Examples of the the word, perpetual , in a Sentence Context

The word ( perpetual ), is the 8600 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. You have sacked and gotten what ye can of it, as there may remain forever a, perpetual ,memory of the vengeance of God lightened upon them for their falsehood and
  2. And potentially enforceable worldwide. The non-copyright Royal Prerogative is, perpetual , but applies only to the UK; though many other Royal Prerogatives apply to the
  3. Assets in Florence had been seized by the Black Guelph's. He was condemned to, perpetual ,exile, and if he returned to Florence without paying the fine, he could be
  4. 1 plus tier 2 capital. Tier 1 capital consists of common shareholders' equity, perpetual ,preferred shareholders equity with non-cumulative dividends, retained earnings
  5. As a metaphor for Agriculture, and Diana, representing Commerce, which is a, perpetual ,hunt for advantage and profits. In film In Jean Cocteau's 1946 film La Belle
  6. To Haskell, her earliest biographer, she was attacked by" sensations of, perpetual ,nausea and ever-recurring faintness. " Charlotte died, along with her unborn
  7. Subordinate to Columbus. It is said that at this time he instituted a, perpetual ,service of praise, known as laws parents, by which choir succeeded choir, both
  8. Aristophanes mentions the burning lens in his play The Clouds (424 BC). The, perpetual ,sacred fire in the classic temples as the Olympic torch had to be pure and to
  9. Writing which may be relevant for Christians as a faith group. Just as there is, perpetual ,conflict between the two nations of Israel and Odom who once struggled together
  10. A minority in the House of Representatives, were now facing a future as a, perpetual ,minority in the Senate and Electoral College against an increasingly powerful
  11. Reservoir to a colder reservoir. As a result, there is no possibility of a, perpetual ,motion system. It follows that a reduction in the increase of entropy in a
  12. Author Kim Newman has described the Dales as behaving" like toddlers in, perpetual ,Missy fits ", gloating when in power and throwing tantrums when thwarted. They
  13. The South had no reason for secession, and that the Union" was intended to be, perpetual ,", but that" the power by force of arms to compel a State to remain in the
  14. They fall under the purview of the royal prerogative and as such, they are, perpetual ,in subsistence. Publishers are licensed to reproduce the Book of Common Prayer
  15. Gets and details about the Three Wise Men. The first explicit mention of the, perpetual ,virginity of Mary is found in the pseudepigraphical Infancy Gospel of James.
  16. Soon violated, and in the years that followed the two sides were almost in the, perpetual ,state of warfare. In this situation the Crimean Tatars played a decisive role —
  17. Cultural propaganda fostered a cult of personality, and by nominating himself, perpetual ,censor, he sought to control public and private morals. As a consequence
  18. Opposed to the will of the Founding Fathers who said they were setting up a ", perpetual ,union ". Historian James McPherson writes
  19. That," as the laws say, the Jews by reason of their fault are sentenced to, perpetual ,servitude and thus the lords of the lands in which they dwell may take things
  20. Congress before the existence of the Articles. # Declares that the Articles are, perpetual , and can only be altered by approval of Congress with ratification by all the
  21. Admiral, was rewarded for his services to his city by getting the title of ", perpetual ,censor"—inspired by, though not precisely identical with, the Roman one. In
  22. Petrel, or Chow),also the loud noise heard at night from wild hogs and of, perpetual , storm-wracked conditions (most early visitors arrived under such conditions)
  23. Produce energy. Thus, a catalyst that could change the equilibrium would be a, perpetual ,motion machine, a contradiction to the laws of thermodynamics. If a catalyst
  24. To promote, as it provides them with ready constituencies for which to claim a, perpetual ,victim status and benefit from the divisions and votes this garners. According
  25. Holiest site in Islam. Sharon declared that the complex would remain under, perpetual ,Israeli control. Palestinian commentators accused Sharon of purposely inflaming
  26. To be a person in a political capacity created by the law, to endure in, perpetual ,succession. ” Americans in the 1790s knew of a variety of corporations
  27. Without limit. Could a such a process occur, it would be tantamount to a, perpetual ,motion of the second type. And since equipartition of energy applies, the
  28. Religion that church censures do not" consign those who are excommunicated to, perpetual ,ruin and damnation," but are designed to induce repentance, reconciliation and
  29. Though contributing automatically grants Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., perpetual , irrevocable license to those contributions. On 22 January 2009,Britannica's
  30. A new flame is struck in the altar, or the priest lights his candle from the, perpetual ,lamp kept burning there, and he then lights candles held by deacons or other
  31. Six children. In 1824,the family moved to Hayworth, where Emily's father was, perpetual ,curate, and it was in these surroundings that their literary gifts flourished.
  32. That the signatory states" agree to certain articles of Confederation and, perpetual ,Union" between the 13 states. The following list contains short summaries of
  33. Form of roulette and the roulette wheel in the 17th century in his search for a, perpetual ,motion machine. Adult life, religion,philosophy, and literature::::: Blaine
  34. Who likewise had a colleague in his son Titus. Domitian assumed the title of ", perpetual ,censor" ( censor perpetual ),but this example was not imitated by succeeding
  35. The border where, the two nations had participated in a Parish War in their, perpetual ,border dispute. Many of the nation's leftists, pointing to a similar crash
  36. Dictator" 3 October 1814 – 20 September 1840 (from 6 June 1816 styled ", perpetual ,supreme dictator" ) After a few presidents of the Provisional Junta, there
  37. His trial earned him thirteen months imprisonment in 2006,and subsequent, perpetual ,banishment from Austria. Holocaust denial is contradicted by the testimonies of
  38. W siedemdziesiątą romance Rodin. Wrocław,2001. Andrea Doris as ", perpetual ,censor" Andrea Doris, the famous 16th Century Genoese admiral, was rewarded
  39. Argued, like Augustine, that the Jews should be left alive and suffering as a, perpetual ,reminder of their murder of Christ. While many of these authors have been
  40. Shall be inviolably observed by every state" and" the Union shall be, perpetual ,". Operation The Articles were created by delegates from the states in the
  41. A magician, on the other hand, tells people what they wish were true—that, perpetual ,motion works, that cancer can be cured by colored lights, that a psychosis is
  42. Seven sacraments. He called" blasphemers" anyone who questioned the, perpetual ,virginity of Mary and those who defended the need to occasionally restrict the
  43. State in Congress to subscribe and ratify the articles of confederation" and, perpetual ,union among the states. The Senate then adjourned" to the first Monday in
  44. Opposing forces that are permanently in conflict with each other, leading to, perpetual ,contradiction and change. The Confucian idea of" Rid of the two ends, take the
  45. She was baptized there on 25 March 1820. Shortly after,Anne's father took a, perpetual ,curacy, a secure but not enriching vocation, in Hayworth, a remote small town
  46. Party dawns. Act Two Armfeldt's country estate is bathed in the golden glow of, perpetual ,summer sunset at this high latitude (" Night Waltz One and Two" ). Everyone
  47. Formed them into a college of prelates, and decreed that their office should be, perpetual , that certain emoluments should be attached to it, and granted certain
  48. In copyright were determined by legislation. The Lords clearly voted against, perpetual ,copyright and by confirming that the copyright term—that is the length of time
  49. Western area of Cinema headwaters, Peru was compelled to give to Ecuador, in, perpetual , lease but without sovereignty, one square kilometer of its territory, in the
  50. S identity depends on qualities that can crumble, they are considered to be in, perpetual ,despair. And as there is, in Sartre an terms, no human essence found in

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