Examples of the the word, imprison , in a Sentence Context

The word ( imprison ), is the 7965 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The last Year of Three Popes until 1978. * June 1 – Russian troops in Moscow, imprison ,Fe odor II and his mother, later executing them. * June 20 – Pretender Dmitri
  2. Basilica on Sunday, January 23, 1295. One of his first acts as pontiff was to, imprison ,his predecessor in the Castle of Fum one in Fermenting, where he died the next
  3. Kilroy Was Here (a science fiction rock opera about a future where moralists, imprison ,rockers). In the 1980s,the concept album became popular among heavy metal
  4. A bill in 2005 entitled the Internet Spyware Prevention Act, which would, imprison ,creators of spyware. Administrative sanctions US FTC actions The US Federal
  5. Clear that he’s being set up. Clearly the Yanks want to get him back and either, imprison ,him for a long time, or worse. We need a bit of solidarity with someone who has
  6. A subpoena issued by a committee—may also be punished. The House of Lords may, imprison ,an individual for any fixed period of time, but an individual imprison ed by the
  7. To the Dire Marsh to put an end to the Myrkridia forever. They were able to, imprison ,whole legions of the beasts, and soon they came to the Black Spire where the (
  8. Not levy taxes without Parliament's consent, impose martial law on civilians, imprison ,them without due process, or quarter troops in their homes. Charles assented to
  9. State Protection Act (Article 10 b),which grants the government the power to, imprison ,people for up to five years without a trial, and the Law to Safeguard the State
  10. WLM Beecher of How bury and Thomas Snag of Mil brook - with no choice but to, imprison ,him. So Bunyan was incarcerated for 3 months for the crimes of" pertinaciously
  11. His sons, particularly Margin and Gruff. In 1189 Gruff persuaded Rays to, imprison ,Margin, and he was given into Gruffydd's keeping at Diner. Gruff handed
  12. To 1950,the Soviet Union used the occupied Buchenwald concentration camp to, imprison ,defeated Nazis and other Germans. The camp slogan remained. On 6 January 1950
  13. Shahanshah Shah Jahan's first act as ruler was to execute his chief rivals and, imprison ,his stepmother Our Japan. This is allowed Shan Japan to rule without
  14. S wife Elizabeth. State police and other federal officers had been trying to, imprison ,Whitey Bulge for years, but somehow Bulge always avoided getting caught. As
  15. Krill provokes a brawl in the galley with Ry back who assaults Krill. Unable to, imprison ,him in the brig without clearance from the captain or attracting attention
  16. Chiang was a trap, and that the Nationalists were planning to assassinate or, imprison ,the two instead. Zhou took control over Mao's security detail, and his
  17. Army, to appoint Roman Catholics to high political and military offices, and to, imprison ,Church of England clerics who challenged his policies. As a result, a group of
  18. Until Elizabethan times. The now-ruined Fotheringhay Castle was used to, imprison ,Mary, Queen of Scots, before her execution. In 1460,during the Wars of the
  19. And he plans to combine the forces of Hell and Earth to destroy Heaven and, imprison ,God. He has released all the super villains from Hell and all over the world
  20. As 30,000. Under that" state of emergency ", the government has the right to, imprison ,individuals for any period of time, and for virtually no reason, thus keeping
  21. Fought strongly for thousands of years until the life-forms found a way to, imprison ,it since it could not be killed. But as conventional methods could not imprison
  22. Military officers of the New South Wales Corps (the Rum Corps) overthrow and, imprison ,Governor William Bligh and seize control of the colony. * February – Russia
  23. Imprison it since it could not be killed. But as conventional methods could not, imprison ,it, they created vortex to suck in the asteroids and planets around it
  24. Who were known to have hidden weapons in Concord, among other locations, and to, imprison ,the rebellion's leaders, especially Samuel Adams and John Hancock. Dartmouth
  25. Possessing quasi-governmental powers, including the ability to wage war, imprison ,and execute convicts, negotiate treaties, coin money, and establish colonies.
