Examples of the the word, wedge , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wedge ), is the 8704 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The *Frustum of pyramid with rectangular base of unequal sides *Frustum of a, wedge ,of the second type (used for applications in engineering) Continuing the
  2. Situated () south of downtown, the airport covers most of the land inside a, wedge ,formed by Interstate 75,Interstate 85,and Interstate 285. The MARTA rail
  3. Gin and tonic water poured over ice. It is usually garnished with a slice or, wedge ,of lime, or lemon. The amount of gin varies according to taste. Suggested
  4. Context the exterior product is usually called the" outer (alternatively, wedge ,) product ". The inner product is more correctly called a scalar product in
  5. IV). It was a 4-foot rod with a scale, a sighting hole at one end, and a, wedge ,that could be moved along the rod to exactly obscure the disk of Sun or Moon.
  6. However, according to OECD, the distortions imposed by a combined marginal tax, wedge ,of 70 % (60 % income tax plus 25 % VAT, not counting elevated excise duties on
  7. Russell came in and ordered Bacardi (Gold) rum and Coca-Cola on ice with a, wedge ,of lime. The captain drank the concoction with such pleasure that it sparked
  8. A ". In debate or rhetoric, a slippery slope (also known as thin edge of the, wedge , or the camel's nose) is a classic form of argument, arguably an informal
  9. By Ira Heli-ski — Atari's chief Industrial Designer. The ST was basically, wedge ,shaped, featuring bold angular lines and a series of grilles cut into the rear
  10. Broken down into a pyramid and a tetrahedral wedge . He also figured out that a, wedge ,with trapezoid base and both sides sloping could be made to give two
  11. Is essentially a combination of all of these simple machines (except for the, wedge ,). Poetry Almost half of In Sīnā's works are versified. His poems appear in
  12. 齒音 chief" dental sounds" ): ** Basic shape: ㅅ was originally shaped like a, wedge , without the serif on top. It represents a side view of the teeth. The line
  13. And illustrates the five constituent simple machines: the lever, pulley,screw, wedge , and windlass. He then analyzes all the combinations of these simple machines
  14. Pi_1 (X\see Y) \Cong \pi_1 (X) (In the latter formula, \see denotes the, wedge ,sum of topological spaces, and * the free product of groups. ) Both formulas
  15. See below),it turns out to be: \sum_i \bold_i\ wedge \bold_i (Here,the, wedge ,product is used. ). In the language of four-vectors and tensors the angular
  16. Banned" mass momentum" plays (many of which, like the infamous" flying, wedge ,", were sometimes literally deadly). Even after the emergence of the
  17. Point for intelligent design proponents in the 1990s,and is addressed in the, wedge ,strategy as an aspect of science that must be challenged before intelligent
  18. Of the fortress under the leadership of Buckingham in 1628 – thereby driving a, wedge ,between the English and French Crowns that was not surmounted for the duration
  19. Dunedin's curves were too steep to allow coasting, while the latter forced a, wedge ,down into the cable slot to stop the car. Both of these innovations were
  20. Copies were shipped in the first month of its release. This apparently drove a, wedge ,between Bowland and Niels Jensen and the other members of his team who had been
  21. Rocks during the daytime, then freezes at night. Ice expands, thus,creating a, wedge ,in the rock. Over time, the repetition in the forming and melting of the ice
  22. And the growth of a critically tapered (all angles remain the same) orogenic, wedge , Numerical models work in the same way as these analog models, though they are
  23. Of the buyer’s income entering the service vendor’s wallet (inverted tax, wedge ,) is slightly over 15 %, compared to 10 % in Belgium,25 % in France,40 % in
  24. Able to engage Boudica's second wave in the open. As the Romans advanced in a, wedge ,formation, the Britons attempted to flee, but were impeded by the presence of
  25. At the same time) further intensified this separation by driving a physical, wedge ,between the two worlds. The once homogenous unified world of the Mediterranean
  26. Achieve itself, such as suppressing suffrage for Southern blacks and driving a, wedge ,between poor whites and blacks, were largely accomplished by the 1890s by
  27. Of Irish megalithic tombs type--court tombs, portal tombs, passage tombs and, wedge ,tombs--examples of all four types can be found in County Mayo. Areas
  28. Areas radiate out from the Central Business District, with a pronounced, wedge ,of affluence extending out the Malone Road and Upper Malone Road to the south.
