Examples of the the word, prescribed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prescribed ), is the 8592 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Or antipsychotics. Types of anxiolytic Benzodiazepines are, prescribed ,for short-term relief of severe and disabling anxiety. Benzodiazepines may also
  2. In Germany, where Hyperion extracts were eventually licensed, packaged and, prescribed ,by doctors. Small-scale efficacy trials were carried out in the 1970s and 1980s
  3. Those containing thiamine),as well as certain drugs, classic Maoist are rarely, prescribed ,anymore. However, this does not apply to ENSAM, the transdermal patch form of
  4. Usage. Compounding Custom mouthwashes, called " magic mouthwash" may be, prescribed ,by dentists for post oral surgeries. Variations are common, and some are done
  5. Inhibitors are used primarily to treat hypertension, although they may also be, prescribed ,for cardiac failure, diabetic nephropathy, renal disease, systemic sclerosis
  6. Risperdal),olanzapine (Zyprexa),and quetiapine (Seroquel) are, prescribed ,as mood stabilizers and to treat anxiety. Their use as mood stabilizers is a
  7. And free breathing & vocal production. Freedom, efficiency and patience are the, prescribed ,values. Proscribed are unnecessary effort, self-limiting habits as well as
  8. A 1998 survey found that 67 % of patients diagnosed with depression were, prescribed ,an antidepressant. A 2007 study suggested that 25 % of Americans were
  9. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and doxycycline. These antibiotics may also be, prescribed ,to patients with a documented allergy to penicillin. (If the condition is
  10. Paroxetine, marketed as Seat among generic preparations, is the most, prescribed ,antidepressant, followed by the tricyclic antidepressant amitriptyline
  11. Death was a respiratory infection. He had become addicted to heroin after being, prescribed ,morphine for his asthma and bronchitis many years earlier. He and his last
  12. Compliance for ascetics and householders. The" great vows" ( Mahabharata) are, prescribed ,for monks and" limited vows" ( anudātta) are prescribed for householders. In
  13. Prescribing physicians, who are consulted before taking an over the counter or, prescribed ,medication. Such patients must also inform emergency room personnel and keep
  14. To prescribe antidepressants than female doctors. The number of antidepressants, prescribed ,by the NHS in the United Kingdom almost doubled during one decade, authorities
  15. Mahavrata) are prescribed for monks and" limited vows" ( anudātta) are, prescribed ,for householders. In other words, the house-holders are encouraged to practice
  16. Likely to undergo psychotherapy. Most commonly prescribed The most commonly, prescribed ,antidepressants in the US retail market in 2007 were: The most commonly
  17. Capability to use the Standard Code for Information Interchange and the formats, prescribed ,by the magnetic tape and paper tape standards when these media are used. Other
  18. States doubled over one decade, from 1996 to 2005. Antidepressant drugs were, prescribed ,to 13 million in 1996 and to 27 million people by 2005. In 2008,more than 164
  19. Be based on the authoritative certainty given by mathematics and logic, or, prescribed , directly from the empirical findings of science. She states:" Since we do not
  20. Only after benzodiazepines or non-benzodiazepines have failed. They are rarely, prescribed ,anymore. Hydroxyzine (Atari) is an old antihistamine originally
  21. Other LATAM antibiotics. Amoxicillin is one of the most common antibiotics, prescribed ,for children. Amoxicillin is susceptible to degradation by
  22. Obtained 47 studies used by the FDA for approval of the six antidepressants, prescribed ,most widely between 1987-99. Overall, antidepressant pills worked 18 % better
  23. Other drug use Crowley developed a drug addiction after a London doctor, prescribed ,heroin for his asthma and bronchitis. His life as an addict influenced his 1922
  24. Drugs include: Tranquilizers and sedatives, typically the benzodiazepines, are, prescribed , to ease anxiety and promote sleep. Because of the high risk of dependency
  25. Modern Lutheran and Reformed churches adherence to the Athabaskan Creed is, prescribed ,by the earlier confessional documents, but the creed does not receive much
