Examples of the the word, bastard , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bastard ), is the 8594 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Was a fan, and Milligan caused a stir by calling him a" little grovelling, bastard ," on live television in 1994. He later faxed the prince, saying " I suppose a
  2. You've got another five seconds. Say something outrageous.: Jones: You dirty, bastard ,.: Grundy: Go on, again.: Jones: You dirty fucker.: Grundy: What a clever boy.:
  3. As High Court Chief Justice, play a role in Whitlam's downfall) a" bumptious, bastard ,", and stated that William Wentworth exhibited a" hereditary streak of
  4. Is legitimate and separate from that. Then, preferring the legitimate to the, bastard , he continues: When the bastard can no longer see any smaller, or hear, or
  5. After she attempted to murder her niece Santa Stark, disguised as Baelish's, bastard ,daughter, Alayne Stone, and now rules in the Erie as the Lord Protector and
  6. Of the cursive scripts. A script that has been thus formalized is known as a, bastard ,script (whereas a book hand that has had cursive elements fused onto it is
  7. Words: Of knowledge there are two forms, one legitimate, one bastard . To the, bastard ,belong all this group: sight, hearing,smell, taste,touch. The other is
  8. Encore saying," You'll get one number and one number only 'cause I'm a lazy, bastard , " That one number was a Stooges cover," No Fun ". At the end of the song
  9. Cheering wildly. Captain Manning was heard to scream," If any of those, bastard ,Huns come up, lads,hit 'em with an oar! " Twelve men survived the sinking of
  10. Use of more advanced armor, that the Hand and a half sword, also known as a ", bastard ,sword ", came into being. It had an extended grip that meant it could be used
  11. Scene was completed it was reported that Frankenheimer said," Now get that, bastard ,off my set. " In an interview, Frankenheimer refused to discuss the film
  12. They stopped talking after Hitchcock heard Chandler refer to him as" that fat, bastard ," as he struggled to exit his limousine. Hitchcock reportedly made a big show of
  13. Many times by Giraldo Carlin, the mother of: * his successor in Naples, bastard ,born king Ferdinand I of Naples, ( 1423 - king 1458 - 1494). * Maria d'Aragon
  14. Scoff at the pretensions of the Old and New Testament" such as," Christ was a, bastard ,and his mother dishonest unchaste "," the woman of Samaria and her sister were
  15. Then declared invalid, so that Elizabeth, just like her half sister, became a, bastard , Henry immediately married Jane Seymour, who became pregnant almost as quickly.
  16. About Rumsfeld" at least Rummy is tough enough" and" He's a ruthless little, bastard , You can be sure of that. " In February 1973,Rumsfeld left Washington to serve
  17. Birth year unknown) *1536 – Henry Fitzroy,1st Duke of Richmond and Somerset, bastard ,son of King Henry VIII of England (b. 1519) *1562 – Got von Berlichingen
  18. Or painters, it sought to free the cinema from its popular conception as a, bastard ,art, somewhere between theater and literature. Secondly, it sought to redeem
  19. Beyond the Wall. This storyline is told primarily through the eyes of Jon Snow, bastard ,son of Edward Stark, as he rises through the ranks of the Watch, learns the
  20. In the German captain's face and screamed," What about the Lusitania, you, bastard , " Aftermath In Herbert's report to the Admiralty, he stated he feared the
  21. Pentagon stated; The inspiration came from just being a naturally pissed-off, bastard , And Lemmy's the same way! So it was bound to be an alchemy wedding of a more
  22. His TV show, saying he had taken things too far. He added that he had been a ", bastard , " After being diagnosed with lung cancer, he commented," I had spawned a
  23. Parish, the sum due by the father may be received by the parish officer. When a, bastard ,child, whose mother has not obtained an order, becomes chargeable to the parish
  24. Named Shen and Lana (ST: DS9 Books The Left Hand of Destiny). Bartok had a, bastard ,son he had never known of till his return to the home world of To'nos as
  25. They turned out to be significant political assets in subsequent years, his, bastard , daughters cementing alliances with a flock of lords whose lands bordered Henry
