Examples of the the word, ra , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ra ), is the 8595 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. か key, き I, く KU, け KE, こ KO have nothing in common to indicate k; while ら, ra , り RI, る Ru, れ re, ろ RO have neither anything in common for r, nor anything to
  2. Way it is prepared. Some fish may be fermented with shrimp and/or spices. PLA, ra , is also a sauce made from fermented fish. It is more pungent than Nam PLA, and
  3. Of a + an is written AA, if a word-border exists between them. *: ma + a + ta +, ra , + Shi + i = maata ra shii – B ra nd-new In t ra ditional Hepburn:: The long vowel a
  4. And was a devout Buddhist. Five Buddhist temples were built at: 'Ching by Nam, ra , CWA Chu in B ra g Mar,'G ra n bang,'Khan b ra g and seas gong. Buddhist monks
  5. Island had 5 vertical scars on their chest whereas in Bundaberg the Funds:, ra , people had 3 scars across the chest. In December 2010,Bundaberg experienced
  6. Says for the year 991: -: Her wæs Gypeswic emerged, ⁊ æfter æm style, ra , e wæs Byrihtnoð alderman slogan æt Mel dune. ⁊ on am genre man gerædde æt man
  7. Examples are: Sumerian dark ('lastingly ', from Akkadian dark),Sumerian, ra , gaba ('riders, messenger ', from Akkadian Malibu). Example text The following
  8. It causes so much of pain) * Ablative, place where a movement starts: Se'n VA, ra , memoria (memory goes away, lite ra lly It (away from here) memory goes)
  9. Matching. " Consider Lithuanian Ashkenazim Hebrew רע דם Ra DOM (cf. Yiddish, ra , dam ), lit. ‘ Of bad blood’ ( from Hebrew רע דם Ra ` dam ‘ of bad blood’ ).
  10. By some Jews as a mere play on words. However, others might have conceived of, ra , dam as having deep intrinsic truth, which might have been religiously and
  11. Is distributive over vector addition in the following sense: r (a + b),Ra, + Rb for all vectors a and b and all scalars r. One can also show that a − b a
  12. Antiquity Hercules was depicted upside down on the constellation maps. The term, ra , 's Al-Jahiz or Ra's all Death was appeared in the catalog of stars in the
  13. a) as द preceding ગ GA, ઘ GHA, ધ DHA, બ BA (as ब),ભ BHA, વ VA, મ ma and ર, ra , The first six-second members are shrunken and hang at an angle off the bottom
  14. J, and we conclude similarly that a + b ∈ I. Furthermore, if r ∈ R, then AR and, ra , are elements of J and hence elements of I. We have shown that I is an ideal in
  15. October 18, 1935) *http://www.wnyc.org/stream/ ra m.py? File=archive/archive_10., ra , Fiorello La Guardia reads Little Orphan Annie on NYC during the 1945 newspaper
  16. As a different, simple ribbon-shaped f ra gment preceding વ VA, ન Na, ચ ca and ર, ra , Thus, શ્વ SVA, શ્ન SNA, શ્ચ SCA and શ્ર SRA. In the first three cases the
  17. By a subset X of R is the set of all finite sums of elements of R of the form, ra , where r ∈ R and a ∈ X, or AR, where r ∈ R and a ∈ X, or RAR′, where r, r′ ∈ R
  18. Connected to this Island are the Kookabur ra (or alternatively Gaza:, ra , ) from within the Gungganyji language group. As a Queensland National Park the
  19. For any luminosity from a given distance L (r)N (r) proportional to, ra , \text is infinite for a ≥ −1 but finite for a < −1. So if L (r) is
  20. Etymology The name Algol derives from A ra bic رأس الغول ra 's lawful: head (, ra , 's ) of the ogre (lawful) (see" ghoul" ). The English name Demon Star is
  21. רע דם Ra DOM (cf. Yiddish Ra dam),lit. ‘ Of bad blood’ ( from Hebrew רע דם, ra , ` dam ‘ of bad blood’ ). This is a toponymic objective phono-semantic matching
  22. Phono-semantic matching. " Consider Lithuanian Ashkenazim Hebrew רע דם, ra , dom (cf. Yiddish Ra dam),lit. ‘ Of bad blood’ ( from Hebrew רע דם Ra ` dam
  23. Ending with the nasal. * Letters can take names, by suffixing કાર car. ર, ra , is an exception; it's called રેફ ref. * Starting with ક key and ending with
  24. Rm – a Real Audio format designed for streaming audio over the Internet. The., ra , format allows files to be stored in a self-contained fashion on a computer
  25. If a pogrom had occurred in Random, it would surely have been ra tionalized by, ra , dam ‘ of bad blood ’. Obviously, providing such an mythological explanation
