Examples of the the word, cuisine , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Inside the citadel area have found new life as restaurants, serving local, cuisine , The citadel was depicted in various Turkish banknotes during 1927–1952 and
  2. Sandwiches and apple pie to beans and eggs. They developed American Chinese, cuisine ,when they modified their food to suit a more Western palate. First catering to
  3. Conditions of a community can be studied in such detail. Cuisine Egyptian, cuisine ,remained remarkably stable over time; indeed, the cuisine of modern Egypt
  4. Diet varied depending on the settled region in which someone lived. Local, cuisine ,patterns had established by the mid 18th century. The New England colonies were
  5. On fresh vegetables, and the selection is vegetarian-friendly. This is new, cuisine ,has exotic ingredients like mangos and portabello mushrooms. Brown rice is
  6. Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. The American Indians, cuisine ,became part of the cookery style that the early colonists brought with them.
  7. Rather than American broccoli. Regional variations on American Chinese, cuisine ,San Francisco Since the early 1990s,many American Chinese restaurants
  8. Stand as its own cuisine ," Tsai said" I don’t think so. Chinese-American, cuisine ,is“ dumbed-down” Chinese food. It’s adapted for the wrong reasons, to be
  9. Midwest: Main article Cuisine of the Midwestern United States Midwestern, cuisine ,covers everything from barbecue to the Chicago-style hot dog. The American
  10. Vegetables. This can be seen in the use of carrots and tomatoes. Native Chinese, cuisine ,makes frequent use of Asian leafy vegetables like BOK chop and Kaitlin and puts
  11. Italian and French style foods. Early ethnic influences While the earliest, cuisine ,of the United States was influenced by indigenous American Indians, the cuisine
  12. The colonists were able to establish themselves in the American colonies with a, cuisine ,similar to their previous British cuisine . There were some exceptions to the
  13. Many restaurants to offer" MSG Free" or" No MSG" menus. American Chinese, cuisine ,often uses ingredients not native and very rarely used in China. One such
  14. Agrippina the Younger (Wife of Claudius). American Chinese, cuisine ,refers to the style of food served by many Chinese restaurants in the United
  15. Such as the Queen's birthday, are also celebrated. Cuisine Anguilla, cuisine ,is influenced by native Caribbean, African,Spanish, French and English
  16. Also feature Chinese bakeries, boba milk tea shops, roasted meat, vegetarian, cuisine , and specialized dessert shops. Chop sea is not widely available in San
  17. The men used chopsticks when eating; the women had wooden spoons. Ainu, cuisine ,is not commonly eaten outside Ainu communities; there are only a few Ainu-run
  18. Styles. Asian cooking has played a particularly large role in American fusion, cuisine , Similarly, while some dishes considered typically American many have their
  19. Puck went on to describe his belief in contemporary, new style American, cuisine ,in the introduction to The Wolfgang Puck Cookbook: Another major breakthrough
  20. For dim sum bad, though the meat is not necessarily pork. Tennessee As Chinese, cuisine ,has become more popular in America, the dishes and selections available have
  21. Chinese influence in Hawaii, resident Chinese cuisine forms a component of the, cuisine ,of Hawaii, which is a fusion of different culinary traditions. Some Chinese
  22. Is added to bread making it often unpleasant for foreigners to eat. Regional, cuisine ,: Main article List of American regional and fusion cuisine s Given the United
  23. By a CNN interviewer about whether American Chinese foods" stand as its own, cuisine ," Tsai said" I don’t think so. Chinese-American cuisine is“ dumbed-down ”
  24. And dill. The plentiful seeds of the numbers, likewise,are sometimes used in, cuisine , as with coriander, fennel,cumin, and caraway. Companion Plants Almost every
  25. Of the Azerbaijani culture are: music, literature,folk dances and art, cuisine , architecture, cinematography and North Bay ram. The latter is the traditional
