Examples of the the word, versa , in a Sentence Context

The word ( versa ), is the 7955 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Interrupted by episodes of mania followed by depression (MD) or vice, versa ,(DM). Employing this schema, major depression would be denoted D. Unipolar
  2. An equivalent (but possibly more or less complex) iterative version, and vice, versa , * Logical: An algorithm may be viewed as controlled logical deduction. This
  3. US. * Singular attributives in one country may be plural in the other, and vice, versa , For example the UK has a drugs' problem while the United States has a drug
  4. And vice versa . Also, it must map a-m (97-109) to n-z (110-122) and vice, versa , It must map all other characters to themselves; it reads characters one at a
  5. In which life exists. Life appears to have adapted to physics, and not vice, versa , Some applications of the anthropic principle have been criticized as an
  6. In the college. Most Columbia classes are open to Barnard students and vice, versa , Barnard's students and faculty are represented in the University Senate, and
  7. We can say that every Boolean ring arises from a Boolean algebra, and vice, versa , Furthermore, a map f: A → B is a homomorphism of Boolean algebras if and only
  8. English bishops would have no authority over Frankish counterparts nor vice, versa , Other directives dealt with the training of native clergy and the missionaries
  9. On each board gets the highest number of MP or IMP for that board, and vice, versa , The competitor with the highest total number of MP or IMP becomes the winner
  10. English. Though the use of a British word would be acceptable in AME (and vice, versa ,), most listeners would recognize the word as coming from the other form of
  11. Example. A harmonic sound could be restructured to sound in harmonic, and vice, versa , An aircraft carrier is a warship designed with a primary mission of deploying
  12. Length is different; that is, if c lies between a and b, then f_c, and vice, versa ,; these algebraic results follow from the fact that towards the red the
  13. It is most likely to have been changed from the original baptisms than vice, versa ,);: *Manuscript variation: In, some manuscripts have neuter noun baptism (
  14. The aperture results in a diminution of the available field of view, and vice, versa , But the larger aperture will give the larger resolution. The following may be
  15. To be programmed into robots to prevent human abuse of robots and vice, versa , United States Walt Disney and a staff of Imagines created Great Moments with
  16. Vice versa . *The complement of a strict weak order is a total preorder and vice, versa , The complement of the inverse has these same properties. Restriction The
  17. American idiom meaning from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean (or vice, versa ,). Many songs have used this term, including the American patriotic songs "
  18. And match as parentheses usually do: each matches exactly one and vice, versa , the comes first, and there can be no unmatched or between the two. Brainfuck
  19. Abundant, ( (Th, Ca,Ce)PO4). Most thorium minerals contain uranium and vice, versa ,; and they all have significant fraction of lanthanides. Rich deposits of
  20. Adjustments in the UK had little effect on present-day US spelling, and vice, versa , Punctuation * Full stops/Periods in abbreviations: Americans tend to write Mr.
  21. In that grammatically masculine numerals have feminine marking and vice, versa , Verbs in Literary Arabic are marked for person (first, second,or third
  22. Represents a voiced consonant can represent its voiceless counterpart and vice, versa ,when adjacent to a voiceless or voiced consonant, respectively,or when a
  23. A, Z+1) have higher mass excess and can beta decay into (A, Z ), but not vice, versa , For all odd mass numbers A global minimum is also the unique local minimum
  24. Within limits. 1.5 V-only keyed cards will not go into 3.3 V slots and vice, versa , though" Uni versa l" cards exist which will fit into either type of slot.
  25. British people refer to the USA and Canada as" across the pond ", and vice, versa , Ocean bottom The principal feature of the bathymetric (bottom topography) is
  26. Minimum video signal level corresponds to maximum carrier amplitude, and vice, versa , The carrier is never shut off altogether; this is to ensure that intercarrier
  27. Conjugate transpose (also called the Hermitian conjugate) of the KET and vice, versa , The notation is justified by the Raise representation theorem, which states
  28. Mostly technical religious words but also everyday words like 'wood' ). Vice, versa , Aramaic words entered Hebrew (not only Aramaic words like mammon 'wealth '
  29. Another, causing each other reciprocally, as hard work causes fitness and vice, versa , although not in the same way or function, the one is as the beginning of
  30. The movement of twice as many whites leaving the South for the North as vice, versa ,contributed to the South's defensive-aggressive political behavior. Name
  31. Christian camp; the Byzantines blamed the crusaders for the failure and vice, versa , and a truce was signed with Saladin. Amalia returned home. Now Jerusalem was
  32. The eyes of sighted surface-form embryos into blind cave-form embryos, and vice, versa , In the cave form, lens development begins within the first 24 hours of
  33. Value (with the + command) will bring it to its minimal value and vice, versa , The exceptions are implementations which are distant from the underlying
  34. Be translated as an unconditional jump to the corresponding command, or vice, versa ,; programs will behave the same but will run more slowly, due to unnecessary
  35. Aircraft make for a distinctly inferior air superiority fighter, and vice, versa , Conversely, many fighter aircraft, such as the F-16,are often used as 'bomb
  36. Do this, it must map characters A-M (ASCII 65-77) to N-Z (78-90),and vice, versa , Also, it must map a-m (97-109) to n-z (110-122) and vice versa . It must map
  37. Conjugate isomorphic. Thus, each bra corresponds to exactly one KET, and vice, versa , More precisely, if: J: \mathcal H \right arrow \mathcal HE* is the Raise
  38. What was good for the country was good for General Motors and vice, versa ," he inspired one of Capp's greatest satires—the introduction of General
  39. To transform continuous-time system representations to discrete-time and vice, versa , The bilinear transform is a special case of a conformal mapping (namely, the
  40. Bilinear map can be uniquely represented by the matrix B (e_i, f_j),and vice, versa , Now, if X is a space of higher dimension, we obviously have dial (V, W;
  41. To find a bindery which is not also involved in book printing (and vice, versa ,). If the book is a hardback its path through the bindery will involve more
  42. Properties: *The complement of a reflexive relation is reflexive and vice, versa , *The complement of a strict weak order is a total preorder and vice versa . The
  43. Wave solutions of the cylindrical wave equation, respectively (or vice, versa , depending on the sign convention for the frequency). Using the previous
  44. For instance: In some cases, the American variant is also used in BRE, or vice, versa , Writing Spelling Before the early 18th century English spelling was not
  45. Edge by about 0.03 %. Note that a ten-value card dealt on a split ace (or vice, versa ,) is a" soft 21" and not a" natural ".: After a split, most games allow
  46. This usually means converting sound energy into electrical energy (or vice, versa ,). For nearly all acoustic applications, some type of acoustic transducer is
  47. It is the seasonal equivalent to October in the Northern Hemisphere and vice, versa , April starts on the same day of the week as July in all years, and January in
  48. Prophets. They may represent Joel’s literary use of other prophets, or vice, versa , In the New Testament, his prophecy of the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit upon
  49. Proportions of glandular tissue than of adipose or connective tissues, and vice, versa ,; and it is the fat-to-connective-tissue ratio that determines the firmness, the
  50. Is possible to tell the pronunciation of a word from its spelling, but not vice, versa ,; this is because certain phonemes can be represented in more than one way, but

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