Examples of the the word, probation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( probation ), is the 7950 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Role of a moderate. Trotsky kept his Politburo seat, but was effectively put on, probation , A year in the wilderness (1925) 1925 was a difficult year for Trotsky. After
  2. Probation for a 1971 firebomb-making incident. He was found guilty of violating, probation ,and served a one-year prison sentence. Huron and twelve others were injured.
  3. During the show that she had been" clean and sober" for a year. After several, probation ,violations in early 2006,Love was sentenced to six months of lock down rehab
  4. Task Force, convicted of withholding evidence and sentenced to one year, probation , Later pardoned by President George H. W. Bush #Clair George Chief of Covert
  5. S Government interprets the Basic Law to serve its need, that is, a two-year, probation ,for Sang, instead of a five-year term. Political reform package On 4 December
  6. 15-16) occur during the" time of trouble" following the close of human, probation , Revelation 17-18 recapitulate with a description of Roman Catholicism (
  7. To life in prison. When police speculated about the assailant, the juvenile, probation ,officer assisting at the scene of the murders speculated that Echoes was "
  8. A man who had accidentally strangled his partner to death had been sentenced to, probation ,for negligent manslaughter. The court had rejected a conviction on charges of
  9. Angeles Valley College, a community college, where he was placed on academic, probation ,before dropping out to work in a series of jobs, including carpet cleaner
  10. Or in cases where the sinner appears truly repentant, individuals may be put on, probation ,for a time, during which further sin will result in disfellowshipment or
  11. Guilty to this same felony and served a 6-month jail sentence, followed by, probation ,and community service. A central figure in the case and one of the women
  12. What is called today nuclear physics. '" He earned poor grades, was placed on, probation ,in September 1931 and dropped out altogether in the fall of 1932. Scientology
  13. Entertainer Wayne Newton posted her $13,000 bail. Plato was given five years ', probation , She made headlines and became part of the national debate over troubled child
  14. Lamp was sentenced to six months detention at his parents' home plus two years, probation , and was ordered to pay roughly $65,000 in restitution. He was convicted of
  15. Of withholding evidence, but after a plea bargain was given only 2 years, probation , Later pardoned by President George H. W. Bush
  16. Of the plea agreement Life son and his son were each sentenced to 12 months of, probation ,with the adjudication of that probation suspended. Life son acknowledged his
  17. See we've got a coach at Kentucky, who put two schools Mass and Memphis on, probation ,and he's still coaching. I really don't understand that. " * On April 18
  18. Great Knot. The executioner was usually a criminal who had to pass through a, probation ,and regular training, being let off his own penalties in return for his
  19. For Diazepam. She served 30 days in jail for violation of the terms of her, probation ,and entered a drug program immediately thereafter. Following her appearance in
  20. With my life. " DNA controversy On May 9,2006,while 18 months into a two year, probation ,sentence, Adrian Lamp refused to give the United States government a blood
  21. While intoxicated and resisting arrest. He was later sentenced to one year, probation , a $500 fine,40 hours of community service and a one-year loss of his driver
  22. To be produced for the U. S. In January 2011,the F-35B variant was placed on ", probation ," for two years because of development problems. In February 2011,the Pentagon
  23. Nine months in a federal prison, plus forfeiting $103,000 and a year of, probation ,). The other 54 individuals were given fines and home detentions. While the DOJ
  24. Of withholding evidence, but after a plea bargain was given only 2 years, probation , Later pardoned by President George H. W. Bush #Elliott Abrams ® Assistant
  25. Who is not making normal progress towards graduation is placed on academic, probation ,and may be dismissed from the college. Admission Grinned College is a highly
  26. But was given credit for time served and good behavior; he was released on, probation ,and ordered to undergo psychological treatment. The jury convicted Hunt of
  27. Guidelines. This means that first-time offenders are eligible to receive, probation ,rather than incarceration. Common law U. S. insider trading prohibitions are
  28. The fire discolored portions of the sandstone near the arch. Fatal was given, probation ,and forced to pay $10,900 restitution to the National Park Service for the cost
  29. Son were each sentenced to 12 months of probation with the adjudication of that, probation ,suspended. Life son acknowledged his subsequent legal action against both the
  30. The lesser sanctions of private counsel and caution, informal probation , formal, probation , and disfellowshipment) as penalties for those who commit serious sins, those
  31. In modern times, felons can receive punishments which range in severity; from, probation , to imprisonment, to execution for premeditated murder or other serious crimes.
  32. One out of three black men between the ages of 20-29 were in prison or jail, on, probation , or parole on any given day in the United States. First Nations make up about 2
  33. A ban on BNP membership was considered in the civil service in 2004 and in the, probation ,service in 2005. In October 2005,a proposal to ban the BNP from Dorset Fire
  34. Came close to losing its educational accreditation when it was placed on, probation ,by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. The school has improved
  35. Of the canonical monastery of St. Gertrude in Novellas (Brabant),after a, probation ,of 3 years, are made knights (militia) at the altar, by a (male) knight
  36. Of two years, the probation er is then examined again and either continued on, probation , discontinued altogether, or approved for ordination. Upon final approval by
  37. No contest, did community service, paid a fine and was placed on three years ', probation , A civil lawsuit was settled out of court. The couple separated in 2003. While
  38. W. A member and Ice Cube. Thus, Dr. Dre was fined $2,500 and given two years ', probation ,and 240 hours of community service, as well as a spot on an anti-violence
  39. And ship arms abroad from Israel. A hearing was held to revoke Kahane's, probation ,for a 1971 firebomb-making incident. He was found guilty of violating probation
  40. Plead guilty to stealing government property. Hakim was given two years of, probation ,and a $5,000 fine, while Lake Resources Inc. was ordered to dissolve. The
  41. Natural causes in 1974,while Era returned to the U. S. in 1975 and was put on, probation , Since that time, efforts to use biological warfare has been more apparent in
  42. Meetings, meals and religious celebrations. After a total of three years ', probation , newly joining members would take an oath that included the commitment to
  43. Law Amendment Act 1885. Turing was given a choice between imprisonment or, probation ,conditional on his agreement to undergo hormonal treatment designed to reduce
  44. Logo as it is known today. Norris also placed coach Jack Adams on a one-year, probation ,for the 1932–33 NHL season. Adams managed to pass his probation ary period by
  45. As well as the lesser sanctions of private counsel and caution, informal, probation , formal probation , and disfellowshipment) as penalties for those who commit
  46. Again for cocaine possession in August 1990 and was sentenced to three years ', probation , fined $500,and given 300 hours of community service. In September 1996,he
  47. Purdue Boilermakers. Knight was suspended for one game and received two years ', probation ,from the Big Ten Conference. *Women's groups nationwide were outraged by
  48. November 1989 to making false statements to Congress. Sentenced to two years of, probation , #Albert Hakim A businessman, he pleaded guilty in November 1989 to
  49. Judge Gerhard A. Resell to a three-year suspended prison term, two years, probation , $150,000 in fines and 1,200 hours community service. His convictions are later
  50. Focusing his attention on the troubled VTOL F-35B Gates ordered" a two-year, probation ,", saying it" should be canceled" if corrections are unsuccessful. However

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