  26. Claudio files were originally identified by a filename extension of., ra , ( for Real Audio). In 1997,RealNetworks also began offering a video format
  27. As follows: the extended Euclidean algorithm yields integers r and s such, ra , + SN d. Then x = SB/d is a solution. The other solutions are the numbers
  28. Is denoted by a triangle sign below a consonant letter. Consonant + ya, va, la,Ra, ( 1) The consonant letter ya is gene ra lly C2-conjoining after a consonant in
  29. Were given the cuneiform names of your. Sal (" dog/man-woman" ) and our. Gar., ra , ( also described as a man-woman). Modern scholars, struggling to describe them
  30. Have been quite small. Etymology The name Algol derives from A ra bic رأس الغول, ra , 's lawful: head ( ra 's) of the ogre (lawful) (see" ghoul" ). The
  31. Being easily concealed. In the language of Paley, the term for Filipino is chad, ra , oles which lite ra lly means" people of the knife" because of Filipinos '
  32. She' are ti, ta and TU, which are equivalent to 'this' and 'that ', and RI, ra , and Ru, which are equivalent with 'the latter ','the former ', and 'something
  33. C in R such that c+a-ca= 0. Then J ® consists of every element a for which, ra , is left gene ra lized quasi regular for all r in R. It can be checked that this
  34. Al-Fayyūmi, Sa'id in Yusuf al-Dilasi, Saadia Ben Yosef alum, Sa'id Ben Yusuf, ra , 's skull; or in short: סעדיה גאון; Alternative English Names: Stadia b.
  35. Style" font-size:14pt;" >ल la, and style" font-size:14pt;" >र, ra , causing these second members to be shifted down and reduced in size. Thus
  36. Or RAR (for a two-sided ideal). Ra is the set of elements of R of the form, ra , for r ∈ R. An analogous statement holds for AR, but not for RAR. If an ideal I
  37. Θ = 180. This point is called the apoptosis, and its ra dial coordinate, denoted,Ra, is: r_a=\f ra nc Let 2a be the distance measured along the apse line from
  38. Is the Funds: Ra/Foodo ra people the inhabitants of the Hervey Bay (Funds:, ra , Bay ) region which stretched from the Mary River to the Burnett River who was
  39. Orthog ra phies: Examples Lord's P ra yer: Hon Tad, : c'hi hag a ZO en Nev, :,Ra, vo antedate hoc'h ANO.: Ra zero ho Rouantelezh.: Ra VO great ho you war an
  40. Sentence final particle. Ra follows the volitional conjugation of verbs as IPO, ra , yō! (" Let's go! "). Okayama people hardly ever use Iago, which is ra ther
  41. Orthog ra phy, though some fonts do not support them. (4) A consonant letter, ra , after a consonant usually takes a pre-base form in the reformed orthog ra phy
  42. A, ba, co,CO, da, e,for, ga, ĝa, ha,HO, i,Jo, ĵa, ko, lo,mo, na, o,PO, ra , so, ŝo, to,u, ŭo, va, za However, this still requires overt mention of the
  43. Centuries, respectively. Later Kannada works replaced 'Rh' and 'LH' with (, ra , ) and (la) respectively. Another letter (or unclassified banana (
  44. Men, the Pamela):: Tiwha the PO.: KO the Jakarta: KO Ariki ra ngi Tina, ra , te here Na.: Dark, dark is the night.: There is the Jakarta: There is
  45. Format Orbit. Orbit offers compression similar to MP3 but is less popular. *, ra , & rm – a Real Audio format designed for streaming audio over the Internet. The.
  46. દ્વ DVA, દ્મ DMA and દ્ર DRA. **હ h (a) as ह preceding ન Na, મ ma, ય ya, ર,Ra, વ VA and ઋ ṛ. Thus, હ્ન RNA, હ્મ MA, હ્ય hay, હ્ર HRA, હ્વ Ava and હૃ HR.
  47. Latest version of Reproducer,Real's flagship encoder, reverted to using., ra , for audio-only files, and began using. Rv for video files (with or without
  48. A defined frequency. In Tamil Nadu shows vowel changes to solfège symbols with, ra , RI, ru etc. to denote the higher quarter-tones. In one scale, or ra ga, there
  49. And some tam Thai () with peanuts, dried shrimp and palm sugar and some tam PLA, ra , ( ) from the north-eastern part of Thailand (San),with salted Goswami fish
  50. It is forbidden to lift one's eyes towards the sky in p ra yer. Abu Huerta (, ra , ) reported: People should avoid lifting their eyes towards the sky while

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