Examples of the the word, az , in a Sentence Context

The word ( az ), is the 8598 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the four species but a hint to this biblical specification: the Hebrew word, az , ( אז," then" ) is composed of two letters, an clef (א),with a numerical
  2. In Dark) or Timur the Lame. Although the last Timurid ruler of Heart, Badi, az , Zaman finally fell to the armies of the Uzbek Muhammad Thailand Khan in 1506
  3. Either placed ## after their base letters (Austrian phone books have ä between, az , and b etc.) or ## at the end of the alphabet (as in Swedish or in extended
  4. Csörgedez a rónaságon.: Use viral a certain, : Mint egg fold denied.: EZ, az , istenáldotta Food, : CSH Food a Sh az am, : CSH Food a Sh az am. Slovak translation:
  5. This case, the scalar and vector components are denoted ax, ay, az , and ax, ay, az , Thus, : \math bf \math bf_x + \math bf_y + \math bf_z a_x + a_y + a_z. The notation
  6. Used today saying Matthias has died, justice is gone (Meg halt Mayas, oda, az , ig az ság). He is also one of the sleeping kings,e.g. as Oral Matlab in
  7. Judgement (" ... but I oughtn't" ). Similarly, az né Islam, ama toy ska and, az , ne Islam, a toy ska both mean" I don't want to, but he does ", however the
  8. Shots # Alcohol European (Somewhere in Europe) - G az a von Advance # Legal, az , idő (Time Stands Still) - Péter Gotham # Hypnosis, a lake (Hypnosis) -
  9. Translates to" Speak of the devil, and he will appear. " *Hungarian:" Ne fed, az , ördögöt a Farley, mert megjelenik. " Which translates to" Don't paint the
  10. Designated by the ISO 639-1 international-standard language-code" AZ" *., az , the CC top level domain for the nation of Azerbaijan Argo UML is a UML
  11. The following axioms::: an x + b y, z an x, z + b y, z,\quad z, a x + b y, az , x + b z, y: for all scalars a, b in F and all elements x, y,z in \Mather.::
  12. Numbers If an is a positive real number, and z is any complex number, the power, az , is defined as EZ·LN (a),where x LN (a) is the unique real solution to the
  13. Sentences can even be translated as" although "," while" or even" and" –, az , rabotya, a toy blue –" I'm working, and he's daydreaming ". Very often
  14. Function of the genitive. Unlike English, Hungarian uses postpositions, as in, az , alma Millett ‘ next to the apple ’. Noun plurals are formed using the suffix –
  15. Providers (ISPs): 15 (2005) 29 (2009): Country code: AZE: Internet TLD:., az , : Internet Hosts: 6,995 (2008) 8,921 (December 2009): country comparison to
  16. Stem *DAEU- meaning the 'Process, act,condition of dying '. DAU, az , was reconstructed through the use of the daughter tongues of Proto-Germanic
  17. Achievement Hall of Fame * http://nflhistory.net/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi?, az ,read_count&om 52&forum=DCForumID64 NFL History on Al Rough *
  18. Cases. Some cases are grammatical, such as the unmarked nominative (as in, az , alma ‘ the apple’ ) and the accusative, marked with the suffix – t (as in AZ
  19. The harbor of Karachi, Pakistan,190 meters (620 feet. ) File: Fountain hill, az , fountain. JPG|Fountain Park, Fountain Hills, Arizona (1970). 171 meters, (
  20. Az Alma ‘ the apple’ ) and the accusative, marked with the suffix – t (as in, az , almát). Hungarian does not have a genitive case. The dative case serves the
  21. Uppercase in the transcription. ) Interpretation in modern Hungarian:" ( Eat),AZ, Úr születése stand 1501. Évben break. Mayas, János,Ivan Kovacs Sinaloa.
