Examples of the the word, hotels , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hotels ), is the 8609 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Souvenirs and acting as a booking office for many of the local B&B's and, hotels , Aberfoyle Golf Club was built in 1860 and is located just south of town near
  2. Cabs drive up and down the coast of Acapulco, which is where most of the, hotels ,for visitors are, but also includes some of old Acapulco. Where a driver will
  3. Public accommodations" include most places of lodging (such as inns and, hotels ,), recreation,transportation, education,and dining, along with stores, care
  4. Declining since its heyday. Currently, the largest employers on Chill are two, hotels ,and a call center. In late 2009 Ireland's only Turbot farm opened in the
  5. And main square are, and today the area is filled with modern, Mexican style, hotels , with discotheques and restaurants in walking distance. For the Christmas
  6. Century vacationed, and the south end is dominated by newer luxury high rise, hotels , The name" Acapulco" comes from Nahuatl language Acapulco, and means" At
  7. Known hotels . Time-shares are available, and many of the smaller local, hotels ,and private villas which dot the island have space available if booked in
  8. Airline Air Berlin is also headquartered in Berlin. Tourism Berlin has 746, hotels , with 112,400 beds as of the end of 2010. The city recorded 20.8 million
  9. Nations law, Bosnia has a rite of passage to the outer sea. Neut has many, hotels ,and is an important tourism destination. Rivers There are seven major rivers in
  10. Has a large collection of art-deco buildings, with some thirty blocks of, hotels ,and apartment houses dating from the 1920s to the 1940s. During 1979,the Miami
  11. To the Greek Parliament (the former Royal Palace) and the city's most noted, hotels , Error Street, an approximately one kilometer-long pedestrian road connecting
  12. Persons to use competing services, even if those would be more suitable. Some, hotels ,also provide visitors with shuttles to points of interest on the island from
  13. Of the two, with the narrower through road more closely hemmed in by shops and, hotels , A number of vernacular buildings of the 17th-early 19th centuries add to the
  14. Comedians, sadhus and tourists reach here during Pusher fair. Hotels The, hotels ,in Ajmer include # Manning Palace # Hotel Marmara State # Hotel data inn #
  15. Front. The development of the sea front will include marinas, channels,luxury, hotels , offices, apartments of great standing, luxury stores and leisure amenities. A
  16. Finance, and insurance. Others are employed in various trades, such as, hotels , restaurants, construction,and landscaping services. Of the total workforce of
  17. Barbados Port Authority. Tourism Barbados has numerous internationally known, hotels , Time-shares are available, and many of the smaller local hotels and private
  18. Purposes since Roman times. Apart from the baths that are operated by, hotels , Flag University has a physical therapy center which also makes use of
  19. Zones with high standard apartments and a golf course surrounded by villas and, hotels , Two other residential zones, including 1,800 apartments and 40 high standard
  20. Banking. Steady growth in tourism receipts and a boom in construction of new, hotels , resorts, and residences had led to solid GDP growth in recent years, but the
  21. Shuttle bus services, for transport of their customers or patrons, such as, hotels , amusement parks, university campuses or private airport transfer services.
  22. Systems or ductless systems. These PAC systems which are frequently used in, hotels ,have two separate units (terminal packages),the evaporative unit on the
  23. Which was closed on December 12, 2004,was once one of only two four-star, hotels ,in Louisiana. Although the hotel was set to reopen in August 2007,in time for
  24. In Romania have numerous Art Deco buildings, including government buildings, hotels , and private houses. The best representative in this regard is the capital
  25. Expensive than to Cancun for many travelers. Many are attracted by the glitzy, hotels ,on the south side and Acapulco’s famous nightlife. In 2008,22,500 students
  26. Be attributed to an increasing number of European visitors. Two thirds of the, hotels ,are located in the city's center. Hotels with 4 or 5 stars contribute 42 % of
  27. Function hall – Functional zoning G Gabon – Gable – Gallery – Gabriel – Garden, hotels ,– Wardrobe – Gargoyle – Gasometer – GATE PAC – Gazebo – Geodesic dome –
  28. Can be found, for instance in presidential and historical museums, lobbies of, hotels ,and corporations, at universities and government buildings, and in public
  29. fourth-largest city of the state. It featured newly constructed, elegant resort, hotels ,and spas planned around its natural springs, considered to have healthful
  30. Held downtown at the Hyatt Regency, Marriot Marquis, Hilton and Sheraton, hotels , The event attracts an estimated 30,000 attendees annually. The entire month of
  31. Flu outbreak earlier in the year nearly paralyzed the Mexican economy, forcing, hotels , to give discounts to bring tourists back. The death of Arturo Beltrán Lava in
  32. Climate being the best tool to bring prospective buyers and tourists who kept, hotels ,reasonably busy. The tourist development, aside from construction, also brought
  33. Breakfast on the local cuisine. Some of these places are modern well-equipped, hotels ,and spas; the mineral waters of Anyone are renowned for their healing qualities.
  34. Island has seen a construction boom, with the development and redevelopment of, hotels , office complexes, and homes. Recent government administrations have continued
  35. Of taxpayers' money over the past eight months on luxury vehicles, expensive, hotels , banquets, advertising and other" wasteful expenditure" The main thrust
  36. Cerulean blue ocean waters are popular with tourists and many of Bermuda's, hotels ,are located along the south shore of the island. In addition to its beaches
  37. Heart of the grid system, surrounded by commercial offices and buildings and, hotels ,intended for travelers in transit. A shopping center and three high-rise office
  38. By the yacht chartering industry. The Territory has relatively few large, hotels ,compared to other tourism centers in the Caribbean. The British Virgin Islands
  39. Of the lodging capacity and 75 percent of the nights booked in Andalusian, hotels ,are in coastal municipalities. The largest number of tourists come in
  40. Water pier a little around the bay at Hawkcraig, and to the development of, hotels ,and many of the other services still on view today in the village. The railway
  41. Style. The style is expressed by the architecture of residences, businesses, hotels , and many pieces of decorative art, furniture,and utensils in public buildings
  42. Has been the proliferation of lodges, chalets,bed and breakfasts, motels, hotels , fishing camps, and park-camping facilities in recent decades. In certain areas
  43. Liquor" on Sunday is prohibited by state law. However, restaurants or, hotels ,that have appropriate alcohol licenses and are in jurisdictions that voted to
  44. Tourist area has threatened the ruins: it is speculated that some, hotels ,are on top of the Amateur necropolis. The city had vanished, except fragments
  45. Rock. Most are concentrated on the Fiesta Americana and Continental Plaza, hotels , These places tend to open earlier and have more informal dress. There is also
  46. Romania Square, ( ) is the oldest square in Athens. It is surrounded by, hotels ,and fast food outlets, and contains a train station used by the Athens Metro
  47. And intimidate visitors with threats to jail. The“ original” Acapulco, where, hotels , owned by personalities such as Johnny Weissmuller and John Wayne are located, is
  48. Now centered on Kızılay, has the trappings of a more modern city: wide streets, hotels , theaters, shopping malls, and high-rises. Government offices and foreign
  49. Most of them were employed in the manufacturing sector. In commerce, catering, hotels , and transport,4,715 persons (15.7 percent) were employed, in other services
  50. Stadium. After numerous black players were refused service by a number of area, hotels ,and businesses, black and white players alike called for a boycott. Led by

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