Examples of the the word, reversal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reversal ), is the 7958 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Said that essential precedes existential. Sartre reverses this statement. But the, reversal ,of a metaphysical statement remains a metaphysical statement. With it, he stays
  2. Was more important than the performance of a single thread or program. This, reversal ,of emphasis is evidenced by the proliferation of dual and multiple core CMP (
  3. Wellington, carting them away in a wheelbarrow. Another bombshell was Cape's, reversal ,of his plan to publish Animal Farm. The decision followed his personal visit to
  4. Nature). Thus, many understood Etches to be advocating Docetism, a sort of, reversal ,of Arianism—where Arius had denied the consubstantial divinity of Jesus
  5. That, but this was attributed to correction by most market analysts; the actual, reversal ,and subsequent bear market may have been triggered by the adverse findings of
  6. Was launched within the graphic design community and states" We propose a, reversal ,of priorities in favor of more useful, lasting and democratic forms of
  7. Sin or trespasses against the gods, but were never the sole instruments of its, reversal , Blind people in literature written by visually able authors It is impossible
  8. By 3.9 % compared with the same period of the last year. This marked a sharp, reversal ,of the situation as it was in the first half of the year, when the economy grew
  9. Wounded. Further hard fighting ensued: the Turkish army inflicted a humiliating, reversal ,on the British and eventual success was hard won. Auchinleck was mentioned in
  10. It is generally restricted to a triumphant revelation.; volte-face: a complete, reversal ,of opinion or position, about face; Voulez-vous voucher Alec moi (CE Sir)?:
  11. Social order. It was not yet too late to stem the current of accumulation by a, reversal ,of the policy of monopoly. The Anarchistic remedy was still applicable. " But
  12. AM demodulators can be designed to detect the inversion (or 180 degree phase, reversal ,) that occurs when modulation exceeds 100 % and automatically correct for this
  13. Symmetry, the combination of charge and parity conjugation (equivalent to time, reversal ,if CPT holds) Chord may refer to: * Chord (music),an aggregate of musical
  14. For whom giving poor and uneducated people power over their betters seemed a, reversal ,of the proper, rational order of society. For them the demos in democracy meant
  15. Could be objects of anthropological study. Although Boas did not pursue this, reversal ,systematically, his article on alternating sounds illustrates his awareness
  16. The US. It failed even to graze the Billboard Top 200 albums chart, a stunning, reversal ,for a band that had been a mainstay on that chart for most of the previous two
  17. For expressions that include non-linear operators, such as the antilinear time, reversal ,operator in physics. Hermitian conjugation Bracket notation makes it
  18. Moot claims for compensation (as, it is speculated, the government's initial, reversal ,to grant Marconi the patent right in order to nullify any claims Tesla had for
  19. Dual in 1095. The Seljuks established a court in Damascus and a systematic, reversal ,of Shia inroads in the city. The city also saw an expansion of religious life
  20. Experts have agreed that this issue has the strong potential to result in the, reversal ,of the convictions of Jason Baldwin and Damien Echoes. In early December 2010
  21. It is most closely allied to the larger Asiatic buffaloes, showing the same, reversal ,of the direction of the hair on the back. The horns are peculiar for their
  22. In Japan had been steadily decreasing since the 1960s. The 1990s saw the, reversal ,of this trend and the introduction of the Multiplex in Japan. Takes hi Piano
  23. Exposed behind color filters in special cameras. Technicolor introduced a color, reversal ,stock, called Monopack, for location shooting in 1941; it was ultimately a 35
  24. Their jobs, wages,consuming options and livelihoods, and that a cessation or, reversal ,of globalization would result in many people in poor countries being left in
  25. To the point that it existed only on the margins of society. " It found a, reversal ,of this progress since 2000. It aimed to investigate the problem, identify the
  26. Of Hannah" ): (1),the sovereignty of Yahweh, the god of Israel; (2),the, reversal ,of human fortunes; and (3),kingship. These themes are played out in the
  27. An exception is in banking, where traditionally the ten-base without, reversal ,is used in writing and speech for all amounts from 20 and over; thus, fir (
  28. Of this type belonged to the world of the dead, which was believed to be a, reversal ,of life. Thus, the reverse of common practices was often portrayed. The Marco
  29. Aristocratic families' traditional patronage. The end of his firm rule saw a, reversal ,of this policy, with aristocrats recovering their lost properties or seizing
  30. Forces for the first time in the Battle of Moscow. By the summer of 1944 the, reversal ,of fortune was complete and Operation Bag ration saw Soviet forces inflict
  31. Position in some fewer cases (from Latin, followed by you): *Partial, reversal ,of Proto-Western-Romance and, according to the following stages: ** (3)
  32. Center, but rather in a set of geometric isomers (cis/trans). In contrast,a, reversal ,(Walden inversion) of the previously existing stereochemistry is observed in
  33. Deng's reforms sparked an industrial revolution in China. These reforms were a, reversal ,of the Maoist policy of economic self-reliance. China decided to accelerate the
  34. Grain-milling center in the country. The latter part of the 20th Century saw a, reversal ,of fortunes: Great Lakes shipping was rerouted by the opening of the St.
  35. Diagnosed as dyslexic as other children. These symptoms include: * letter, reversal ,or mirror writing (for example," Я" instead of" R" ) Early primary school
  36. Negative films. Later films that produce a positive image became known as, reversal ,films; processed transparent film of this type can be projected onto a screen.
  37. Existing law or by a nonfrivolous argument for the extension, modification,or, reversal ,of existing law or the establishment of new law ". Monetary civil penalties for
  38. Of different economic strata, quick and witty repartee, some form of role, reversal , and a happy ending. Some examples of the screwball comedy are: It Happened One
  39. Of edge-loops at v, with product and inverse defined by concatenation and, reversal ,of edge-loops. The edge-path group is naturally isomorphic to π1 (| X |, v )
  40. Of South Ossetia following Russian intervention in the conflict. Following the, reversal , the bulk of Georgian special forces assisted Interior Ministry units in the
  41. League campaign, La Viola remained in the top tier of the domestic league. A, reversal ,of trends took place in the ongoing 2009–10 season, as the club saw a dip in
  42. Which non-Muslim peoples were governed by their own religious authorities. In a, reversal ,from the days of Latin rule, the head of the Church of Cyprus was invested as
  43. Overcoming the disappointment of losing the 200 by going on to win the 100,a, reversal ,of the real order. Eric Liddell actually also ran in the 200 m race, and
  44. Student film production program. Freshmen shoot and edit a project shot on 16 mm, reversal , black-and-white film. Sophomores are also required to write and direct such a
  45. With very similar facts, they are bound to apply the same reasoning or face, reversal ,of their decision by a higher court. Align" right" width "/JJ"> 400">). In
  46. In the NFL becoming bankrupt. This decision, however,was subject to a possible, reversal ,by a superior court; nevertheless, Bell was ecstatic. Bell's focus, with
  47. They will also do Y (e.g., the planting) while for men the logical, reversal ,in this example would be that if men plant they will prepare the soil. The
  48. Interchanged by applying the charge conjugation (C),parity (P),and time, reversal ,(T) operators. If | p, \sigma, n \range denotes the quantum state of a
  49. Brazil, Cuba,China, and Japan, among others. World War II brought a definitive, reversal ,of this trend in Western Europe. The successful democratization of the American
  50. To our national security "," weakens our national security ", and that, reversal ,is" essential for our national security ". According to plaintiffs, these

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