ball of the foot you can injure your foot or break your, ankle , A standard sidekick is performed by first chambering the kicking leg
  36. The bones of the human hand or foot, and the fetlock (incorrectly called the ", ankle ,") is actually the proximal sesamoid bones between the cannon bones (a single
  37. Digit. As the name implies it dorsiflexes the big toe and also acts on the, ankle ,in the unstressed leg. In the weight-bearing leg it acts similar to the
  38. When he was 88 years old. In late 1966,Masefield developed gangrene in his, ankle , which spread to his leg, dying of the infection on 12 May 1967. According to
  39. Later tell reporters that he received a medical discharge after breaking his, ankle ,during his 26th parachute jump. The rock music journalist Charles Cross
  40. Called Amos ( ankle -foot orthoses). These braces help control foot drop and, ankle ,instability and often provide a better sense of balance for patients.
  41. Robinson's military career. While awaiting results of hospital tests on the, ankle ,he had injured in junior college, Robinson boarded an Army bus with a fellow
  42. Of his 60 home run pace from the previous season. But Ruth was hobbled by a bad, ankle ,the latter part of the season, and he hit just twelve home runs in the last two
  43. Sleeves, and introducing socks with a similar striped pattern extending from, ankle ,to knee. Because of poor response from the fans and the media, this design
  44. Ellen Landmass). Soon thereafter, Cheryl stabs Linda (Betsy Baker) in the, ankle ,with a pencil. Scotty (Hal Del rich) fights with the possessed Cheryl and
  45. Vary in color, but often carried the same designs. On a typical day, women wore, ankle ,length dresses, while men wore pants with vests or coats and a hat. Technology
  46. Rotation/rotationplasty (Foot being turned around and reattached to allow the, ankle ,joint to be used as a knee. ) ** shoulder disarticulation and forequarter
  47. Sports warm-up and training exercises such as stretching of the calves, ankle ,circles, elbow flexion, and quadriceps sets. Alternative medicine While not a
  48. To play the male lead opposite Garland in Easter Parade (1948),but broke his, ankle ,playing volleyball. He withdrew from the film and encouraged Fred Astaire to
  49. Layer of compact bone surrounding a spongy interior. The bones of the wrist and, ankle ,are short bones, as are the sesamoid bones. * Flat bones are thin and generally
  50. Champion Anaheim Angels in the AIDS. However, Curt Schilling suffered a torn, ankle ,tendon in Game 1 after fielding a ground ball on the subsequent throw to first.

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