Examples of the the word, steering , in a Sentence Context

The word ( steering ), is the 7960 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Expansion Module #2 is a driving controller expansion that consists of a, steering ,wheel, gas pedal and the pack-in game Turbo. The driving controller is also
  2. Made for an uncomfortable seating position at high speeds and also caused, steering ,issues. 1980s Ducati's liquid-cooled multi-valve L-twins made from 1985 on are
  3. A variant of the V-2 rocket, the first ground-to-air missile. The Waterfall, steering ,equipment converted the electrical signal to radio signals and transmitted
  4. e.g. the watch; which is generally 4 hours on and 4 hours off, navigation, steering , rigging sails, ...). In addition, the crew needs to be well-trained at
  5. Of the required number of twist rotations, the arm motion is reversed (the, steering ,wheel is turned back),which removes the body's tilt and stops the twisting
  6. Across the ocean, but is nearly drowned when the shadow lures him into, steering ,his boat onto rocks. The vessel sinks, but he manages to reach a small island
  7. War effort itself. After the war, West Germany was allowed back into IUPAC. The, steering ,committee hierarchy for IUPAC is as follows: # All committees have an allotted
  8. With relaxed geometry, protecting the rider from shocks of the road and easing, steering ,at low speeds. Road bikes tend to have a more upright shape and a shorter
  9. Achieved, with the hydrofoil exhibiting rapid acceleration, good stability and, steering ,along with the ability to take waves without difficulty. In 1913,Dr. Bell
  10. The headset, the set of bearings that allows the fork to turn smoothly for, steering ,and balance. The top tube connects the head tube to the seat tube at the top
  11. Should be given with only the quietest movements of the hands, and much, steering ,and stopping should be done with the legs and seat. Harness A horse harness is
  12. Gray. Joseph Far cot coined the word servo in 1873 to describe steam-powered, steering ,systems. Hydraulic servos were later used to position guns. Elmer Ambrose
  13. Damage from gunfire of US cruisers and destroyers, but,more critically, her, steering , gear was incapacitated by an 8-inch shell. The next day, Hiei was attacked by
  14. Of 11 mph and had a pivotal front axle operated by a roller-chained tiller for, steering , The model was successful with 85 units sold in 1893. The Benz Veto also
  15. Against particular nations, and passionate attachments for others ",", steering ,clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world ", and
  16. He lasted only 44 games at the helm, replaced by Davey Johnson. With Johnson, steering ,the team, the Reds made steady progress upward. In 1994,the Reds were in the
  17. And the men placed aft. And even in those spaces are placed anchor engines, steering ,engines, steam pipes, etc. rendering them unbearably hot in tropical regions. "
  18. Agent productivity and customer satisfaction. Automatic lead selection or lead, steering ,is also intended to improve efficiencies, both for inbound and outbound
  19. In automotive applications, a clogged filter in a hydraulic system (power, steering , power brakes) can cause suction cavitation making a noise that rises and
  20. Steel plungers on a pivot frame designed to pound on the ground. Vehicle, steering ,was adversely affected. **Mine Exploded T9: 6' Roller. Difficult to maneuver.
  21. In a wide variety of servomechanisms which are used in such applications as, steering ,ships and stabilizing airplanes. The rapid economic advances at the time David
  22. Was extensively redesigned. The frame is distinguished by the location of the, steering ,head in front of the forks and was the first H-D frame to rubber mount the
  23. By two in-line wheels and pushed the vehicle along with his/her feet while, steering ,the front wheel. The first mechanically-propelled 2-wheel vehicle may have been
  24. Approximately −2 MV/BC temperature coefficient at room temperature. Current, steering ,Diodes will prevent currents in unintended directions. To supply power to an
  25. Space travel and related subjects. Among his works are designs for rockets with, steering ,thrusters, multi-stage boosters, space stations, airlocks for exiting a
  26. Or wrist pain. Recumbent bicycles may have either under-seat or over-seat, steering , Brakes Modern bicycle brakes may be: rim brakes, in which friction pads are
  27. And first met in person at the Santa Cruz Operation offices on 1997-08-22. The, steering ,committee was Marc Ewing, Dion Johnson, Evan Leibowitz, Bruce Parts, Andrew
  28. Offensive passive electronically scanned array radar set with electronic beam, steering ,(and a fixed antenna pointed downward for reduced radar observability)
  29. Tel star Arcade (1977): Cartridge-based, triangular case includes light gun, steering ,wheel with gear shift, and paddles, one on each side. Each cartridge includes a
  30. When one arm is moved up and the other is moved down (like turning a big, steering ,wheel),the body reacts by tilting to the side, which then begins the twisting
  31. In 1912. Nicolas Minor sky published a theoretical analysis of automatic ship, steering ,in 1922 and described the PID controller. Internal combustion engines of the
  32. Few years, WGSN has been a dominant source of fashion news and forecasts in, steering ,fashion brands worldwide to be" inspired" by one another. Enticing consumers
  33. Decal package for the Wrangler X/Sport * 2005 Jeep Hurricane: The 4-wheel, steering , system allows the vehicle to have both a zero turning circle, and " crab "
  34. CCC has 2,500 member organizations in 150 different countries. The original, steering ,committee included representatives from the World Federalist Movement, the
  35. A plotter, as well as course correcting through a link with the ship's, steering ,organs (e.g. sails, propeller ). One such device can be found at the Maltese
  36. S crankshaft (similar to the driving of the pulleys for the alternator, power, steering , etc.). Whether in a car or building, both use electric fan motors for air
  37. Their voyages possible, or simply more comfortable. The use of wind vane self, steering ,was common on long distance cruising yachts but is increasingly being
  38. A varied group of programmers from around the world, under the direction of a, steering ,committee. It has been ported to more kinds of processors and operating systems
  39. Destruction by a mishap to the nearby battleship War spite. War spite had her, steering ,gear overheat and jam under heavy load at high speed as the 5th Battle Squadron
  40. And graduated from the University of Florida. He is currently a member of the, steering ,committee of the Friends of the Apollo Theater in Oberlin, Ohio,along with
  41. Paul Morrissey, took over the film-making chores for the Factory collective, steering ,Warhol-branded cinema towards more mainstream, narrative-based,B-movie
  42. 297 disorders in 886 pages. The task force was chaired by Allen Frances. A, steering ,committee of 27 people was introduced, including four psychologists. The
  43. Forward by being steered to keep its center of mass over the wheels. This, steering ,is usually provided by the rider, but under certain conditions may be provided
  44. Peer selected by the Prime Minister. The Leader of the House is responsible for, steering ,Government bills through the House of Lords, and is a member of the Cabinet.
  45. Committee of 27 people was introduced, including four psychologists. The, steering ,committee created 13 work groups of 5–16 members. Each work group had
  46. By the Washington, which disabled her forward main turrets, jammed her, steering , and holed her below the waterline. Three additional hulls, to be named
  47. Sister Joan north to Fontevrault Abbey. This may have been done with the aim of, steering ,her youngest son, with no obvious inheritance, towards a future ecclesiastical
  48. That the target processor cannot perform directly. In May 2010,the GCC, steering ,committee decided to allow use of a C++ compiler to compile GCC. The compiler
  49. 54 mph) was achieved, accelerating rapidly, taking waves without difficulty, steering ,well and showing good stability. Bell's report to the United States Navy
  50. The tunneland are driven from either end. The maximum speed is when the, steering ,is locked. A smaller fleet of fifteen Light Service Tunnel Vehicles (LADOGA)

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