Examples of the the word, residency , in a Sentence Context

The word ( residency ), is the 7949 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Culture and heritage from being eroded by many foreigners gaining, residency ,and citizenship. Government The Cayman Islands are a British overseas territory
  2. United in one county. Second millennium Margrave Hugo chose Florence as his, residency ,instead of Lucca at about 1000 AD. The Golden Age of Florentine art began
  3. Proceedings in the court. Members of Congress may submit private bills granting, residency ,to specific named individuals. A special committee vets the requests, which
  4. Involves 4 years of college,4 years of medical school,3 years of, residency , and 2 years of fellowship. Adult endocrinologists are board certified by the
  5. From the Gaza Strip. In 2004,the Black Hebrews were granted permanent, residency ,in Israel. The group had begun migrating to Israel 25 years earlier from the
  6. Founded on the ideals and work of John Dewey. Goddard offers BA, MA and MFA low, residency ,programs in Writing, Education,Psychology, Health Arts, Interdisciplinary Arts
  7. The group's initial recording and subsequent widespread fame, Hamburg provided, residency ,and performing venues for The Beatles from 1960 to 1962. Hamburg has produced a
  8. Minorities often reside in Japan for generations under permanent, residency ,status without acquiring citizenship in their country of birth, although
  9. And severity of which varied with time and place. Restrictions included, residency ,in segregated quarters, obligation to wear distinctive clothing, public
  10. His hymns set to Syriac folk tunes in the forum of Odessa. After a ten-year, residency ,in Odessa, in his sixties, Ephrem succumbed to the plague as he ministered to
  11. Following August. To avoid another import of voters, the governor set a 60-day, residency , requirement for all voters. Davenport was again the victor by only two votes.
  12. Where he obtained his MB CHB in 1945. Career Barnard did his internship and, residency ,at the Groove Schulz Hospital in Cape Town, after which he worked as a general
  13. To live in Northern Ireland or the Republic without restriction on their, residency , may exercise an entitlement to Irish citizenship, such as an Irish passport.
  14. If this is not a part of the residency ),three years of an internal medicine, residency , and two to three years in the gastroenterology fellowship. Some
  15. Places age restrictions for the automatic granting of Israeli citizenship and, residency ,permits to spouses of Israeli citizens, such that spouses who are inhabitants
  16. For Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. In Canada, residency ,leads to eligibility for Certification by and Fellowship of the Royal College
  17. 1892 they amended the state constitution to include a poll tax and more complex, residency ,requirements, both of which adversely affected poor people and sharecroppers
  18. One must have lived in the state for a minimum of 12 months, maintain constant, residency ,subject to allowable absences, and not be subject to court judgments or
  19. With the issuing of first B/1 visas, and a year later, issuing of temporary, residency , Status was extended to August 2003,when the Israeli Ministry of Interior
  20. In internal medicine, pediatrics,or gynecology after medical school is called, residency , Further formal training to subspecialize in adult, pediatric,or reproductive
  21. To August 2003,when the Israeli Ministry of Interior granted permanent, residency , Economy In the early 1980s,textile plants, such as Simona Textiles Ltd.
  22. Presley's first number one pop hit. In late April, Presley began a two-week, residency ,at the New Frontier Hotel and Casino on the Las Vegas Strip. The shows were
  23. On Guam and to employ a variety of tagging techniques to determine movement, residency ,and further define population dynamics. # To establish a Guam-based sea
  24. The FBI to keep extensive secret files on him, tried to end his United States, residency , FBI pressure on Chaplin grew after his 1942 campaign for a second European
  25. S direction, the group recorded a further two LPs. Aborted solo effort and, residency ,at Villa Nellore (1970–1972) Parsons signed a solo deal with A&M Records and
  26. Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, while in the United States, completion of a, residency ,in general surgery leads to eligibility for board certification by the American
  27. New Zealand, and the United States general surgery is a five to seven year, residency ,and follows completion of medical school, either MD, MBBS,Much, or DO degrees
  28. Comeback television special that led to an extended Las Vegas concert, residency ,and a string of profitable tours. In 1973,Presley staged the first concert
  29. And medical education, the yearlong internship (if this is not a part of the, residency ,), three years of an internal medicine residency , and two to three years in the
  30. Of Madrid in 1670. Following several unsuccessful attempts at settlement, residency ,in the islands began in the 1730s. With settlement after the first royal land
  31. Dave Brubeck Quartet in 1951,with Desmond on saxophone. They took up a long, residency ,at San Francisco's Black Hawk nightclub and gained great popularity touring
  32. School, either MD, MBBS,Much, or DO degrees. In Australia and New Zealand,a, residency ,leads to eligibility for Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of
  33. Henderson's band, Duke Ellington's band (which opened an influential, residency ,at the Cotton Club in 1927) in New York, and Earl Hines's Band in Chicago (
  34. To make voter registration and elections more complicated, such as poll taxes, residency ,requirements, literacy tests and grandfather clauses. These were designed for
  35. Such as chiropractic orthopedics and sports chiropractic, and through full-time, residency ,programs such as radiology or orthopedics. Chiropractic is established in the
  36. To attract a large cult following when they took over the Rolling Stones ', residency ,at the Craw daddy Club in Richmond. They toured England with American bluesman
  37. Pleaded with him to continue his art studies instead. After the first Hamburg, residency , the band accepted another in April 1961,and a third in April 1962. Like the
  38. Short-lived Dominion of New England. In the 1800s, wealthy french Émigrés set, residency ,in the islands fleeing the revolution. Many of the town domiciles existing
  39. Statistics, although 98 % of East Jerusalem Palestinians have either Israeli, residency ,or Israeli citizenship. Most Arab citizens of Israel are Muslim, particularly
  40. Laws of Indiana in 1869 although he obtained the divorce by lying about his, residency , Life as an archaeologist Schliemann's first interest of a classical nature
  41. Region to another. While the Greater Accra Region showed an 83-percent urban, residency , the Ashanti Region matched the national average of 32 percent in 1984. The
  42. Been delegated into separate sub-branches, whereby successful completion of a, residency ,in General Surgery is not necessarily required, but may well be desired (
  43. In early 1960. In August that year The Beatles, engaged for a 48-night, residency , in Hamburg, Germany,and desperately in need of a drummer, asked Pete Best to
  44. And Model Farm. He also offered Christian Petersen a one-semester sculptor, residency ,to design and build the fountain and bas-relief at the Dairy Industry Building.
  45. Citizens to join the U. S. military without having to obtain U. S. permanent, residency ,or citizenship, allows for immigration and employment for Micronesian's in the
  46. Japanese were living abroad, approximately 75,000 of whom had permanent foreign, residency , more than six times the number who had that status in 1975. More than 200,000
  47. District. Pre-1967 residents of East Jerusalem and their descendants have, residency ,status in the city, but many have refused Israeli citizenship. Thus, the Israeli
  48. Possibly for reasons of irreverence having little to do with Anson's former, residency , Impact on popular culture For a relatively short poem apparently dashed off
  49. Naomi Bennett, a character on the television show Private Practice who did her, residency ,in Obstetrics and Gynecology and her fellowship in Reproductive endocrinology
  50. Mainland, like HU Jun, Zhang Mini, Tang Wei and Zhou Run, obtained Hong Kong, residency ,under the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme and have acted in Hong Kong

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