Examples of the the word, congratulation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( congratulation ), is the 7961 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On the union of the soul with Deity, which led to a letter of warm, congratulation ,from Max Müller, who also published a short biography of him. In 1887, he put on
  2. Proof that Maria was actually born in 1610 is furnished by an anthology with, congratulation ,poems on her first wedding, in connection with a letter of Elias A Leonidas to
  3. After marriage - in fact in any circumstances which were thought deserving of, congratulation ,or condolence. During the 17th century this curious custom became general
  4. The first official telegram to pass between two continents was a letter of, congratulation ,from Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom to the President of the United States
  5. It was the pre-game show that got 'em," bellowed Dizzy Dean by way of self, congratulation , " Cobb, Cochrane,Home Run Baker, Speaker,and Ol' Did in Dallas duds. " The
  6. May a synagogue issue interest bearing bonds?; Stricture against issuing, congratulation ,for mixed marriages; prohibition of allowing an intermarriage reception to be
  7. In an age of pragmatism and glory. His refusal to sign the proclamation of, congratulation ,for declaring empire was soon met when his name was not included in the first
  8. Hillary, the first expedition leader to summit Mount Everest, wrote him in, congratulation , Another was the Shallow Underwater Breathing Apparatus (" SUB" ), a
  9. Matthias Berger, the German Chancellor, Lenard had sent a telegram of, congratulation ,to Hirschfeld. When on June 24, 1922,the politician Walther Athena had been
  10. Army, inflicting 5,500 casualties; for which feat he received letters of, congratulation ,from the pope, all the Catholic potentates of Europe, and even from the sultan
  11. Race, gave his opinion on the formula by which the race was run, gave a word of, congratulation ,to his rivals. Garin's written note said: 1904 Tour de France Gain also won
  12. Encountering amiable native lifeforms. Aboard Jaffar's ship there is, congratulation ,as the docking tube between the two vessels retracts, and they speculate on how
  13. On crossing over to India on December 4. King George V sends a message of, congratulation ,to the Amir, who telegraphs a reply expressing deep appreciation of His Majesty
  14. E. Dodd American ambassador to Germany in 1933,Crane wrote Dodd a letter of, congratulation ,that said: Crane expressed great admiration for Adolph Hitler, and he himself
  15. The successful journey there by his friends. Responding to Hubert Humphrey's, congratulation ,for his Nobel Prize, Feynman admitted to a long admiration for the then vice
  16. Wherever she went over the following days, and received messages of support and, congratulation ,from other world leaders. Operation Nimrod brought the SAS, a
  17. Was a magnificent celebration of Hyrtl's seventieth birthday, when messages of, congratulation ,were sent to him from all the universities of the world. After retiring from
  18. Would be a hug. It is mostly used as a greeting, but can also be offered as a, congratulation ,or as a general declaration of friendship or love. Cheek kissing is acceptable
  19. Projectiles from the eyes) wins the game. The player is treated to a brief, congratulation ,and a challenge to defeat the Master again. Following this screen the player
  20. Italian historian, addressed to the Bishop of Piacenza some memorable words of, congratulation , asking leave to add to the bishop's blessing on the departing missionaries,"
  21. Recognizing Constantine's quick and clement victories, sent him embassies of, congratulation ,for his victory. He moved on to Milan, where he was met with open gates and
  22. And forced a seventh game; at the end, the Flyers team surrounded Hex tall in, congratulation ,and the Oilers' player Kevin Lowe said that Hex tall" held them in it ". Between
  23. Their tendency would be mischievous, and there is, therefore,some cause for, congratulation ,in the fact that Wagner's music, in spite of all its wondrous skill and power
  24. Instead. Other cities of the north Italian plain sent Constantine embassies of, congratulation ,for his victory. He moved on to Milan, where he was met with open gates and
  25. Little more than his name (if necessary) and a conventional greeting or, congratulation ,to each person in the receiving line. Thus, the reception progresses steadily
