Examples of the the word, worksheet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( worksheet ), is the 8612 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Client which meant the internal processing associated with the report writer, worksheet , etc., was distributed between the two components. Architecture The core of the
  2. 1980s with many of his albums turning into classics. Spinet ta had a more uneven, worksheet ,but nonetheless was successful. Pappy continued spitting out blues and heavy
  3. Numeric and string values Each class of object is listed and stored on its own, worksheet ,-- the Rule Sheet, Variable Sheet, Unit Sheet, etc. Within each worksheet , each
  4. And tools could not themselves run other tools. Look and feel Functionally,a, worksheet ,is a cross between a text editor document and a xterm window. Each worksheet
  5. Color (8-bit) bitmap. *The number of columns available in a Microsoft Excel, worksheet ,until Excel 2007. *The split-screen level in Pac-Man, which results from the use
  6. The column or rows headers). An array of cells is called a" sheet" or ", worksheet ,". It is analogous to an array of variables in a conventional computer program
  7. Band. A spreadsheet is a computer application that simulates a paper accounting, worksheet , It displays multiple cells usually in a two-dimensional matrix or grid
  8. Worksheet. In addition, programs can be written that pull information from the, worksheet , perform some calculations, and report the results back to the worksheet . In
  9. Processing, and signal processing * Automatically manage units throughout the, worksheet , preventing improper operations and performing automatic unit-reduction * Solve
  10. Percentage that the slot machine should hold based on the amount paid in. The, worksheet ,also indicates the reel strip settings, number of coins that may be played, the
  11. As an approach to task-based organization of the different elements of, worksheet ,creation and interaction. Computer Operating System Platforms Math cad is
  12. In visual editing mode and can be freely reorganized by its user. Hence, a, worksheet ,can be purely a command script or purely a text document or a mixture of the
  13. Designation denoting specific row and column numbers. Naming is done on the, worksheet ,via the Excel" Name Manager ", or menu Insert Name: Create.
  14. Own worksheet -- the Rule Sheet, Variable Sheet, Unit Sheet, etc. Within each, worksheet , each object has properties summarized on subsheets or viewed in a property
  15. Its dynamically linked views were: diagram, formulas,table, chart,QuickGraph, worksheet , notes, errors,macro, graph. A complex model can be dissected and understood
  16. From January's revenues, regardless of where or whether either appears in a, worksheet , This permits actions later used in pivot tables, except that flexible
  17. Named variables x & y. Subroutine Functions themselves cannot write into the, worksheet , but simply return their evaluation. However, in Microsoft Excel, subroutines
  18. For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The chest X-ray and classification, worksheet ,is designed to group findings into categories based on their likelihood of
  19. And therefore data, could not be destroyed by deleting a row, column or entire, worksheet , For instance,January's costs are subtracted from January's revenues
  20. User, resembled little of their original spreadsheet heritage. *A rearranged, worksheet ,menu, placing COPY as the first menu item, then the other most frequently used
  21. A worksheet is a cross between a text editor document and a xterm window. Each, worksheet ,window is persistently bound to a file. The user may type anything anywhere in
  22. The real world facts obtained through his research into the poem. On a, worksheet ,for the poem, he wrote," Make it factual (as the Life is factual-almost
  23. Implementations, many worksheet s may be located within a single spreadsheet. A, worksheet ,is simply a subset of the spreadsheet divided for the sake of clarity.
  24. Iterator is an object that wraps iteration. Iteration is also performed using a, worksheet , or by using solver or goal seek functions available in Excel. Many implicit
  25. The worksheet , perform some calculations, and report the results back to the, worksheet , In the figure, the name sq is user-assigned, and function sq is introduced
  26. Inherent to pre-2007 versions of Microsoft Excel by allowing a maximum, worksheet ,size of one million rows by 18,276 columns. Since about 1996 Quarto Pro has
  27. Interfaces. The proprietary Mac OS X text editor Credit includes a 'shell, worksheet ,' function that works as a full-screen shell window. TUI in embedded systems
  28. Included Commando, a TUI shell. It was the inspiration for BBEdit's shell, worksheet , * A TUI was the primary interface of the Oberon operating system as released
  29. The system, such as the revision date or the names of the components. On this, worksheet ,all the items or functions of the subject should be listed logically
  30. From January's revenues, regardless of where or whether either appears in a, worksheet , This permits actions later used in pivot tables, except that flexible
  31. In the spreadsheet. Subroutine Functions themselves cannot write into the, worksheet , but simply return their evaluation. However, in Microsoft Excel, subroutines
  32. And therefore data, cannot be destroyed by deleting a row, column or entire, worksheet , For instance,January's costs are subtracted from January's revenues
  33. Monitor (for the third-place and first-place games) or on a distributed, worksheet ,(for earlier playoff games). The same rules apply to the judging of responses
  34. Of numerical engineering applications. Math cad is oriented around a, worksheet , in which equations and expressions are created and manipulated in the same
  35. Can be presented on a daily basis (pupils doing the most difficult items on a, worksheet ,first and skipping the rest if they are performed correctly),or before a week
  36. On a scale of 0 to 5. If the pressure is erratic, that will be noted on the, worksheet , The most common methods are: * Feeling the underside of the paper with one's
  37. Mathematics, descriptive text, and supporting imagery) into the form of a, worksheet , which is naturally readable. Because the mathematics are core to the program
  38. Although it strongly inspired Rob Pike's Acme system under Plan 9. Whether the, worksheet ,interface of the Macintosh Programmer's Workshop influenced Oberon's TUI or
  39. 2D smart cursor, records and formats, data palette, database rows in new, worksheet ,palette, query language for MiniPascal and worksheet , new dimensioning tools
  40. Visual Basic editor, and such functions are automatically accessible on the, worksheet , In addition, programs can be written that pull information from the worksheet
  41. Palm. The user must sync with a host computer and view the expense data in a, worksheet ,(templates for Microsoft Excel are supplied). Housing integrates with the
  42. Should always be included with the FMEA. Before starting the actual FMEA,a, worksheet ,needs to be created, which contains the important information about the system
  43. Influenced by Holistic Graphology include one or more of the following in their, worksheet ,: Ideal Employee This is not part of The Green Sheet. This is included by
  44. Equations like the Cole brook equation can be solved in the convenience of a, worksheet ,by designing suitable calculation algorithms. Many of the engineering problems
  45. Command output appears at the insertion point. Unlike a xterm window, an MPW, worksheet ,is always in visual editing mode and can be freely reorganized by its user.
  46. Simulation of Diffusion Processes based on talk * Cantor (software) – KDE, worksheet ,interface to several mathematical applications, including R *
  47. The next progressive release of the traditional product line, sharing the same, worksheet ,file structure and extension as its predecessor, Mathcad 14.0. * Math cad Prime
  48. Poor research design and methodology. The Green Sheet The Green Sheet is the, worksheet ,used by Graphoanalysts, to organize their report. This sheet contains 119
  49. S character set and GUI, replacing the usual terminal environment with a ", worksheet ," interface, allowing the user to select and run arbitrary sections of a shell
  50. Defense contractors by sales to the United States military. ('DoD 9700 ', worksheet ,). The Department of Defense announces contracts valued at $5 million or more

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