Examples of the the word, commute , in a Sentence Context

The word ( commute ), is the 8599 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Prince's other authorities include exercising the right to mitigate and, commute ,punishments that have been imposed with legal force and the abolition — i.e.
  2. In neighboring counties from which middle-class and wealthy people could, commute ,to the center. While this spurred the massive outward growth of the city, the
  3. Both matrices. More generally, one may use the fact that the operators do not, commute ,: \left S_x, S_z\right = - i\hear S_y \né 0 along with the Heisenberg
  4. The Haulage Industrial Association. As many as 20 percent of Long Islanders, commute ,to New York City jobs. The eastern end of the island is still partly
  5. Into Lausanne are coming from outside Switzerland, while 0.1 % of the locals, commute ,out of Switzerland for work. Of the working population,40.9 % used public
  6. Almost exactly the same; the only difference is that now all the maps involved, commute ,with the fixed maps to X. This is the big site associated to a topological
  7. And then the rows. The order is immaterial because the nested summations above, commute , An algorithm to compute a one-dimensional DFT is thus sufficient to
  8. Matrices of the same order further formulas hold. For example, if C and D, commute ,(i.e., CD = DC),then the following formula comparable to the determinant of
  9. Treated as a subset of the quatrains, complex numbers and quatrains do not, commute ,). * The 2 × 2 real matrices form an associative algebra useful in plane
  10. In general, the expectation operator and functions of random variables do not, commute ,; that is: \operator name (g (X) ) = \int_ g (X)\, \operatornameP \new g (
  11. Of Aargau is often called" the energy canton ". A significant number of people, commute ,into the financial center of the city of Zürich, which is just across the
  12. Honolulu has the nation’s second-highest metropolitan travel time during peak, commute ,hours, second only to Los Angeles. The following freeways, part of the
  13. Speed rail system is heavily used by commute rs in the Greater Tokyo Area. They, commute ,between 100 and 200 km by Shinkansen. To meet the demand of commute rs, JR sells
  14. Into Basel are coming from outside Switzerland, while 1.0 % of the locals, commute ,out of Switzerland for work. Of the working population,49.2 % used public
  15. To the identity element e if and only if GH Hg, that is, if and only if g and h, commute , In general, gh = egg, h. An element of G which is of the form g, h for some g
  16. More simply because it contains a subfield of size PN for all n. The inclusions, commute ,with the Fresenius map, as it is defined the same way on each field (it is
  17. X+y) = exp (x)exp (y) can fail for Lie algebra elements x and y that do not, commute ,; the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula supplies the necessary correction terms.
  18. For the Partition of India (August 1947). In November 1945 he was forced to, commute ,the sentence of transportation for life awarded to three officers of the Indian
  19. Force: 35,440 of whom about 10,440 are natives 7,550 are foreigners; 17,450, commute , from Austria, Switzerland,and Germany to work each day (2008) *Labor force -
  20. Water in the inner harbor is clean and safe for swimming. 36 % of all citizens, commute ,to work by bicycle. Every day, they cycle a combined 1.2 million km. Since the
  21. Identities true; i.e., the diagram must, commute ,for all i ≤ j. The inverse limit is often denoted: X = \varprojlim X_i with the
  22. Attain province hood until 1905. Riel's execution and Macdonald's refusal to, commute ,his sentence caused lasting upset in Quebec, and led to a fundamental
  23. For half off by vehicles using Amtrak during weekday morning and afternoon, commute ,hours by vehicles carrying two or more persons, motorcycles,or hybrid vehicles
  24. Government and was sentenced to death. Riel was repeatedly entreated to, commute ,the sentence, but Donald Smith reported that Riel responded to his pleas by
  25. Are known and involve Lie brackets of four or more elements. In case u and v, commute , this formula reduces to the familiar exponential law exp (u) exp (v) = exp
  26. Short. The long form and its additional questions about matters such as daily, commute ,times, housing unit factors, etc., has been replaced by the American Community
  27. To the bridge, travellers and businessmen would use an interisland ferry to, commute ,between Hidalgo and Whitney islands. Deception Pass is a dramatic seascape
  28. Of freeways. In 2008,the Atlanta metro area had among the longest average, commute ,times and highest levels of traffic in the U. S. Transit systems
  29. 1912,proved to be very controversial because Governor Bob McDonnell refused to, commute ,her sentence to life imprisonment, even though she had an IQ of 70.
  30. A relatively high proportion of whom are foreigners, including those who, commute ,across the border from the neighboring states of Switzerland, Austria and
  31. G, h = g−1h−1gh. It is equal to the group's identity if and only if g and h, commute ,(i.e., if and only if GH = Hg). The subgroup of G generated by all
  32. More people to live in Alameda County (where housing is more affordable) and, commute ,to jobs in the mid-Peninsula area (where businesses wish to be located in
  33. The l 0 and the l =2 states, because the electric quadrupole operator does not, commute ,with angular momentum. The latter contribution is dominant in the absence of a
  34. Value on some pair of arguments, it can be used to show that all elements of R, commute ,). Nevertheless, various notions of non-commutative determinant have been
  35. Transportation system, commute rs often use bicycles as elements of a mixed-mode, commute , where the bike is used to travel to and from train stations or other forms of
  36. Offered only two-year degrees; students seeking baccalaureate degrees had to, commute ,or move to the main campus in Baton Rouge in order to gain a four-year degree.
  37. Rouge in order to gain a four-year degree. After 1976,students could either, commute ,or tele commute in order to attend upper level courses, including graduate
  38. Into Geneva are coming from outside Switzerland, while 0.4 % of the locals, commute ,out of Switzerland for work. Of the working population,38.2 % used public
  39. Commonwealth countries, its collective provisions provide for nationals to, commute ,between armies in training or other purposes. Moreover, this 'blanket provision
  40. S and l states. That is’s and l are not constant in time (they do not, commute ,with the Hamiltonian),and over time a state such as, may become a state of,
  41. Western Washington, and some Seattle-area residents have moved to the city and, commute ,over Snoqualmie Pass on I-90 to jobs located in the Puget Sound region. History
  42. Many times are filled to capacity by three hundred or more bikes. Many people, commute ,to work by bicycle every month of the year. Numerous bike shops provide the
  43. Also offers para transit. Cycling is popular in Eugene and many people, commute ,via bicycle. Summer events and festivals frequently have bike parking "
  44. Algebra is defined by: a, b = ab − BA. It is zero if and only if a and b, commute , In linear algebra, if two allomorphisms of a space are represented by
  45. Bicycles reduced crowding in inner-city tenements by allowing workers to, commute ,from more spacious dwellings in the suburbs. They also reduced dependence on
  46. Within one hour. Many people from North East Fife, Angus and Perth and Across, commute ,to the city. In 2009,there were 30 employers who employed 300 or more staff.
  47. Who recognize Columbus as a major city in its own right. Nearly 19,000 workers, commute ,into the city from the surrounding townships and villages. In recent years city
  48. He decided to leave the show because after having children, he found the, commute ,from his home in New York City to the Desperate Housewives set in Los Angeles
  49. Every day 1.1 million km are bicycled in Copenhagen. 36 % of all citizens, commute ,to work, school or university by bicycle, and it is municipal policy that this
  50. Said Letterman. " At my age you really don't want to have to learn a new, commute , " Letterman further joked about the subject by pulling up his right pants leg

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