Examples of the the word, dictatorship , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Earth Alliance becomes increasingly authoritarian, eventually sliding into a, dictatorship , The show examines the impositions on civil liberties which aid its rise, and
  2. A statement in March 2005 in which it denounced the Belarusian government as a, dictatorship , The European parliamentarians were primarily concerned about the suppression
  3. By their respective constitutions, and ultimately as a safeguard against, dictatorship , In Thailand's constitutional monarchy, the monarch is recognized as the Head
  4. Resulting from these losses led to the establishment of a royal authoritarian, dictatorship ,by Tsar Boris III (1918–1943). Bulgaria entered World War II in 1941 as a
  5. S Army invaded South Korea. Fearing that communist Korea under a Kim IL Sung, dictatorship ,could threaten Japan and foster other communist movements in Asia, Truman
  6. To preclude elections launching another coup d'état in 1937,creating a full, dictatorship ,In May 1938,there was another failed attempt to take over the power by local
  7. Seen before and forced the Libyan army off Chadian soil. Hare consolidated his, dictatorship ,through a power system that relied on corruption and violence; an estimated
  8. Anarchism arose contemporaneously with Marxism but opposed the Marxist, dictatorship ,of the proletariat, despite the stated Marxist goal of a collectivist stateless
  9. Joined forces with Mark Antony and Marcus Arminius Lepidus in a military, dictatorship ,known as the Second Triumvirate. As a triumvir, Octavian ruled Rome and many of
  10. Morocco; witnessed the start of the Spanish Generation of 1927,and endured the, dictatorship ,of Miguel Prim ode Rivera, which ultimately cost him the throne. During the
  11. Elected in the following months. It had previously been considered a military, dictatorship , and the transfer of power from Atari Assuming to Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Samba
  12. Abidjan shows that it is not a tribal issue, but a crisis of transition from a, dictatorship ,to a democracy, with the clashes inherent in the definition of citizenship.
  13. 1903; they also monopolized power in Yugoslavia from 1918 to 1929; during the, dictatorship ,of the 1930s,it furnished the prime minister. Poland In Poland Coleslaw
  14. The Sandinista insurgency in Nicaragua, which lead to the demise of the Somoza, dictatorship ,in 1979,was openly supported by Cuba. However, it was on the African continent
  15. In which more than 300 civilians perished. The next 20 years under Franco's, dictatorship ,were difficult for Alicante as it was for the entire country. However, the late
  16. Land in the Dominican Republic to" forestall establishment of a Communist, dictatorship ," and to evacuate U. S. Army troops. *1969 – Charles de Gaulle resigns as
  17. Universal. Knowledge of Basque, after declining for many years during Franco's, dictatorship ,owing to official persecution, is again on the rise due to favorable official
  18. The next 12 years. Between 1972 and 1990,a self-proclaimed Marxist-Leninist, dictatorship ,called the People's Republic of Benin existed, ushering in a period of
  19. The promulgation of the Fifth Institutional Act in 1968. The repression of the, dictatorship ,'s opponents, including urban guerrillas, was harsh, but not as brutal as in
  20. Of Plymouth, England,killing 34 people. *1954 – Alfredo Stressed begins his, dictatorship ,in Paraguay. *1960 – Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville) becomes independent
  21. The early 1950s in the theater. Publishing in Catalan continued throughout the, dictatorship , There was no official prohibition of speaking Catalan in public or in commerce
  22. The torture of political prisoners, censorship of the press, and finally,the, dictatorship ,itself, after he extinguished the Fifth Institutional Act. The civilians fully
  23. The beginning of the republican government it was little more than a military, dictatorship , and the new constitution restricted political rights, such as the right to
  24. Hands of treacherous hypocrites and demagogues, can be transformed into bloody, dictatorship , Freedom of thought is the only guarantee of the feasibility of a scientific
  25. Of 1967 – after the 1964 coup d'Eat against João Goulash, the military, dictatorship ,passed the Institutional Acts, a supra constitutional law. This strongly
  26. The concurrent limiting of civil liberties and Earth's descent into a, dictatorship ,are" shadow wars" of their own. In ending the Shadow War before the
  27. To have been supported by the American Central Intelligence Agency. Military, dictatorship ,In 1964 a military-led coup d'état deposed the democratically-elected president
  28. That blighted South America, Chile endured the 17-year-long military, dictatorship ,(1973–1990) of Augusto Pinochet that left more than 3,000 people dead or
  29. Of a populace which believes its moral superiority will never allow a, dictatorship ,to come to power, until it is too late. The successful rebellion led by the
  30. Abolished the constitution, dissolved the parliament, and declared a royal, dictatorship , officially renamed Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In October oblasts were replaced by
  31. Which would require resolution: the Shadow war,Earth's slide into a, dictatorship , and a series of sub-threads which branched off from those. Estimating they
  32. Dictator of Bacteria, a jab at Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. Denouncing, dictatorship , greed, hate,and intolerance, in favor of liberty and human brotherhood. The
  33. By no means exclusively) the Italian-directed Spaghetti Westerns. During the, dictatorship ,of Francisco Franco, this was the extent of the film industry in Andalusia.
  34. Indeed, he declined it when the Roman populace" entreated him to take on the, dictatorship ,". By law, Augustus held a collection of powers granted to him for life by the
  35. Known as the Roman Empire. The emperor ship was never an office like the Roman, dictatorship ,which Caesar and Sulla had held before him; indeed, he declined it when the
  36. Established by the Portuguese constitution of 1933,the Brazilian military, dictatorship ,based on the constitution of 1967/69,or several authoritarian regimes in
  37. The arrival of democracy, the Catalan culture (very much repressed during the, dictatorship ,of Franco) has been promoted, both by recovering works from the past and by
  38. Renegades" from both communities who enthusiastically supported a Marxist, dictatorship ,after the October Revolution. At the end of chapter 15,he writes that Jews
  39. The republican traditions of Rome, to appear that he was not aspiring to, dictatorship ,or monarchy. First settlement In 27 BC, Octavian made a show of returning full
  40. To be transitory, but it gradually closed in on itself and became a full, dictatorship ,with the promulgation of the Fifth Institutional Act in 1968. The repression of
  41. Ruling style. " Western countries have described Belarus under Lukashenko as a, dictatorship ,; the government has accused the same Western powers of trying to oust
  42. Brought in Joseph Hooker, despite his history of loose talk about a military, dictatorship , The midterm elections in 1862 brought the Republicans severe losses due to
  43. In 30 years (the Community Party was not allowed to exist as such during the, dictatorship ,). Chile's judiciary is independent and includes a court of appeal, a system
  44. Policies. He began to violate the constitution and slowly began to establish a, dictatorship , Congress decided to depose Balanced, who refused to step down. Jorge Month
  45. Sub FYI from Burma for her peaceful and non-violent struggle under a military, dictatorship ,in Burma. She is a nonviolent pro-democracy activist and leader of the National
  46. Officials. The methods selected by the High Representative are often seen as, dictatorship , Even the symbols of Bosnian statehood (flag, coat of arms) have been chosen
  47. Held power in 1925 and then again between 1927 and 1931 in what was a de facto, dictatorship , Baez was a German national who pledged allegiance to his mother country of
  48. Abolished the constitution, dissolved parliament, and declared a royal, dictatorship , Radić's violent death turned him into a martyr, and he was turned into an icon
  49. Amendments, but has generally been honored and a powerful structure, and no, dictatorship ,has been able to take hold; the constitution of Argentina written many years
  50. A dystopia in which Big Brother can always spy on the inhabitants of the, dictatorship ,he heads through their television sets, with the slogan" Big Brother is

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