Examples of the the word, primer , in a Sentence Context

The word ( primer ), is the 8603 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Dictates that the handler should exercise extreme caution, as a cartridge whose, primer ,has been struck in a misfire or which has been deformed in a jam can discharge
  2. Malfunctions of firearms and ammunition do happen. Malfunctions of the, primer ,and/or powder within a cartridge are colloquially known as" misfires ", and
  3. On the RNA (Reverse transcriptase requires this double-stranded segment as a, primer ,to start its operation. ) # Reverse transcriptase is added, along with
  4. Punching operation used in creating flash holes. These tools resemble, primer ,pocket uniformed tools, except being thinner, and commonly include debarring
  5. Pocket; both brush designs and single blade designs are commonly used. Dirty, primer ,pockets can prevent setting primer s at, or below, the cartridge head. Primer
  6. Of these tools is to achieve a more equal distribution of flame from the, primer ,to ignite the powder charge, resulting in consistent ignition from case to case
  7. Opened the way for modern repeating arms, by uniting the bullet, gunpowder and, primer ,into one assembly. Before this, a " cartridge" was simply a remeasured
  8. Normal high explosive charge. *Dummy: Ammunition with an inert warhead, inert, primer , and no propellant; used for training or display. *Blank: Ammunition with live
  9. Or shotgun shells by assembling the individual components (brass/shot shell, primer , powder, and bullet/shot),rather than purchasing completely assembled
  10. Charge, with the projectile press-fit into the end of the casing opposite the, primer , Cartridge ammunition was widely adopted, and as of World War I it had become
  11. With bagged charges the breech itself provides maturation and holds the, primer , In either case the primer is usually percussion but electrical is also used
  12. Reloading military cases only),or mill the primer pocket depth using a, primer ,pocket uniformed tool *Measure and trim the case length (as needed; rarely
  13. To elongate the growing cellulose chain. A cellulose may function to cleave the, primer ,from the mature chain. Breakdown (cellulolysis) Cellulolysis is the process
  14. A totally different type of breech to the other. A metal case holds an integral, primer ,to initiate the propellant and provides the gas seal to prevent the gases
  15. Of a new strand. To begin synthesis, a short fragment of DNA or RNA, called a, primer , must be created and paired with the template DNA strand. DNA polymerase then
  16. Improvement over flintlocks. With the percussion cap mechanism, the small, primer ,charge of gunpowder used in all preceding small arms was replaced by a
  17. To a board (an ordinary freeman). Another law-text, Uraicecht Beck (‘ Small, primer ,’),gives the druid a place among the dóer-nemed or professional classes which
  18. Out within a year, Calvin was dissatisfied with its structure as a catechism,a, primer ,for young Christians. For the second edition, published in 1539,Calvin dropped
  19. To the vast majority of cartridge cases used in that country being of the Boxer, primer ,type. During periods of particularly high demand for ammunition, such as after
  20. Principle that does not require any further explanation, since a hornbook is a, primer ,of basics. Law is the rule which establish that a principle, provision
  21. Head. Primer pocket reamers or wagers are used to remove military crimps in, primer ,pockets. Flash hole uniforming tools are used to remove any burrs, which are
  22. At the 3' end. # From the hairpin loop, a DNA polymerase can then use it as a, primer ,to transcribe a complementary sequence for the SS cDNA. # Now, you should be
  23. By stripping the original paint and repainting the bridge with zinc silicate, primer ,and vinyl topcoats. Since 1990 acrylic topcoats have been used instead for
  24. Will be released with the most uniformity *Clean primer pocket (optional;, primer ,pockets will have deposits from combustion) and do flash hole uniforming (
  25. For instance, in a hand grenade, a mechanical striker ignites a percussion, primer ,which ignites a slow black powder delay. The delay burns a few seconds until it
  26. To discharge if its rim strikes the ground with sufficient force to ignite the, primer , This is practically impossible with most center fire cartridges. Nearly all
  27. Swage crimp from primer pocket (reloading military cases only),or mill the, primer ,pocket depth using a primer pocket uniformed tool *Measure and trim the case
  28. Bernabéu Cobb, Historia del Nero Munro (1653) Gunman Poma's 1615 book, El, primer , nueva chronic y been governor, shows numerous line drawings of Inca flags. In
  29. Supported its programs. Washington's" Farewell Address" was an influential, primer ,on republican virtue and a stern warning against partisanship, sectionalism
  30. Not require lubrication. ) *Size/Resize the case (For previously fired cases, primer ,is pressed out in this step with most die sets. ) *Ream or stage crimp from
  31. Cleaning tools are used to remove residual combustion debris remaining in the, primer ,pocket; both brush designs and single blade designs are commonly used. Dirty
  32. CSA glucosyltransferase initiates cellulose polymerization using a steroid, primer , sitosterol-beta-glucoside, and UDP-glucose. Cellulose synthase utilizes
  33. DT) beads in an affinity chromatography assay. # A poly-T oligonucleotide, primer ,is hybridized onto the poly-A tail of the mature mRNA template, or random
  34. The template strands. To be more specific, the leading strand receives one RNA, primer ,per active origin of replication while the lagging strand receives several;
  35. Techniques: gel electrophoresis — transformation — PCR — PCR mutagenesis —, primer ,— chromosome walking — RFLP — restriction enzyme — sequencing — shotgun
  36. And no propellant; used for training or display. *Blank: Ammunition with live, primer , greatly reduced propellant charge (typically black powder) and no projectile
  37. A hammer (or a firing pin struck by the hammer) strikes the cartridge, primer , which then ignites the gunpowder within. The primer charge is at the base of
  38. Thickness so that the bullet will be released with the most uniformity *Clean, primer ,pocket (optional; primer pockets will have deposits from combustion) and do
  39. Case mouth (not required with coattail rifle bullets) *Seat a new primer (, primer ,pockets often become loose after multiple loading; a lack of effort being
  40. Evolved into the form of a tubular metal casing enclosing a primary igniter (, primer ,) and the powder charge, with the projectile press-fit into the end of the
  41. Is pressed out in this step with most die sets. ) *Ream or stage crimp from, primer ,pocket (reloading military cases only),or mill the primer pocket depth using
  42. Of Architects. Paintwork The bridge was originally painted with red lead, primer ,and a lead-based topcoat, which was touched up as required. In the mid-1960s,a
  43. Required to seat new primer s indicates a loose primer pocket; cases with loose, primer ,pockets are usually discarded, after crushing the case to prevent its reuse)
  44. Nascent DNA of the lagging strand after the Ribonuclease H has removed the RNA, primer ,from the Okazaki fragments. *DNA ligase II: alternatively spliced form of DNA
  45. Jacoby. *http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/texts/illuminati.html A Bavarian Illuminati, primer ,by Trevor W. McKeown. *http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07661b.htm Illuminati
  46. Loadings; a lack of effort being required to seat new primer s indicates a loose, primer ,pocket; cases with loose primer pockets are usually discarded, after crushing
  47. Is also used and laser ignition is emerging. Modern 155 mm guns have a, primer ,magazine fitted to their breech. Artillery ammunition has four classifications
  48. The breech itself provides maturation and holds the primer . In either case the, primer ,is usually percussion but electrical is also used and laser ignition is
  49. Strikes the cartridge primer , which then ignites the gunpowder within. The, primer ,charge is at the base of the cartridge, either within the rim (a" rimfire "
  50. Or chamfer case mouth (not required with coattail rifle bullets) *Seat a new, primer ,( primer pockets often become loose after multiple loading; a lack of effort

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