  26. In Hawaii and the history of the Chinese influence in Hawaii, resident Chinese, cuisine ,forms a component of the cuisine of Hawaii, which is a fusion of different
  27. Deep-frying tend to be the most common Chinese cooking techniques used in this, cuisine , which are all easily done using a wok. The food also has a reputation for high
  28. Large size it has numerous regional variations. The United States' regional, cuisine ,is characterized by its extreme diversity and style with each region having its
  29. The early 1990s,many American Chinese restaurants influenced by California, cuisine ,have opened in San Francisco and the Bay Area. The trademark dishes of American
  30. Ranked Albania 57 out of 100 Best Countries in the World in 2010. Cuisine The, cuisine ,of Albania – as with most Mediterranean and Balkan nations – is strongly
  31. Tomatoes are New World plants, they are also fairly new to China and Chinese, cuisine , Tomato-based sauces can be found in some American Chinese dishes such as the "
  32. Cuisine Egyptian cuisine remained remarkably stable over time; indeed,the, cuisine ,of modern Egypt retains some striking similarities to the cuisine of the
  33. Examples of the Chen Panics phenomenon, chefs who embraced a new globalized, cuisine , were celebrity chefs like Jeremiah Tower and Wolfgang Puck, both former
  34. Xi LAN, 西蘭 ) instead of Chinese broccoli (gas LAN, 芥蘭 ) in American Chinese, cuisine , Occasionally western broccoli is also referred to as SAI LAN fa (in Cantonese
  35. Success quickly inspired other chefs. Norman Van Taken embraced a Floridian type, cuisine ,fused with many ethnic and globalized elements in his Feast of Sunlight
  36. Fruit indigenous to the region. Pacific & Hawaiian Cuisine Hawaiian regional, cuisine ,covers everything from wok-charred AHI tuna, opakapaka (snapper) with
  37. Indeed, the cuisine of modern Egypt retains some striking similarities to the, cuisine ,of the ancients. The staple diet consisted of bread and beer, supplemented with
  38. Chowder, baked beans, and others. Lobster is an integral ingredient to the, cuisine , indigenous to the shores of the region. Other shellfish of the coastal regions
  39. Antigua and Barbuda. Corn and sweet potatoes play an important role in Antigua, cuisine , For example, a popular Antigua dish, Dukuna (DOO-koo-NAH) is a sweet
  40. Everything from barbecue to the Chicago-style hot dog. The American South The, cuisine ,of the American South has been influenced by the many diverse inhabitants of
  41. Other than what they were used to from their British roots. Much of the, cuisine ,started with one-pot cookery, which resulted in such dishes as succotash
  42. Guba-Shirvan, Ganja-Kazakh,Karabakh and Tabriz. Cuisine The traditional, cuisine ,is famous for an abundance of vegetables and greens used seasonally in the
  43. In the American colonies with a cuisine similar to their previous British, cuisine , There were some exceptions to the diet, such as local vegetation and animals
  44. Bead necklaces called Ramsay, which the women prized highly. Their traditional, cuisine ,consists of the flesh of bear, fox,wolf, badger,ox or horse, as well as fish
  45. Italy and the Ottoman Turks and each group has left its mark on Albanian, cuisine , The main meal of Albanians is lunch, and it is usually accompanied by a salad
  46. By its extreme diversity and style with each region having its own distinctive, cuisine , New England: Main article Cuisine of New England is a northeastern
  47. In San Francisco and the Bay Area. The trademark dishes of American Chinese, cuisine ,remain on the menu, but there is more emphasis on fresh vegetables, and the
  48. Arsenal news from Sky Sports Other * American, cuisine ,is a style of food preparation originating from the United States of America.
  49. Caters to Western tastes, and differs significantly from the original Chinese, cuisine , History In the 19th century, Chinese in San Francisco operated sophisticated
  50. China Bistro — throughout the United States; features California-Chinese fusion, cuisine ,* Pick Up Six — California, Arizona and Nevada * The Great Wall — Delaware

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