  26. Fluid, effervescent,yeasty. But the mind can't handle these, so it has to, imprison ,religious experience in some way, get it bottled up. Then, when the experience
  27. Had not always been the case. As a royal castle, it was used by the monarch to, imprison ,people for various reasons, however these were usually high-status individuals
  28. 1239,Henry confronted Mont fort, called him an excommunicant and threatened to, imprison ,him in the Tower of London. " You seduced my sister ", King Henry said," and
  29. He built it. Daedalus built the labyrinth for King Minos, who needed it to, imprison ,his wife's son the Minotaur. The story is told that Poseidon had given a white
  30. In exchange for Westley's release, but Humperdinck secretly has Ruben, imprison ,and torture Westley. When Buttercup expresses unhappiness at marrying
  31. Of play has begun to acquire a ruthless streak of her own, insisting that Henry, imprison ,his three sons for the rest of their lives in the dungeon. Philip Capet, King
  32. Assembling witnesses and finding translators, and countries are reluctant to, imprison ,pirates because they would be saddled with them upon their release. By contrast
  33. Imitated in some common law countries. The Sedition Act 1661 made it treason to, imprison , restrain or wound the king. Although this law was abolished in the United
  34. Sitting. Upon the contempt being either admitted or proved the judge or JP may, imprison ,the offender for a maximum of one month, fine them up to GBP £2,500,or do both
  35. Of the Underlie court, where he had been warned not to go, and decided to, imprison ,him in Down Hill — for one night in May 1692,the Rev. Kirk went out for a walk
  36. Caribbean region. Beginning in 2002,a small portion of the base was used to, imprison ,several hundred individuals — some of whom were captured by US forces in
  37. Rebellion against Rome. Breaking an important tradition, the Veneto capture and, imprison ,the Roman envoys sent to them. This infuriates Caesar. The Veneto, because of
  38. Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, stating that the king can neither punish nor, imprison ,any member of the salacity without a viable court verdict. Its purpose is to
  39. Gained enough power and support to have himself declared King Henry IV, to, imprison , King Richard (who died in prison under mysterious circumstances) and to
  40. Unborn child to dominate Led into doing her bidding. Luthor's response is to, imprison ,her while she is drugged during childbirth, keeping her in a
  41. Step ford Cuckoos: Possessed a fraction of the Phoenix Force that they had to, imprison ,inside their diamond hearts. See The Cuckoos lose their connection to the
  42. Cannonball, saved the doctor and took down the Death Commandos. She decided to, imprison ,them, instead of killing them, by telling them," I mean to find destiny in a
  43. Of Moorhen and spoke to the forge master Travel about a device that can, imprison ,whole groups of foes. Travel said they could make this device, but they needed
  44. Possessing quasi-governmental powers, including the ability to wage war, imprison ,and execute convicts, negotiate treaties, coin money, and establish colonies.
  45. Seize power. The army's support allowed Manuela to suppress other claims and, imprison ,those relatives who would not swear loyalty to him. Within a few months, the
  46. Related to" habeas corpus ", provided that the king was not permitted to, imprison , outlaw, exile or kill anyone at a whim—there must be due process of law first.
  47. Mutation, in which their hearts turned to diamond, and they were able to, imprison ,the piece of the Phoenix Force. End of Grey's With the failed attack on the
  48. It became clear that Kenilworth was proving a less than ideal location to, imprison ,Edward. The castle was in a prominent part of the Midlands, in an area that
  49. The now amnesiac Maker destroys a Shi'AR colony, the Imperial Guard manage to, imprison ,it in the interstellar prison called the Kyle. The Maker's madness takes
  50. It is reported that, when Archbishop Lankan suggested to William I that he, imprison ,the rebellious bishop Do of Bayeux, he exclaimed 'What! He is a clergyman '.

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