Examples of the the word, insurgency , in a Sentence Context

The word ( insurgency ), is the 8605 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. September 1980,following a long history of border disputes, and fears of Shia, insurgency ,among Iraq's long-suppressed Shia majority influenced by the Iranian
  2. Lon Not unable to retain foreign support to combat the growing Khmer Rouge, insurgency ,that would overthrow him in 1975. Documents uncovered from the Soviet archives
  3. Major headache" for Cuba's ostensible allies in the Kremlin. The Sandinista, insurgency ,in Nicaragua, which lead to the demise of the Somoza dictatorship in 1979,was
  4. The PDP of his perceived enemies. His regime was still under pressure from the, insurgency ,in the country, and he tried to gain Pakistani or American support and refused
  5. Toll estimated between 1,200 and 2,000),the rebellion was suppressed. The, insurgency ,in Asturias sharpened the antagonism between Left and Right. Franco and López
  6. Was designed to infiltrate forces into Jammy and Kashmir to precipitate an, insurgency ,against rule by India. The five-week war caused thousands of casualties on both
  7. Like Son Sen, Ieng Mary, and Sloth SAR (later known as Pol Pot),who led an, insurgency ,under the clandestine Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK). Sihanouk called
  8. In Iraq changed from fighting the Iraqi Army to suppressing the guerrilla, insurgency , more armor kits were being manufactured, though perhaps not as fast as
  9. Warfare program that was eventually used in Malaya and Vietnam in counter, insurgency , Though herbicides are chemicals, they are often grouped with biological
  10. In May 2010 for a morale-boosting visit to British troops fighting the Taliban, insurgency , The appearance of Beckham as well as British Foreign Secretary William Hague
  11. Decision by a direct battle using conventional military forces often becomes an, insurgency , Until the 19th century the majority of battles were of short duration, many
  12. Of the 30,000 soldiers of the Spanish Army of Africa. The first days of the, insurgency ,were marked with a serious need to secure control over the Spanish Moroccan
  13. Diego Hidalgo, was put in command of the operations directed to suppress the, insurgency , The forces of the Army in Africa were to carry the brunt of this, with General
  14. Shut down services across Israel. *1997 – In the worst incident in Algeria's, insurgency , the Malaya of Reliance massacres,400 people from four villages are killed.
  15. Intelligence (ISI) spy network are actively involved in a nationwide Taliban, insurgency ,means" Land of the Afghans ", which originates from the ethnonym" Afghan ".
  16. Bolivia again entered a period of political turmoil. CIA activities and leftist, insurgency ,The CIA had been active in providing finances and training to the Bolivian
  17. That lasted until 2010. In recent years the city has been a frequent subject to, insurgency ,activities and terrorist attacks. Toponym There have been several rivals
  18. Facing recent guerrilla war activity include: Africa: Asia: * South Thailand, insurgency ,in Southern Thailand along the Malaysia-Thailand border Europe: Latin America:
  19. Frequently within the context of a civil conflict or the existence of an, insurgency , Governments in Bolivia, Chile,Colombia, Ecuador,Eritrea, El Salvador
  20. Corruption weakened the civilian administration and army. The Communist, insurgency ,inside Cambodia continued to grow, aided by supplies and military support from
  21. State. For the time being South African forces were repelled though the UNITS, insurgency ,continued; eventually Cuban forces withdrew from the country, especially as
  22. Timur was even forced to move his capital from Kandahar to Kabul due to, insurgency , Timur Shah proved an ineffectual ruler, during whose reign the Duran empire
  23. And a decade of sanctions, it was racked by violence between a growing Iraqi, insurgency ,and occupation forces. Saddam Hussein, who vanished in April, was captured on
  24. After the walkout, discontent mounted, and in June 1924 a peasant-backed, insurgency ,had won control of Tirana. Nola became prime minister, and You fled to
  25. In suicide operations, they have been a" key driver" of the Sunni, insurgency , Although they played a small part in the overall insurgency , between 30 % and