  22. Form of key. The Kali Dakar comments that the words verse in Psalms 96:12,AZ, yiraninu AOL Altai ya'AR (אז ירננו כל עצי יער," then all the trees of the
  23. EZ a disco far a Creek, : Foot a Creek (a) AZ Orthodox!: Foot a Creek, az , otthonom! In anatomy, the rotator cuff is the group of muscles and their
  24. No. 73, 1999 Spring-Summer,8-29. *Catherine Millet: Jean-Jacques Level, az , örök L az aro. Jean-Jacques Level Permanent Rebel, in: Hey Dora (ed.):
  25. Hungarian history. Songs and tales refer to him as Matthias the Just (Mayas, az , ig az ságos in Hungarian),a ruler of justice and great wisdom, and he is
  26. Complex logarithm, there are only a finite number of values for the power, az , in the important special case where z 1/n and n is a positive integer. These
  27. The DVD (2007) Record Collection Video game appearances" Transitions, az , a Yeah" is featured in Tony Hawk's Underground * The song" L. A." from his
  28. Vectors). In this case, the scalar and vector components are denoted ax, ay, az , and ax, ay, az . Thus, : \math bf \math bf_x + \math bf_y + \math bf_z a_x + a_y +
  29. The word" OK" ( Coma vi. 4). " Az az el" is regarded as a compound of ", az ,", strong or rough, and " El ", mighty,therefore a strong mountain. This
  30. Language, designated by the ISO 639-1 international-standard language-code ", az ," *. Az, the CC top level domain for the nation of Azerbaijan Argo UML is a UML
  31. Articles in Hungarian: * definite: a before words beginning with consonants and, az , before vowels (behaving just like the indefinite article’ a (n) ’ in
  32. 1 - 1 - 1) (Cologne,13–15 February 1995) 1'00" To Evelyn Effort. *"Min, az ,- Pullman" for large orchestra (Cologne,1995) 16'00" *" ... Candy la
  33. Shirt' ), *Rutan 'cottage' ( cf. Per's had 'house' ), *paid 'cloak ', *pa, az ,'path' ( cf. Avesta Santa, g. Pathō),and *wurst 'work' ( cf. Av
  34. 1887 edition of Mario Rapisardi's poem Lucifer File: Vichy, Mihaly - Lucifer, az , urral Steuben (Match). JPG|Lucifer before the Lord, by Italy Vichy (19th
  35. And Sunday News Journal articles *http://www.jfklancerforum.com/dc/dcboard.php?, az ,show_topic&forum 3&topic_id 60818&mesg_id 60818&page=" If This Is Hunt Are
  36. In the early 1980s,light-grade, low-sulphur oil was discovered near Day, az , Zawr in eastern Syria. This discovery relieved Syria of the need to import
  37. Die More DES Herr ABC (The murders of Mr. ABC) *Hungarian: Poirot ES, az , ABC (Poirot and the Alphabet),AZ ABC-gyilkosságok (The A. B. C. Murders)
  38. When the adjective is used in a predicative sense, it must agree with the noun:, az , almák piroshki ‘ the apples are red ’. Adjectives take cases when they are used
  39. Optionally together with pronouns; cf. 'the dog' a Katya vs. 'my dog ', az , én Putnam (literally,'the dog-my' ) or simply a Putnam (literally,'the
  40. Asia. Eastward, the line of al-Ansariyah mountains is separated from the Jamal, az , Zawiyah range and the plateau region by the Al Grab valley, a fertile
  41. Hogy meghiúsítja minded DAC, : EZ a disco far a Creek, : Foot a Creek (a),AZ, otthonom!: Foot a Creek, az Orthodox! In anatomy, the rotator cuff is the
  42. The Pisa Cantos," concerning the landlady's doings / with a lodger unnamed /, az , w az near Gt Titch field St. next door to the pub ". He persuaded the bookseller
  43. 1995 Baku Metro fire - 2000 Baku earthquake - 2007 Baku terrorist plot A., az ,- Abbasgulu Bakikhanov - Abdullah Shied - Abdirahman Fatalibeyli - Abl az e
  44. As the Emperor of Austria). A homonymous war ship existed. *Balsam, az , Ősi Reuben Virtues Confide" My trust in the ancient virtue" ( as the
  45. Mellett ‘ next to the apple ’. Noun plurals are formed using the suffix – k (, az , almák ‘ the apples’ ). Adjectives precede nouns, as in a pros Alma ‘ the red
  46. You (all) are humans ". The copula also reappears for stating locations:, az , emberek a Harlan Anna," the people are in the house," and for stating time:
  47. The second feels more like a judgement (" ... but I oughtn't" ). Similarly, az , ne Islam, ama toy ska and AZ né Islam, a toy ska both mean" I don't want to
  48. Two demonstratives that do not inflect with gender or number: EZ (this) and, az , ( that),but take on case suffixes with possible orthographic changes; e.g.
  49. Hungarian: A behav az ott express (The Express Stuck in Snow),Gyilkosság, az , Orient express zen (Murder on the Orient Express) *Italian: Assassin
  50. Death comes from Old English deal, which in turn comes from Proto-Germanic *DAU, az , ( reconstructed by etymological analysis). This comes from the

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