  26. Earth, peace and good will toward men. " Then Queen Victoria sent a telegram of, congratulation ,to President James Buchanan through the line, and expressed a hope that it
  27. Acknowledge his award of a Rhodes Scholarship with even as much as a letter of, congratulation , Although Morris' contribution to the university continues to go unrecognized
  28. Posthumously by Oakie's widow on 1 January 1980. 240 pages. * Letters of, congratulation ,and reminiscence sent from almost 150 celebrities to Jack Sakai in celebration
  29. Had this to say of him:“ Dvorak’s success in England affords matter for much, congratulation , We have from him that which is new and not mischievous…that which is
  30. A threefold larger Swedish army; for which feat he received letters of, congratulation ,from the Pope, all the Catholic potentates of Europe, and even the sultan of
  31. For being the first devout Muslim president of Turkey. GUL received messages of, congratulation ,from the US, EU and German authorities while Turkish prime minister Tail
  32. 9:25-27),of Isaac (27:28-29 and 39-40),and of Jacob (49:3-27); Jethro's, congratulation ,of Israel (Exodus 18:10); the blessing of Aaron (Numbers 6:24-26) and of
  33. Arthur Donovan was even seen shaking Farr's hand after the bout, in apparent, congratulation , Nevertheless, after the score was announced, Louis had won a controversial
  34. Honourable ", which is the usual distinction, and " very honorable with the, congratulation ,of the jury" ( Tree honorable Alec felicitations). Because there exist no
  35. The year of the order of fighting. # The year of the trial. # The year of, congratulation ,on marriage. # The year of the earthquake. # The year of inquiring. # The year
  36. An account of the life and deeds of the emperor, the special subject of, congratulation ,being the complete defeat of the usurper Maximus. The speech is one of the best
  37. Of the supplies were lost. Despite this, Vian received a personal letter of, congratulation ,from Winston Churchill, and he was appointed a Knight Commander of the British
  38. To Jonathan Shirley, Bishop of St ASAP, a few weeks later:" Your Lordship, congratulation ,on my succeeding Mr. Ramsay I take very kindly, but it is a most miserable
  39. Bed congratulating Beebe on the publication of his monograph. His letter of, congratulation ,to Beebe was the last letter that Roosevelt wrote before his death. Volume II
  40. Had done his duty well, and in open parliament the premier offered him his, congratulation , Everything I could see turned my stomach and my mind fastened on criticism of
  41. INAMI with his value Nora. The hymn Hail to the Statue of Liberty, received the, congratulation ,of President Ronald Reagan. Waldemar Romero was a prolific Venezuelan composer.
  42. Position of a regent of the empire. Many honorific titles and ceremonies of, congratulation ,have been bestowed upon me: what cause have I therefore to regret? " Empress
  43. Priests, and a Catholic population of 150,000. In reply to the addresses of, congratulation ,on the occasion, he modestly referred the success to the cordial assistance of
  44. Afterwards, became the 'Swimming-Pool Librarian '. His father, writing to offer, congratulation , amused comments,'you must tell me what kind of books they have in the
  45. War, HMS Dreadnought rammed and sank a German submarine. Among the telegrams of, congratulation ,was one that read" BUNGA ". Contemporary media coverage File:
  46. Players came out and gathered around him first, rather than the traditional, congratulation ,of the goaltender. The Sharks players also came onto the ice to shake hands
  47. Ice plant. It is a popular place for birthday messages, wedding proposals, and, congratulation , messages. Many people climb atop it to view fireworks on the 4th of July. It is
  48. An honorary citizen of Columbia. On May 7,1993,Bill Clinton, in his, congratulation ,letter to Columbia, stated that the partnership helped to overcome the barriers
  49. After the promulgation of the Nuremberg Laws, Hitler received telegrams of, congratulation ,from all over the Arab and Muslim world, especially from Morocco and Palestine
  50. Release of Disney's movie Dumbo. For their excellent job they received a, congratulation ,note signed by Walt Disney himself. Afterwards they did the dubbing for other

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