  26. Four bombardment squadrons were established to fight against the Communist, insurgency ,that was rapidly spreading throughout the country. During the civil war
  27. Of the Sunni insurgency . Although they played a small part in the overall, insurgency , between 30 % and 42 % of all suicide bombings which took place in the early
  28. Where for almost 30 years various Muslim groups have been engaged in an, insurgency ,for an independent province in the country. The name of the group is derived
  29. Made by the Afghan government to begin extracting these but with the Taliban, insurgency ,and the corruption there is no telling what will happen. A memo from the
  30. Repercussions on the country's economic condition. Beginning in late 1979,as, insurgency ,spread in neighboring countries, Honduran military leaders enthusiastically
  31. Invasion appeared an initial success. Nevertheless, a significant Taliban, insurgency ,remains in Afghanistan, and al-Qaeda's top two leaders, bin Laden and
  32. Given in an August 12, 2005 column in The Washington Post:" Victory over the, insurgency ,is the only meaningful exit strategy. " In a November 19, 2006 interview at BBC
  33. Years of war, corruption among high level politicians and the ongoing Taliban, insurgency ,from Pakistan. U. S. officials have also accused Iran of providing limited
  34. Due to the recent Afghanistan–Pakistan border skirmishes, escalating Taliban, insurgency ,which is alleged to be supported and guided by Pakistan's Inter-Services
  35. Up arms against the British. A tough military response was needed to end the, insurgency ,and bring about the establishment of an independent, multi-racial Federation of
  36. Was supported by the Muslim Malay majority, on the understanding that once the, insurgency ,had been quelled, independence would be granted. Brunei, which had been a
  37. Began a civil war. Tombalbaye was overthrown and killed in 1975,but the, insurgency ,continued. In 1979 the rebel factions conquered the capital, and all central
  38. Program, though fighting and terrorism continues in some areas (See Islamic, insurgency ,in Algeria (2002–present) ). The issue of Amazing languages and identity
  39. S. Army took control of the Confederate areas and there was no post-surrender, insurgency ,or guerrilla warfare against the army, but there was a great deal of local
  40. As a" neocolonialist" plot against his country, and backed a Communist, insurgency ,in Sarawak, mainly involving elements of the local Chinese community.
  41. Investment, ongoing government corruption and the Pakistani-backed Taliban, insurgency , The United States also accuses neighboring Iran of providing small level of
  42. Ferdinand Marcos, suspended habeas corpus in an effort to stifle the oncoming, insurgency , having blamed the Filipino Communist Party for the events of August 21. Many
  43. 90s the Indonesian military worked hard to suppress and tackle down the armed, insurgency ,and separatist movements in troubled provinces of Ace and East Timor. In 1992
  44. Which were used as a mechanism for the Tudor English kings to suppress local, insurgency , followed by 18th century landlord towns. Surviving Norman founded planned
  45. In the early 2000s,and due to the ongoing problem with the Colombian guerrilla, insurgency ,infiltrating Amazonian provinces, the Ecuadorian Armed Forces has gone through
  46. Whether to redefine the war on terrorism as a fight against" worldwide, insurgency , " He advised aides" to test what the results could be" if the war on
  47. The Pakistan Army's operations in North-West Pakistan against the Taliban, insurgency , Other The Royal Netherlands Air Force, Belgian Air Force, Turkish Air Force
  48. Including the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, the wars in Georgia and the, insurgency ,in Chechnya. Some soldiers served in former Soviet Army formations in Russia
  49. Not formed a new government, which lasted until 1967. During 1968 and 1969,the, insurgency ,worsened. In August 1969,Lon Not formed a new government. Prince Sihanouk went
  50. The 1979 Sandinista government in Nicaragua (having supported the Sandinista, insurgency ,against Anastasia Somoza's rule). Cuba proved to be the organization's chief

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