Examples of the the word, duplication , in a Sentence Context

The word ( duplication ), is the 8602 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are Euler's reflection formula: \Gamma (1-z) \; \Gamma (z) = \, and the, duplication ,formula: \Gamma (z) \; \Gamma\left (z + \franc\right) = 2^ \; \sort \;
  2. Raw genetic material for the creation of new genes through the process of gene, duplication ,and divergence. Transcription and translation A gene is a sequence of DNA that
  3. Is encoded in the DTMF tone. The encoded tone provides information to automatic, duplication ,machines, such as format, duration and volume levels, in order to replicate the
  4. Require calculations and computer rendering instead of simple re-drawing or, duplication , Explanation To trick the eye and brain into thinking they are seeing a
  5. Angiosperms appears to be the result of two distinct rounds of whole genome, duplication ,events. These occurred in and respectively. The earliest known macro fossil
  6. Affect the axon. The most common cause of CMT (70-80 % of the cases) is the, duplication ,of a large region in chromosome 17p12 that includes the gene PMP22. Some
  7. Become diploid (2n) (by being fertilized by a polar body, or by chromosome, duplication ,without cell division),rather than by her laying diploid eggs by one of the
  8. Stability, prolonging its existence and thus its activity in the cell ** a gene, duplication ,(one type of chromosome abnormality),resulting in an increased amount of
  9. Millimeter technology but at optical wavelengths. This would permit the, duplication ,of any sort of optical effect but virtually. Users could request holograms
  10. Music they decisively stated that," when a commercial use amounts to mere, duplication ,of the entirety of the original, it clearly supersedes the object of the
  11. And the desire for a" handy" format that would allow fast and convenient, duplication ,of music and thereby meet the requirements of the entertainers' lifestyles and
  12. Invented a method of amplifying any DNA region through repeated cycles of, duplication ,driven by DNA polymerase. In Scientific American, Mullis summarized the
  13. Many of these services were in competition with one another leading to wasteful, duplication , The London County Council managed tram operations within the County of London
  14. Which can be found by setting z 1/2 in the reflection or, duplication ,formulas, by using the relation to the Beta function given below with x y 1/2
  15. For establishing left–right asymmetry during mammalian development. Centriole, duplication ,Cells in G0 and G1 usually contain two complete centrioles. The eldest of the
  16. The genome. Duplications may range from extension of short tandem repeats, to, duplication , of a cluster of genes, and all the way to duplication s of entire chromosomes or
  17. Individual nucleotides. At a higher level, large chromosomal segments undergo, duplication , lateral transfer, inversion,transposition, deletion and insertion. Ultimately
  18. Clone (Java method),a method in the Java programming language for object, duplication ,Entertainment Music * Clone (Threshold album),a 1998 album by British
  19. z) \; \Gamma\left (z + \franc\right) = 2^ \; \sort \; \Gamma (2z). \,The, duplication ,formula is a special case of the multiplication theorem: \Gamma (z) \;
  20. Is the series of events that takes place in a cell leading to its division and, duplication ,(replication). In cells without a nucleus (prokaryotic),the cell cycle
  21. From the side of each of the existing" mother" centrioles. After centriole, duplication , the two pairs of centrioles remain attached to each other in an orthogonal
  22. A known problem with gene knockdowns is that, because the genome underwent a, duplication ,after the divergence of ray-finned fishes and lobe-finned fishes, it is not
  23. Found this porcelain inspiring, and his first major commercial success was its, duplication ,with what he called" Black Basalt ". Not long after the new works opened
  24. Intermediates only function to maintain the image information accurately across, duplication , each manufacturer tends to only produce one or two different intermediate
  25. Ancestry. Novel genes are produced by several methods, commonly through the, duplication ,and mutation of an ancestral gene, or by recombining parts of different genes
  26. Services in the developing world. Event franchising is the, duplication ,of public events in other geographical areas, while retaining the original
  27. The sequential addition of novel enzymes to a short ancestral pathway,the, duplication ,and then divergence of entire pathways as well as the recruitment of
  28. Then hinder the progression of technology, since " it means that much wasteful, duplication ,of system programming effort will be avoided. This effort can go instead into
  29. Permits various error conditions, such data corruption, packet loss and, duplication , as well as out-of-order packet delivery. Since routing is dynamic for every
  30. Other major producers and integrate them into one company, thereby eliminating, duplication ,and waste. He concluded negotiations on March 2,1901,and formed the United
  31. Hierarchy structure, a relic of Soviet times, has led to poor coordination and, duplication ,of effort among environmental protection agencies. Specially protected areas A
  32. 688–90). The transgenic mice were compared to mice that had no gene, duplication ,by measuring distances on various points on their skeletal structure and
  33. PC. Such features as Media Sharing, local and remote drive backup and file, duplication ,are all listed as features. Windows Vista was released on 30
  34. Each branch of the military started its own programs, leading to considerable, duplication ,of effort. In the USSR, rocket research was centrally organized, although
  35. And drivers for each piece of hardware. This was expensive and resulted in much, duplication ,of effort. By the early 1990s,Silicon Graphics (SGI) was a leader in 3D
  36. Discontinuous inheritance rather than blending inheritance led to independent, duplication ,of his work by Hugo de Vries and Carl Torrens, and the rediscovery of Mendel's
  37. Various methods to make mime stencils last longer in use. Compared to spirit, duplication , mimeograph produced a darker, more legible image. Spirit duplicated images
  38. Which permits the study of more complex evolutionary events, such as gene, duplication , horizontal gene transfer, and the prediction of factors important in bacterial
  39. It has always played upon the double, on artificial replication or imaginary, duplication , whereas here the double has disappeared. There is no more double; one is
  40. Ancestry. Novel genes are produced by several methods, commonly through the, duplication ,and mutation of an ancestral gene, or by recombining parts of different genes
  41. Somatic cells are polyploid due to a process called endore duplication where, duplication ,of the genome occurs without mitosis (cell division). The extreme in
  42. Or, it may be treated erroneously as a separate chromosome, causing chromosomal, duplication , The effect of these genetic abnormalities depends on the specific nature of
  43. History, several exploits and issues have been addressed (such as illegal item, duplication , though it still exists),as well as major revamps to the game's balance (
  44. This is like normal order reduction, but call by need manages to avoid the, duplication ,of work inherent in normal order reduction using sharing. In the example given
  45. Arabic document (Arabic initial" b" ﺑ could become initial" y" ﻳ by, duplication ,of a dot in handwriting). This became Iodasaph in Georgia in the 10th century
  46. Organizations (SOS). This collaboration is necessary to avoid, duplication ,of work and the consequent risk of conflicting standards in the marketplace.
  47. On each strand of DNA. The structure also suggested a simple method for, duplication ,: if the strands are separated, new partner strands can be reconstructed for
  48. Due to various researches, but they all mean the same; FDIC (15),Inverted, duplication ,15,extra Marker, Inv DUP 15,partial tetralogy 15 * Jacobsen syndrome, also
  49. And commerce. Solar explored reductions in resource consumption and, duplication , land reclamation, and proposed to eliminate most private transportation. He
  50. The onset of mitosis. Or two cilia. Important genes required for centriole, duplication , like contains, are only found in eukaryotes and neither in prokaryotes or

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