  29. Differential form, as well as the idea of the differential forms as being the, wedge ,products of exterior derivatives forming an exterior algebra, was introduced by
  30. Of adhesives used to bond thin plates. These tests consist in inserting a, wedge ,in between two bonded plates. A critical energy release rate can be derived
  31. Width, and surface area. In terms of solid geometry, he figured out that a, wedge ,with rectangular base and both sides sloping could be broken down into a
  32. As the menu (decorative grip swells),Hawaii (blade collar and scabbard, wedge ,), fuchi and Kashmir (handle collar and cap),Korea (small utility knife
  33. It has of Venezuelan White Rum, of Venezuelan Gold Rum, of lemon mix,1 lemon, wedge ,and a dash of angostura bitters, and diet cola in place of normal cola. Local
  34. And both sides sloping could be broken down into a pyramid and a tetrahedral, wedge , He also figured out that a wedge with trapezoid base and both sides sloping
  35. Fruit, and other insects. The bird uses its enormous white bill to hammer, wedge , and peel the bark off dead trees to find the insects. These birds need about
  36. In megalithic tombs which changed design during this period, more being of the, wedge ,tomb type and cast burials. Iron Age (500 BC to 500 AD approx) Around 2,500
  37. DOF are no longer parallel; the DOF becomes wedge -shaped, with the apex of the, wedge ,nearest the camera (Berliner 1993,31–32; Tillman 1997,71). With tilt
  38. War ". He responded by attempting to punish Innocent personally and to drive a, wedge ,between those English clergy that might support him and those allying
  39. Workers, who make an average 25.1 euro per hour (before the median 60 % tax, wedge ,) in 2007. In 2003 residents worked on average around 10 years for the same
  40. Maul - can be hit with a sledgehammer for splitting wood. * Wood splitting, wedge ,- hit with a sledgehammer for splitting wood. The physics of hammering Hammer
  41. Implies dxb∧dxa = −dxa∧dxb. This also ensures that the result of the, wedge ,product has an orientation. We define the set of all these products to be basic
  42. Its compact size was attained. Third parties did eventually figure out how to, wedge ,up to 1 MB of additional memory and a real-time clock into the machine, and a
  43. Products of the Discovery Institute, which guides the movement and follows its, wedge ,strategy while conducting it's Teach the Controversy campaign and their other
  44. Basis vectors, and 0-forms (smooth functions) as the field of scalars. The, wedge ,product then extends to k-forms in the natural way. Over Rn at most n convectors
  45. In a general sense). We call the dx1,…, dxn basic 1-forms. We define the, wedge ,product," ∧ ", a bilinear" multiplication" operator on these elements, with
  46. Starting in 1984,the government launched a scorched-earth campaign to drive a, wedge ,between the villagers and the guerrillas in the remote areas of two provinces
  47. With k > n will always be zero, by the alternating property. In addition to the, wedge ,product, there is also the exterior derivative operator d. This operator maps
  48. Commandments and Jewish peoplehood as" anachronistic ", created a permanent, wedge ,between the Reform movement and more traditional American Jews. In 1886
  49. Is to say, and positions are as stable as a ball balanced on the tip of a, wedge ,would be stable: any disturbance will toss it out of equilibrium. The, and
  50. Towering parallelogram, slanted away from the Trinity Church and accented by a, wedge ,cut into each narrow side. To minimize the visual impact, the building was

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