Examples of the the word, shortcut , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shortcut ), is the 8596 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Khalid's command attacked the Roman army, catching up to them using an unknown, shortcut , at the Battle of Maraj-al-Debaj,190 miles north of Damascus. Abu Bakr died
  2. Tour that visits each city only once (otherwise, by the triangle inequality,a, shortcut ,that skips a repeated visit would not increase the tour length). Complexity of
  3. Add their own search service; for instance, to retrieve Wikipedia articles,a, shortcut ,may be added with the URL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search? Search
  4. From a date simply through my_string: = my_date as a, shortcut ,for using an explicit object creation with a conversion procedure:
  5. Resistance group * The ANS key on some graphing calculators, used as a, shortcut ,for inputting the result (answer) of the previous calculation Southeast
  6. The current file; Control-W goes to the search menu. Nano puts a two-line ", shortcut ,bar" at the bottom of the screen, listing many of the commands available in
  7. And obsolete. The following table compares various conventional renderings and, shortcut ,key assignments: __NOT__ Year 1107 (XCVII) was a common year starting on
  8. Used shortlisting. Another example of a shell script that could be used as a, shortcut ,would be to print a list of all the files or directories within a given
  9. More than the sum of the marriages, plus kings around and queens around. As a, shortcut , this is called a" roundtable "," marriages around "," Round House ", or a "
  10. By general relativity is the traversable wormhole, which could create a, shortcut ,between arbitrarily distant points in space. As with the Alcubierre drive
  11. Sauce made with butter, flour and milk),with a poultry stock (effectively a, shortcut ,to making a velouté by combining the roux and stock elements) and butter. Mrs
  12. Fails When one is looking for underlying forms, it is tempting to appeal to a ", shortcut ," that finds them with great speed: The Isolation Form Shortcut:" The
  13. Application of the Ackerman function in any tractable amount of time. Instead, shortcut ,formulas such as A (3,n) = 8×2n−3 are used as an optimization to complete
  14. Context menu only in programming and other technical documentation, while using, shortcut ,menu in user documentation. In Judaism," closeness" is the belief that the
  15. In curved spacetime. One could imagine exploiting the curvature to take a ", shortcut ," from one point to another. This is one form of the Warp Drive concept. In
  16. Store comments which are displayed as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the, shortcut , The shell introduces extensibility support through metadata handlers, icon
  17. Method used for acutes and cedillas does not work for applications which assign, shortcut ,menu functions to these key combinations. For acute accents the Altar and
  18. Is optimized by replacing the relation 3n + 1 with the common substitute ", shortcut ," relation (3n + 1)/2,it can be viewed as the restriction to the integers of
  19. In the subroutine and simply written in. Examples This macro provides a, shortcut ,for entering the current date in Word: Sub EnterCurrentDate
  20. The relation 3n + 1 of the function f is replaced by the common substitute ", shortcut ," relation (3n + 1)/2,the Collate graph is defined by the inverse relation, R
  21. Mapping, and it takes much longer than a comparable ray trace. Therefore,the, shortcut ,taken in ray tracing is to presuppose that a given ray intersects the view frame
  22. Hypothetical topological feature of spacetime that would be, fundamentally,a ", shortcut ," through spacetime. For a simple visual explanation of a wormhole, consider
  23. To have an opening tag and a closing tag. XHTML, however,also introduces a new, shortcut ,: an XHTML tag may be opened and closed within the same tag, by including a
  24. Hypothetical topological feature of spacetime that would be, fundamentally,a ", shortcut ," through spacetime. For a simple visual explanation of a wormhole, consider
  25. X) \end as claimed. This result can be a useful computational, shortcut , For example, suppose we toss a coin where the probability of heads is p. How
  26. Is called directly from the VBA editor, or by using a" hot key" or keyboard, shortcut , Values on the spreadsheet automatically update as the rows are scanned. It is
  27. Associative arrays in other languages) can each be created with a succinct, shortcut ,syntax. In fact, these literals form the basis of the JSON data format.;
  28. Tab. The gesture's function is the same as using the Alt+Shift keyboard, shortcut , clicking the" Back" icon from the browser GUI or pressing the" Back "
  29. 1859. The final blow was the Suez Canal, opened in 1869,which provided a great, shortcut ,for steamships between Europe and Asia, but was difficult for sailing ships to
  30. Farming methods History and engineering features. Built originally to provide a, shortcut ,for traffic originating in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties, the bridge
  31. Functionally incorrect, misleading or confusing. * Software may use a keyboard, shortcut ,which has no function on the source language's keyboard layout, but is used
  32. Must then to switch between maximized applications using the Alt+Tab keyboard, shortcut ,; no alternative with the mouse except for maximize. When none of the running
  33. Interested in technique. There is no mechanical way to get the writing done, no, shortcut , The young writer would be a fool to follow a theory. Teach yourself by your
  34. Of code if separated by a colon (:). The? Can be used in Apple soft BASIC as a, shortcut ,for" PRINT ", though spelling out the word is not only acceptable but
  35. Fictional American nation in the television show Jericho * Angle-Side-Angle,a, shortcut ,for showing either congruence or similarity between two triangles * Anti-Soviet
  36. Part of the track; although it is not illegal to ride there, moving into it to, shortcut ,another rider will result in disqualification. During time trials, pursuits or
  37. The list command. The command is prefixed by a range, in this case % which is a, shortcut ,for 1,$. A range is two line numbers separated by a comma ($ means the last
  38. Toggled. Nano can also use a mouse to activate functions that are on the, shortcut ,bar, as well as position the cursor. The Noose Waterway (" New Waterway" )
  39. Depending on whether a laptop or compact or extended keyboard type is used,the, shortcut ,is ++5 or +5 (numeric keypad) or ++i (laptop). * In Microsoft Windows
  40. Her limousine stops before they reach the house and Camilla escorts her using a, shortcut , Adam appears to be in love with Camilla. Over dinner, Diane states that she
  41. Must be accessed through different inputs, such as a menu option and a keyboard, shortcut ,for the same command #Each option has an interface, which should be modifiable
  42. Becker, who wanted to stay on the Baltimore Orioles roster, took just such a, shortcut , He collapsed on February 17, 2003 while pitching, and was soon pronounced dead
  43. Thanks to the triangle inequality, each skipping at Step 4 is in fact a, shortcut ,; i.e., the length of the cycle does not increase. Hence, it gives us a TSP tour
  44. Menu, which will fill in the above URL automatically and prompt you for a, shortcut ,or shortcut s. KHTML's rendering speed is on par with that of competing
  45. Of players recording run-throughs of individual levels, using every trick and, shortcut ,they could discover in order to minimize the time it took to complete, usually
  46. In the Middle East use PAL and others use SECAM, the region has adopted a, shortcut , and uses the PAL mixer-down converter approach for both PAL and SECAM. This
  47. Format. The. Cda (Compact Disk Audio Track) is a small file that serves as a, shortcut ,to the audio data for a track on a music CD. It does not contain audio data and
  48. Website. ) VBA programs can be attached to a menu button, a macro, a keyboard, shortcut , or an OLE/COM event, such as the opening of a document in the application. The
  49. Of executing shell commands entered on the command line (e.g., via Ctrl-O, shortcut ,in Norton Commander). * They provide the user with extensive keyboard
  50. In the absence of ordained clergy. A context menu (also called contextual, shortcut , and popup or pop-up menu) is a menu in a graphical user interface (GUI)

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