Examples of the the word, weld , in a Sentence Context

The word ( weld ), is the 8591 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And as a result, changing the polarity of the electrode has an impact on, weld ,properties. If the electrode is positively charged, the base metal will be
  2. Avoid exposure to extreme heat and flames. Additionally, the brightness of the, weld ,area leads to a condition called arc eye or flash burns in which ultraviolet
  3. Put to use by inventing the atomic hydrogen weld ing process; the first plasma, weld ,ever made. Plasma weld ing has since been developed into gas tungsten arc
  4. Such as in gas tungsten arc weld ing. For a direct current system the, weld ,rod or stick may be a cathode for a filling type weld or an anode for other
  5. Would be constructed nearby, focusing solar heat onto the asteroid, first to, weld ,and seal the tunnel ends, then more diffusely to slowly heat the entire outer
  6. Blows. A blow increased the temperature sufficiently to produce a friction, weld ,at that spot. Forging continued until the steel was cold, producing some
  7. Up approximately in the 1940s - 1950s. The initial prototypes clearly showed a, weld ,where the extension was attached. * Shipwright's adze - A lighter, and more
  8. Example. After weld ing, a number of distinct regions can be identified in the, weld ,area. The weld itself is called the fusion zone—more specifically, it is where
  9. Zone, the area that had its microstructure and properties altered by the, weld , These properties depend on the base material's behavior when subjected to
  10. Intense heat focused on a small spot can be used to cut through metal or, weld ,metal components together both by melting metal from the components, and by
  11. Methods, like shielded metal arc weld ing, are extremely versatile and can, weld ,virtually any type of joint. Some processes can also be used to make multipass
  12. The seam. An infrared laser is traced along the seam, causing the two sides to, weld ,together. This could solve the difficulties and blood leaks caused when the
  13. Rock, of any origin, that was sufficiently hot at the time of deposition to, weld ,together. Strictly speaking, if the rock contains scattered pea-sized fragments
  14. To make multipass weld s, in which one weld is allowed to cool, and then another, weld ,is performed on top of it. This allows for the weld ing of thick sections
  15. The weapon very dangerous to fire. Yet another method is to use termite to, weld ,the traversing and elevation mechanism of the weapon, making it impossible to
  16. Comes off by itself, and combined with the use of a continuous wire feed,the, weld ,deposition rate is high. Working conditions are much improved over other arc
  17. Open-air fine was held in common by the Latin tribes, which Rome aspired to, weld ,into a league and direct. Diana of the wood was soon thoroughly Hellenized," a
  18. Margaret reserved to herself the office of Regent during his minority. To, weld ,the united kingdoms still more closely together, Margaret summoned a Congress
  19. Welding, a number of distinct regions can be identified in the weld area. The, weld ,itself is called the fusion zone—more specifically, it is where the filler
  20. Insisting on his sincerity and commenting 'how one man single-handedly, could, weld , warring tribes and wandering Bedouins into a most powerful and civilized nation
  21. Reaction tends to cause it to float on the iron, reducing contamination of the, weld , Although the reactants are stable at room temperature, they burn with an
  22. The electrode is positively charged, the base metal will be hotter, increasing, weld , penetration and weld ing speed. Alternatively, a negatively charged electrode
  23. To be used as a symbol of a new imperial unity and a cementing force to, weld ,the diverse and heterogeneous elements of the empire ". Also, in the Edicts
  24. In the atmosphere are blocked by the flux. The slag that forms on the, weld ,generally comes off by itself, and combined with the use of a continuous wire
  25. One person via this type of accident. Blue argon lasers are used in surgery to, weld ,arteries, destroy tumors, and to correct eye defects. It has also used
  26. Properties of weld s, especially microstructure, residual stresses, and a, weld ,'s tendency to crack or deform. Vedic may refer to: ** Vedic period, during
  27. Situations, because unpredictable atmospheric movements can result in a faulty, weld , Shielded metal arc weld ing is also often used in underwater weld ing in the
  28. Metals with this process does not involve melting the materials; instead,the, weld ,is formed by introducing mechanical vibrations horizontally under pressure.
  29. Have a small window, called a lens shade, through which the weld er looks at the, weld ,; for arc weld ing this window must be much darker than in blowtorch goggles and
  30. Are forced together, the oxide layer can be scraped off, causing the parts to, weld ,together. When disassembled, the weld ed material may be torn and pitted, an
  31. Mode is typically a stress-related fracture of the tungsten wire or at a, weld ,point and generally occurs after accruing many thermal (power on-off) cycles.
  32. Is the most common process. Processes that employ inert gases to protect the, weld ,cannot be readily used in such situations, because unpredictable atmospheric
  33. That have been cut during a kidney or heart transplant. The flesh weld er could, weld ,the artery perfectly. Visualization Tracking movement can help determine how
  34. Of remnant Roman and ruling barbarian cultures; he consequently attempted to, weld ,the peoples and subcultures of the Visigothic kingdom into a united nation. He
  35. But instead reduces the iron oxide ore into particles of pure iron, which then, weld ,into a mass of sponge iron, consisting of lumps of impurities in a matrix of
  36. To cut interlocking patterns out of different steels, fit them together, then, weld , the resulting assembly into a solid block of steel. Pablo Diego José Francisco
  37. 1845) presented a positive image of Cromwell: someone who attempted to, weld ,order from the conflicting forces of reform in his own day. Carlyle sought to
  38. Direct current system the weld rod or stick may be a cathode for a filling type, weld ,or an anode for other weld ing processes. For an alternating current arc weld er
  39. And using suggestions from Rose, Charlie manages to straighten the shaft and, weld ,a new blade on to the propeller, and they are off again. All appears lost when
  40. There are several ways to do this. By far the most destructive method is to, weld ,the weapon shut by inserting one or more armed termite grenades into the
  41. The two parts is specially designed to concentrate the energy for the maximum, weld ,strength. Ultrasound and animals Bats use a variety of ultrasonic ranging
  42. Rod, which is made of steel and is covered with a flux that protects the, weld ,area from oxidation and contamination by producing carbon dioxide (CO2) gas
  43. Available as" weld ing neck "," slip-on "," boss "," lap joint "," socket, weld ,"," threaded ", and also" blind ". ASHE standards (U. S.) Pipe flanges that
  44. Driven by a propeller. After a new steam engine had an accident (cracked pipe, weld ,) his experiments where banned by the Austro-Hungarian police as dangerous.
  45. Stem, seating surface in the body, gate seating surface, bushing or a deposited, weld ,for the backseat and stem hole guide, and small internal parts that normally
  46. Continue to develop new weld ing methods and gain greater understanding of, weld ,quality and properties. History The history of joining metals goes back several
  47. Joint, and the interactions between all these factors. To test the quality of a, weld , either destructive or nondestructive testing methods are commonly used to
  48. Reserved for the genius of Hammurabi to make Babylon his metropolis and, weld ,together his vast empire by a uniform system of law. Hammurabi's code By
  49. Is made of titanium, a light, rigid and strong material, but also difficult to, weld , and costly. Ailerons are not fitted, with roll control being provided by wing
  50. Of joint. Some processes can also be used to make multipass weld s, in which one, weld ,is allowed to cool, and then another weld is performed on top of it. This

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