Examples of the the word, redemption , in a Sentence Context

The word ( redemption ), is the 8601 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The same time, it is an opportunity to publicly show thanks for that worldwide, redemption , Latter-day Saints In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS
  2. Tennessee and Indianapolis, its triumph over the Dolphins in Week 7 was, redemption ,for what had happened against the same opponent in the previous season. Eight
  3. Their" alien" extra-European origins and culture. They saw Jews as beyond, redemption ,even if they converted to the majority religion. Anthropologists discussed
  4. Against" life" issues like Utilitarian bioethics. * A lack of atonement or, redemption ,from the villains and antagonists, coinciding with main characters who are (
  5. Was matched by how far he had fallen in his life. The communal understanding of, redemption ,and human self-worth has changed since Newton's time. Since the 1970s
  6. Sends a letter instituting an annual commemoration of the Jewish people's, redemption , in a holiday called Purim (lots). Chasers remains very powerful and
  7. In practice, the fifth cup has come to be seen as a celebration of future, redemption , Today, a place is reserved at the Seder table and a cup of wine is placed
  8. Was both sacramental and sacerdotal in nature: sacramental in that it granted, redemption ,and liberation from this world; sacerdotal in that those who had received this
  9. His death by crucifixion, which Christians believe brought about the, redemption ,of mankind. Large crucifixes high across the central axis of a church, by the
  10. The belief that Jesus Christ is the one who sacrificed himself in behalf of, redemption ,for all mankind, becoming the only mediator between Jehovah God and mankind (
  11. Xavier also warns Cain that if he gets in the way of the Professor's path to, redemption ,Xavier will stop him permanently. Following his encounter with Cain it has been
  12. Or crime tied to the Event, and confronting it becomes their only chance at, redemption , One of the series' influences. Among Roger's gadgetry is the Griffon, a
  13. Its name to a Superman villain, appeared on The Simpsons to demonstrate the, redemption ,of a murderous character named Sideshow Bob, incorporated into Hare Krishna
  14. But informs Ruth that there is another male relative who has the first right of, redemption , The next morning, Boaz discusses the issue with the other male relative, Ploni
  15. Of wine. Each serving of wine corresponds to one of the" four expressions of, redemption ," in the Book of Exodus:" I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under
  16. Group of strangers, each with his or her own story and in need of some kind of, redemption , are making their way to Canterbury together. The film's main story takes
  17. Attributes; in its second, those of creation and sin; in its third, those of, redemption ,and atonement; and, in its fourth and last, those of the sacraments. This
  18. Of his own estate by marrying Ruth, and so relinquishes his right of, redemption , thus allowing Boat to marry Ruth. They transfer the property and redeem it by
  19. The Final Beatitude) a verse-play written by poet Array, depicting his, redemption , was adapted to stage in 1996 by theater director, Ratan Hiram and has since
  20. God alone. Reformed writings commonly refer to an intra-Trinitarian covenant of, redemption , The greater focus is the relationship between God and man, which in historic
  21. Implicitly with Christian themes such as sin,humanity's fall from grace, and, redemption , The Pilgrim's Regress His first novel after becoming a Christian was The
  22. Kinsman-marriage. " Moreover, it seems that an understanding of this kind of, redemption ,among the Israelites included both that of people and of land. In Israel land
  23. Had been growing increasingly pessimistic and dark, with the possibility of, redemption ,through personal responsibility now very much questioned, particularly in
  24. Has been wounded, together with the whole of human nature, and requires, redemption ,of Christ. That healing is a process realized in conjugal acts. The virtue of
  25. The Courts banking fortune, approached Dickens about setting up a home for the, redemption ,of" fallen" women. Courts envisioned a home that would differ from existing
  26. g. Just as in the fall of Adam resulted from the fruit of a tree, Irenaeus saw, redemption ,and salvation as the fruit of another tree: the cross of crucifixion. Augustine
  27. Ruth and Naomi's" kinsman-redeemer. " The Israelites' understanding of, redemption ,is woven into their understanding of and appreciation of the nature of the "
  28. Judgement but in John 1:1,the image is used to speak of a role in creation and, redemption , Charles Erdman (1866–1960) advocated apostolic authorship and wrote that
  29. Years of cinema. This simple morality tale with both pathos and its theme of, redemption , sums up (for many) the true meaning of Christmas. Indeed, it eclipses all
  30. Concept of passions, to interpret St. Paul's doctrine of universal sin and, redemption , The view that not only human soul but also senses were influenced by the fall
  31. To believe in manhood taken up into God, and therefore have lost the grace of, redemption , because they reject that on which salvation depends. Mariology The powerful
  32. States that Revelation in form is structured after creation, fall,judgment and, redemption , Those who hold this view say that the Temple's destruction (70 AD) had a
  33. Of what wretchedness and grace means. Newton's Calvinistic view of, redemption ,and divine grace formed his perspective that he considered himself a sinner so
  34. Both God and Man, is seen in Christian theology as fulfilling this role in the, redemption ,of man and of the earth and in the final judgment against evil. An alternative
  35. Physical death is not the end, but the beginning of the fuller realization of, redemption , Orthodox Christians often use the euphemism fallen asleep or fallen asleep in
  36. Such as the fall of Adam and Eve, the nature of the Atonement, eschatology, redemption , from physical and spiritual death, and the organization of the latter-day
  37. In extent to the elect only, which many Calvinists prefer to call 'particular, redemption ,'. Both sides (except hyper-Calvinists) believe the invitation
  38. Steadfast virtue was ultimately rewarded and vice, in the absence of shame and, redemption , severely punished (however dramatically incredible the final rendering of
  39. Several pagan practices and beliefs. The second part presents teachings on the, redemption , Which he brought back to Egypt on 15 May. The relic of St Athanasius the Great
  40. Desire could one reach the ultimate state of mankind. Augustine taught the, redemption , i.e. transformation and purification, of the body in the resurrection. Some
  41. As an engagement with absurdity, a critique of bureaucracy or a search for, redemption , failing to account for the images of law and legality which constitute an
  42. Becomes therefore a remedium concupiscence - remedy of concupiscence. The, redemption ,of human sexuality will be, however,fully accomplished only in the
  43. Newton (1725–1807),published in 1779. With a message that forgiveness and, redemption ,are possible regardless of the sins' people commit and that the soul can be
  44. For the welfare of his people, materially,emotionally and spiritually. The, redemption ,theme extends beyond this biblical book through the genealogy. First, in Ruth
  45. As mirroring the tree of life, a symbol or type of the Crucifix which brings, redemption , In some Catholic countries, the tree is seen as a recent Protestant or
  46. Through successive historic covenants seen in Scripture for the purpose of, redemption , By its terms, salvation comes not by any personal performance, but by promise.
  47. For their sins against God *"Limited atonement ": Also called" particular, redemption ," or" definite atonement ", this doctrine asserts that Jesus's
  48. Is the incomprehensibly daring man who affirms in an unredeemed world that its, redemption ,has been accomplished. This is a gulf which no human power can bridge.
  49. Is its ability to make a 1992 audience believe in Hammerstein's vision of, redemption , which has it that a dead sinner can return to Earth to do godly good. " The
  50. High relevance in practice, as well. In these paragraphs, the prerequisites for, redemption ,of an unlawful administration act (§ 48 Wife

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