Examples of the the word, helper , in a Sentence Context

The word ( helper ), is the 8723 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. MHC/antigen activation signal, or additional activation signals provided by ", helper ," T cells (see below). These cells have no cytotoxic activity and do not kill
  2. MHC class II molecules. This combination of MHC and antigen attracts a matching, helper ’T cell, which releases lymphocytes and activates the B cell. As the activated B
  3. On the helper T cell must be bound by an MHC: antigen in order to activate the, helper ,cell, while killer T cells can be activated by engagement of a single MHC:
  4. Synchronous IPC primitive. Asynchronous IPC can be implemented on top by using, helper ,threads. However, versions of L4 deployed in commercial products have found it
  5. In the Greek pantheon: sometimes Hecate is related as a Witness, and a mighty, helper ,and protector of humans. Her continued presence was explained by asserting that
  6. Was similar to the Hebrew concept of Wisdom,Yahweh's companion and intimate, helper ,in creation. The Jewish philosopher Phil merged these two themes when he
  7. Polly Sherman, played by Connie Booth, is a waitress and general, helper ,at the hotel. She often stands as the voice of sanity during chaotic moments
  8. Not only my poverty but also my death. During her life she was the faithful, helper ,of my ministry. From her, I never experienced the slightest hindrance.
  9. Gilgamesh gets directions on how to reach the land of the dead from a divine, helper ,: in this case, the goddess Sigurd, who,like Circe, dwells by the sea at the
  10. Or perform an operation not supported by QuickTime X, it will start a 32-bit, helper , process to perform the requested operation. The website Ars Technica revealed
  11. you're blazing steeds ever bear you above the third firmament of heaven; hear me, helper ,of men, giver of dauntless youth! Shed down a kindly ray from above upon my
  12. Peroxidase. Depleted selenium levels in turn lead to a decline in CD4, helper , T-cells,further weakening the immune system. Regardless of the cause of
  13. In the family. John White wrote in his Genesis commentary of a wife as" but a, helper ,", a view called" typically puritan" by Philip C. Almond. Ideas of proper
  14. In Ephesus. Helper to Paul of Tarsus Paul considered Apollos to be a valuable, helper ,in carrying on his work in the important Corinthian congregation. In harmony
  15. Observed for killer T cells, meaning many receptors (around 200–300) on the, helper ’T cell must be bound by an MHC: antigen in order to activate the helper cell
  16. Work at an early age as an occasional teacher, seamstress,governess, domestic, helper , and writer. Her first book was Flower Fables (1849),a selection of tales
  17. Into more defined and specific roles, such as NATO robots and Swarm robots; and, helper ,robots which are used to make or move things or perform menial or dangerous
  18. In extracellular fluid are able to induce apoptosis in nearby" bystander" T, helper ,cells. #HIV decreases the production of molecules involved in marking the cell
  19. Of New York. Tweed is portrayed as a defender of the rights of minorities and, helper ,of those in need in Pete Hamill's 2003 novel Forever. Balsall Heath is a
  20. The precursor of the Messiah, Elijah zealous in the cause of God, Elijah the, helper ,in distress: these are the three leading notes struck by the Agenda
  21. Idea ..." and Michael Miller of the Village Voice writing that" as Satan's, helper ,Carmen, Penélope Cruz doesn't hold a candle to her cocaine-huffing enabler in
  22. T-cell immune response. This response is due to the ability of IL-12 to cause T, helper ,cells to differentiate into the Th1 cell, causing a T cell immune response.
  23. AA and regular AA meeting attendance or contact with AA members. Following the, helper ,therapy principle, sponsors in AA benefit as much, if not more, from their
  24. Of either a realistic plan for victory or exit strategy, may find the foreign, helper ," taking over" the local war, and being sucked into a lengthy commitment, thus
  25. Year more characters were added, such as the Polar Bear (Father Christmas's, helper ,), the Snow Man (his gardener),Birth the elf (his secretary),and
  26. Insurgents. This means that Iran is playing a double role in Afghanistan,a, helper ,to the Afghan Ships and a destabilizer for the larger Sunni Afghans. In July
  27. Each source compilation generates a separate object file and link-time, helper ,file. When the object files are linked, the compiler is executed again and uses
  28. Him time to eat and enjoy the food prepared by his mother and their Chinese, helper , Beard's early childhood and the influence that Chinese cooking had on him
  29. Due to the lack of ability in terms of“ endosteal escaping ”. However, when, helper , lipids (usually electroneutral lipids, such as DOPE) were added to form
  30. Responsibility in Sub can volunteer as a committee member or as a, helper , Each responsibility can be performed at the local, regional,national, and
  31. Of Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queen; Arterial, the knight of justice, has a, helper ,named Talus who is an invincible man of iron. Spenser was a former State
  32. Faster upon future exposure. In most cases, interaction of the B cell with a T, helper ,cell is necessary to produce full activation of the B cell and, therefore
  33. Spirit world" from Jesus, deceased founder David Berg, or another" spirit, helper ," (see below). A great emphasis has been placed on each member regularly
  34. Genes are still necessary in the body, so they are replaced with either a, helper ,virus or a DNA molecule. Cis and trans-acting elements Replication-defective
  35. Or by using console commands generated either manually or by one of several, helper ,sites such as Easy RPM. This functionality allows the user to choose some or
  36. T4 phage, the construction of new virus particles involves the assistance of, helper ,proteins. The baseplates are assembled first, with the tails being built upon
  37. To Class II MHC molecules. The MHC: antigen complex is also recognized by the, helper ,cell's CD4 co-receptor, which recruits molecules inside the T cell (e.g.
  38. Sovereignty. After the removal of Taliban, Saudi Arabia is one of the major, helper ,in the Afghan reconstruction. For example, the main highway project is funded
  39. Hercules and Claus mosaic - Anti Tympanum. JPG|Hercules and his nephew, helper ,and erogenous Claus 1st century CE mosaic from the Anti Tympanum, Rome File:
  40. That influence the activity of many cell types. Cytokine signals produced by, helper ’T cells enhance the microbial function of macrophages and the activity of
  41. To the Qur'an, Moses prayed to God to grant him his brother Aaron as a, helper ,to be with him in all his tasks ahead. God, in the Qur'an, says that Moses said
  42. As opposed to CD4+ and CD8+ (αβ) T cells and share the characteristics of, helper ’T cells, cytotoxic T cells and NK cells. The conditions that produce responses
  43. Of Little Women, lived and worked for seven weeks during 1851 as a domestic, helper ,in Durham * Jacques d'Boise, ballet dancer and choreographer * Tim Costello (
  44. Of engagement with an antigen-presenting cell. The activation of a resting, helper ’T cell causes it to release cytokines that influence the activity of many cells
  45. Saving and who also owned a cheese stand at which young Christopher worked as a, helper , Christopher's mother was Susanna Fontanarossa. Bartolomeo, Giovanni
  46. APC's) and processed into fragments. APC's then present the fragments to T, helper ,cells (CD4+) by the use of class II biocompatibility molecules on their
  47. The abnormal cells using killer T cells, sometimes with the assistance of, helper ’T cells. Tumor antigens are presented on MHC class I molecules similarly
  48. Was criticized for executing people without full trials and for forcing his, helper ,Macro to commit suicide. Financial crisis and famine According to Cassius Did
  49. By HIV. AIDS is an immunodeficiency characterized by the lack of CD4+ (", helper ,") T cells and macrophages, which are destroyed by HIV. Clinical immunologists
  50. When the object files are linked, the compiler is executed again and uses the, helper ,files to optimize code across the separately compiled object files. * Plugins

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