  26. Concern is that some people who exhibit milder symptoms of depression are being, prescribed ,drugs unnecessarily due to the lack of other options including talking
  27. As valid provided they are done in the name of Christ and in the manner, prescribed ,by the Church. On this point Augustine departs from the earlier teaching of
  28. Component of the blood pressure-regulating renin-angiotensin system. Frequently, prescribed ,ACE inhibitors include captopril, enalapril, lisinopril,and April. Clinical
  29. People. A 2002 survey found that about 3.5 % of all people in France were being, prescribed ,antidepressants, compared to 1.7 % in 1992,often for conditions other than
  30. In the hands of physicians, In Germany herbs are tightly regulated: half are, prescribed ,by doctors and covered by health insurance based on their Commission E
  31. Their relevance, effectiveness,efficiency, and sustainability following, prescribed ,methods and guidelines, It also validates self-evaluations. By this process of
  32. Antidepressants in the US retail market in 2007 were: The most commonly, prescribed ,antidepressant in Germany is reported to be (concentrated extracts of)
  33. One acre is approximately on a side. As a unit of measure, an acre has no, prescribed ,shape; any perimeter enclosing 43,560 square feet is an acre in size. The acre
  34. Associated with the term. These medications are among those most commonly, prescribed ,by psychiatrists and other physicians, and their effectiveness and adverse
  35. Of the formal admission of a Benedictine abbot in medieval times is thus, prescribed ,by the consuetudinary of Abingdon. The newly elected abbot was to put off his
  36. Pain, and delay need for surgical intervention in advanced cases. Exercise, prescribed ,by a physical therapist has been shown to be more effective than medications in
  37. Poisoning is easily accomplished. British anti-lewisite (dimercaprol) is, prescribed ,in dosages of 5 mg/kg up to 300 mg each 4 hours for the first day. Then
  38. Apparent conflict between pacifistic interpretations of AHIMA and the just war, prescribed ,by the Rita has been resolved by some individuals by resorting to allegorical
  39. Military hardware sufficient for approximately four motor rifle divisions with, prescribed ,army units. It also inherited naval ships. There are also reports that 50
  40. Quit if his employer did not publish it. While completing the novel, Rand was, prescribed ,the amphetamine Benzedrine to fight fatigue. The drug helped her to work long
  41. Also be indicated to cover the latent periods associated with the medications, prescribed ,to treat an underlying anxiety disorder. They are used to treat a wide variety
  42. Marking the Akkadian Dark Age, may have been responsible for the religiously, prescribed ,prohibition against the raising and consumption of pigs that spread through the
  43. From GlaxoSmithKline and migraine. In 2005,anti-depressants became the most, prescribed ,drug in the United States, causing more debate over the issue. Some doctors
  44. Treatment fails. More than half of US children diagnosed with ASD are, prescribed ,psychoactive drugs or anticonvulsant, with the most common drug classes being
  45. Horses and bison roamed Canada's North. In medicine The volume of antibiotic, prescribed ,is the major factor in increasing rates of bacterial resistance rather than
  46. Among some patients. Antipsychotics, whether typical or atypical, may also be, prescribed ,to augment an antidepressant, to increase the blood concentration of another
  47. This period, patients were less likely to undergo psychotherapy. Most commonly, prescribed ,The most commonly prescribed antidepressants in the US retail market in 2007
  48. Is acceptable in both BRE and AME. * In both dialects, from is the preposition, prescribed ,for use after the word different: American English is different from British
  49. Of http://www.crulp.org COULD developed in Pakistan),while others have the, prescribed ,form with AIF (e.g. http://scripts.sil.org/ArabicFonts SIL's Scheherazade
  50. In the number of white blood cells in the body. Because of this risk, patients, prescribed , clozapine may need to have regular blood checks to catch the condition early if

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