Examples of the the word, faulty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( faulty ), is the 8712 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Its first year. On June 15, 1897,a fire of unknown origin, possibly caused by, faulty ,wiring, turned the wooden structures on Ellis Island into ashes. No losses of
  2. If a favorable opportunity presented itself. Lee's plan, however,was based on, faulty ,intelligence, exacerbated by Stuart's continued absence from the battlefield.
  3. As cone cells, of which there are three types. In some cases, one is missing or, faulty , which can cause color blindness, including the common inability to distinguish
  4. Contractors sold the Union Army decrepit horses and mules in ill health, faulty ,rifles and ammunition, and rancid rations and provisions, among other
  5. Intended to serve as an internal check and balance for the defense of, faulty ,local doctrine against the doctrine developed and spread by the apostles to the
  6. Can be compromised by hardware and software malpractice, human error, and, faulty , operating environments. Threats that exploit computer vulnerabilities can stem
  7. Powder charge in a touchhole drilled into the breech. This technique was quite, faulty ,because the ignited powder could easily be extinguished by rain and an excess
  8. The yellow cake forgery. The administration came under fire for having acted on, faulty ,intelligence, particularly what was single-sourced to the informant known as
  9. Glass was broken (as it became an oversize Davy). Both original lamps were, faulty , and led to attempts at improvement, by using multiple gauges above the flame
  10. Had sold more records, but had been short-changed in the rankings due to, faulty ,RIAA certification methods during his lifetime. Brooks, while proud of his
  11. Legacy they left to political philosophy. " However, he thought they had a, faulty ,understanding of economics. The 19th century individualists had a labor theory
  12. Effort at self-protection, to uphold traditional societal roles, or some other, faulty , unethical or illegal prejudicial reasoning. Legislation Australia *
  13. Use up to 1944,meant that, statistically,a batch of shells of which 70 % were, faulty ,stood an even chance of being accepted. Indeed, even shells that failed this
  14. Flying the aircraft safely, and they can either turn off or re-boot the, faulty ,computers. Any flight-control computer whose results disagree with the others
  15. Had gone up before the reform and was now in danger of collapsing because of, faulty ,engineering. The building had no project or operating license—and didn’t even
  16. Serious problems. First, the LM computer began getting an ABORT signal from a, faulty ,switch. NASA believed that the computer might be getting erroneous readings
  17. That lives past its" use-by-date" and is able to replicate and pass on any, faulty ,machinery to its progeny, increasing the likelihood of the cell becoming
  18. And nonrhythmic, consisting of rapid and jerky spurts that usually involve, faulty ,phrasing. The personality of people with cluttering bears striking resemblance
  19. Corresponds to an individual's utility. This assumption, however,can be, faulty , A prototypical paper on game theory in economics begins by presenting a game
  20. Lapses on at least 16 MD-80s from the FAA. Repair issues included such items as, faulty ,emergency slides, improper engine coatings, incorrectly drilled holes and other
  21. Only one law was remaining to be approved, but was delayed because it had a, faulty ,procedure to be approved. Executive branch Executive responsibilities are
  22. Rather than Koran only, rendering + + as the previous ligature is considered, faulty ,: So, if one of those fonts are installed on your computer (may_Taciturn
  23. From" insanity" caused by electromagnetic pulses, the others overrule the, faulty ,one (or even two of them),they continue flying the aircraft safely, and they
  24. 1 already checked it. " *Mechanical failures. Wear, faulty assembly, damage or, faulty ,design of the firearm can cause it not to function as intended. For instance, a
  25. Game, the three main protagonists are separated across time by the effects of a, faulty ,time machine. The player, after completing certain puzzles, can then freely
  26. Many attempted demonstrations were given, but all were later found to be, faulty , through allowing into the reasoning some principle which itself had not been
  27. Led to multiple follow-up studies. The initial study apparently was flawed by, faulty ,pollen-collection procedure; researchers fed nontoxic pollen mixed with anther
  28. Used to state existence or location. It was even all right sometimes to use the, faulty ,forms of the verb" to be," as long as one was aware of their structural
  29. Effects: Pitch correction effects use signal-processing algorithms to re-tune, faulty ,intonation in a vocalist's performance. Simulators: Simulators enable electric
  30. Software like Microsoft Office, Microsoft Windows and Linux. If software is, faulty ,(buggy),it can delete a person's work, crash the computer and do other
  31. Release all the pertinent cases, and notify prosecutors about cases in which, faulty ,testimony was given. Personnel As of December 31, 2009,the FBI had a total of
  32. Is irrelevant because his assumptions about the mind and consciousness are, faulty , Earle believes that human beings directly experience their consciousness
  33. Scales. ) Errors in publication may be corrected by issuing a revision of the, faulty ,Circular T or by errata in a subsequent Circular T. Aside from this, once
  34. To be ", called the" is of identity" and the" is of predication ", were, faulty , in structure, e. g., a statement such as," Elizabeth is a fool" ( said of a
  35. Instruction. *In contrast, Dearborn,Gates, Bennet and Beau considered a, faulty ,guidance of the seeing mechanism to be the cause. They sought to discover if a
  36. it's OK because person 1 already checked it. " *Mechanical failures. Wear, faulty ,assembly, damage or faulty design of the firearm can cause it not to function
  37. As Valerie Barlow, and was killed off in 1971,electrocuting herself with a, faulty ,hairdryer. ITV's other flagship soap opera Crossroads saw a marked increase in
  38. For the British. Once more,Auchinleck's appreciation of the situation was, faulty ,(Auchinleck had believed the Axis forces would attack the center of the
  39. Flight-control computer whose results disagree with the others is ruled to be, faulty , and it is either ignored or re-booted. (In other words, it is voted-out of
  40. The kind that failed in flight. The problem was found to be the result of, faulty ,maintenance rather than a design or construction issue. As of 3 August 2011
  41. Culpa:" Had God designed the world, it would not be: A world so frail and, faulty ,as we see. " Lewis's interested in the works of George MacDonald was part of
  42. Sans doesn't show the added superscript Alex) An attempt to show them on the, faulty ,fonts without automatically adding the germination mark and the superscript Alex
  43. Everything; they were stripped of all their lands in court cases because of a, faulty ,title. In Indiana, when Lincoln was nine, his 34-year-old mother Nancy died of
  44. Engine, rode out a momentary gyration in the lunar lander's motion (due to a, faulty ,switch setting),and surveyed the Apollo 11 landing site in the Sea of
  45. In the northernmost part of the Terra Australia in accordance with the, faulty ,text of Marco Polo’s Travels. It remained in this location on his world map of
  46. By radar, In 1990,the Department of Defense accused Northrop of using, faulty ,components in the flight control system. Efforts have also been made to reduce
  47. Database transactions As with every software system, a DBMS that operates in a, faulty ,computing environment is prone to failures of many kinds. A failure can corrupt
  48. Hospitalisation. The damage could not be fully repaired, leaving him with, faulty ,depth perception and a permanently dilated pupil (the latter producing Bowie
  49. Evolved in order to enable both a well understood database system behavior in a, faulty ,environment where crashes can happen any time, and recovery from a crash to a
  50. Outages. Many classes of DM are capable of operating with, faulty ,units still in the consist. Because of the self-contained nature of diesel

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