Examples of the the word, veil , in a Sentence Context

The word ( veil ), is the 8608 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is to be placed above the Ark. The Ark is finally to be placed behind a, veil ,(Prophet),a full description of which is also given. Mobile vanguard After
  2. Then asks what theory of justice we would choose to govern our society when the, veil ,is lifted, if we wanted to do the best that we could for ourselves. We don’t
  3. With a double certificate of its authenticity, which states, that this, veil , a family treasure of the expelled house of Stuart, was finally in the
  4. Like all goddesses, images of Hera might show her wearing a diadem and a, veil , Epithets Hera bore several epithets in the mythological tradition, including:
  5. Who was renamed Priam, who saved his own life by giving Heracles a golden, veil ,Heroine had made. Celadon took Heroine as a war prize; they were married and
  6. Are grieving the deaths of their husbands or close partners sometimes wear a, veil ,to conceal their faces, although this practice is not presently common.
  7. He ordered his queen, Vashti,to appear before him and his guests wearing no, veil , which was dishonorable, to display her beauty by only wearing her crown. But
  8. Is transformed, so that from that time onwards he has to hide his face with a, veil , Moses assembles the Hebrews and repeats to them the commandments he has
  9. Veil, that is visible using fluorescence microscopy. The actual function of the, veil ,is not clear, although it is excluded from the nucleolus and is present during
  10. An impartial distribution of goods. Rails asks us to imagine ourselves behind a, veil ,of ignorance that denies us all knowledge of our personalities, social statuses
  11. Of a white tunic and scapular, a leather belt, a black mantle, and a black, veil , Candidates to profession were tested to reveal whether they were actually
  12. The raft, but Odysseus swims ashore on the island of Cherie (helped by a, veil ,given by the sea nymph In),the home of the Phaeacians, where,naked and
  13. Of rams' horns (Josh. 6:4-20). When carried, the Ark was always wrapped in a, veil , in dachas skins and a blue cloth, and was carefully concealed, even from the
  14. Is" up to something low. " She disguises herself in virginal white robes and a, veil ,(much like Philia's) in order to try and catch Senex being unfaithful.
  15. The third and final event in this sequence is Jesus' death, followed by the, veil ,being rent and the centurion confessing," truly this man was the Son of God. "
  16. Loved one person," and it wasn't the person standing next to me in the, veil , " Charles makes a proposal of lifelong commitment without marriage to Carrie
  17. In the secular world. She, with the consent of her husband, soon took the, veil ,in the Benedictine nunnery of Jully-les-Nonnains. Gerard of Chateaux, Bernard
  18. Were instantiations of a transcendental world of pure forms that lay behind the, veil ,of the physical world. In this way, universals were explained as transcendent
  19. Then what he expected, and when Thrum goes in for a kiss beneath" Freyja's ", veil , he finds" her" eyes to be terrifying, and he jumps down the hall. The
  20. Of the speech that Hilbert gave:: Who among us would not be happy to lift the, veil ,behind which is hidden the future; to gaze at the coming developments of our
  21. S ensign and Emilia's husband, a villain. He hides his real nature under the, veil ,of 'honesty '. *Brabant, a Venetian senator,Gratiano's brother, and
  22. Be reasonably believed to have once been the property of the queen, it is the, veil ,with which she covered her head on the scaffold, after the executioner had
  23. Executioners' block may mean that it will never be possible to be certain. The, veil ,is embroidered with gold spangles by (as is said) the queen's own hand, in
  24. Where they form another regular structure, known as the nucleoplasmic, veil , that is visible using fluorescence microscopy. The actual function of the veil
  25. Blasphemy, political sedition and intellectual hostility hidden under a thin, veil ,of naïveté. The original 1956 libretto of Candide, written by Lillian Hellman
  26. Before arriving due to her eagerness to arrive. Pryor then lifts" Freyja's ", veil ,and wants to kiss" her" until catching the terrifying eyes staring back at
  27. The leader of the Secret Avengers, a black-ops team that operates under a, veil ,of secrecy. Marvel stated in May 2011 that Rogers, following the death of Bucky
  28. Marriage. For luck, many of the brides would attend in their wedding gown and, veil , although this custom has long since disappeared from the Islands. In 2009 the
  29. Referring to the abstract concept of clothing the entity with a ", veil ," of artificial personhood (embodying, or “ corp orating” it, ‘ corpus’ being
  30. 82-year-old daughter-in-law said they were the remains of her mother-in-law's, veil , casting a further layer of doubt on the matter. However, during the tour of
  31. Portrayed as a goddess of the moon, Artemis wore a long robe and sometimes a, veil ,covered her head. Her darker side is revealed in some vase paintings, where she
  32. Example, it is the right of Muslims in France who object to the law banning the, veil ,to bring it up to the legislative and judicial authorities. If the judiciary
  33. Broad, so that it seems to have been rather a kind of shawl or scarf than a, veil , Melville in his memoirs, which Schiller had read, speaks of a handkerchief
  34. As goddess of the moon, however,Diana wore a long robe, sometimes with a, veil ,covering her head. Both as goddess of hunting and goddess of the moon she is
  35. As stating that Comoros is not ready to become an Islamic state, nor shall the, veil ,be forced upon any women in the Comoros. 2007-2008 Angolan crisis
  36. Were actually put in place, such as the abolition of the traditional Muslim, veil ,for women and the opening of a number of co-educational schools, quickly
  37. Where a lengthy glissando is used to symbolize the removal of Orpheus's, veil ,as he enters hell. *Universal: A final version called the universal phosgene
  38. Muslim populations, Kurdish women are not secluded and do not wear the face, veil , Kurdish men and women participate in mixed-gender dancing during feasts
  39. And was co-captain of his High School cricket team. Baba later explained that a, veil ,is always placed on the Avatar until the time is right for him to begin his
  40. Of what he considered so valuable. According to a note on the plate,the, veil ,is eighty-nine English inches long and forty-three broad, so that it seems to
  41. 1) those who emphasized" real" analysis and regarded money as merely a ", veil ," and (2) those who thought monetary institutions are important and money
  42. First merely to take care of the lamp which was to burn perpetually before the, veil ,of the tabernacle Exodus 27:21. A more formal calling soon followed (Exodus
  43. Would now accept that 'Both in analysis and life, we perceive reality through a, veil ,of unconscious fantasy '. Isaacs however claimed that 'Freud's" hallucinatory
  44. Comply with Quranic traditions. Women can opt to wear Alemannic, a loose white, veil , especially in the presence of other people. They wear Alemannic on their heads
  45. The tour of Australia in 2006/7,the MCC official accompanying the urn said the, veil ,legend had been discounted, and it was now" 95 % certain" that the urn
  46. Of Plaster Crowley that:" Crowley clothed many of his teachings in the thin, veil ,of sensational titillation. By doing so he assured himself that one, his works
  47. Nucleolus and is present during interphase. Latin structures that make up the, veil , such as LEM3,bind chromatin and disrupting their structure inhibits
  48. By a false blow (whether from awkwardness or confusion is uncertain). This, veil ,came into the possession of Sir John Come Happily, who claimed to be
  49. And elsewhere. " Rousseau, he wrote," has not had the precaution to throw any, veil ,over his sentiments; and, as he scorns to dissemble his contempt for
  50. In several paintings, including a striking portrait study of Morison in a black, veil , while in mourning for her father's death (displayed at the top of the

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