  26. In the title role. Part 1 chronicled the king's life from the birth of his, bastard ,son, Henry Fitzroy until the execution of Anne Boleyn in 1536. David Sachet
  27. Parker is alleged to have remarked," How like me, to put all my eggs into one, bastard ,", and a depression that culminated in her first attempt at suicide. She and
  28. Epic Kalevala describes an assumed infanticide. Väinämöinen orders the infant, bastard ,son of Maratha to be drowned in marsh. The Íslendingabók, a main source for
  29. Traditional spelling. But the opposition to what traditionalists consider a ", bastard ,language ", lacking the emotional appeal of the older dialects, remains
  30. Reasoning. In this way one can get away from the false perception of the “, bastard ,” knowledge and grasp the truth through the inductive reasoning. After taking
  31. Spy / He worked for MI5 / The British secret agency / But he was something of a, bastard ,/ He served two masters / And his first was the KGB ". (Some poetic license
  32. Killer Carl Panzram's last words were reportedly," Hurry it up, you Hoosier, bastard , I could kill 10 men while you're fooling around! " *In the movie We're No
  33. The two. The 16th-century English herbalist John Gerard used the terms ", bastard ,potatoes" and" Virginia potatoes" for this species, and referred to sweet
  34. Trustworthiness for the judgement of truth, and through the senses he names ‘, bastard ,’ denying its inerrant in the discrimination of what is true. To quote his
  35. Of knowing, the one he calls“ legitimate” ( onesie: genuine) and the other “, bastard ,” (Skokie: obscure). The“ bastard ” knowledge is concerned with the
  36. Of 1845,and the Bastardy Laws Amendment Acts of 1872 and 1873. The mother of a, bastard ,may summon the putative father to petty sessions within 12 months of the birth
  37. Too many powerful noblemen and, as a consequence of the system of so called, bastard ,feudalism, each had what amounted to private armies of indentured retainers (
  38. Japan. Hand and a half sword A Hand and a half sword, colloquially known as a ", bastard ,sword ", was a sword with an extended grip that could be used with either one
  39. Quote his actual words: Of knowledge there are two forms, one legitimate, one, bastard , To the bastard belong all this group: sight, hearing,smell, taste,touch. The
  40. Gnesie: genuine) and the other“ bastard ” ( Skokie: obscure). The “, bastard ,” knowledge is concerned with the perception through the senses, therefore it
  41. Conquest they were ruled by the Storm Kings, and afterwards by House Marathon, bastard ,relatives to the Targaryen. The Cornish Marches are located within this region
  42. She was also critical of language such as" bleeding "," bloody hell ",", bastard ," and" for Christ's sake ". However, Whitehouse also praised the program
  43. That. Then, preferring the legitimate to the bastard , he continues: When the, bastard ,can no longer see any smaller, or hear, or smell, or taste, or perceive by
  44. Achieved through the intellect, in other words, all the sense-data from the “, bastard ,” must be elaborated through reasoning. In this way one can get away from the
  45. In Westphalia, home to the Baron's daughter, Lady Cunégonde; his, bastard ,nephew, Candide; a tutor, Pangloss; a chambermaid, Paquette; and the rest of
  46. Standing for a servant girl was a particular problem in respect of producing a, bastard ,child as they relied upon a good character reference in order to maintain their
  47. Writes that the pretext was that their paternal grandfather had been the, bastard ,son of a German prince, which allowed the Reichsmark to claim the gold, foreign
  48. In his defeat, you men. For though the world has stood up and stopped the, bastard , the bitch that bore him is in heat again. Herrick, a fictional character from
  49. The French magnates adopted SAIC Law to avoid the succession of a possible, bastard , In 1328,King Charles IV of France died without male heirs, as his brothers
  50. Son, by his second wife, Alexander III succeeded him as King of Scots. He had a, bastard ,daughter, Marjorie,who married Sir Alan Forward, Justiciar of Scotia (he died

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