Examples of the the word, deliberation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deliberation ), is the 8706 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Model. Explanations of this phenomenon are many; irrationality, new models of, deliberation , or even different motives (like that of altruism). Game theorists respond by
  2. Issue for two decades, this trial was the pinnacle of years of unrest and, deliberation , In 1781 Burke was first able to delve into the issues surrounding the East
  3. Politburo to decide on questions too urgent to await full Central Committee, deliberation , The original members of the Politburo were Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky
  4. On which clubs should be invited to join the intake. It was only after much, deliberation ,that North Melbourne’s name was eventually substituted for Prahran's making
  5. I am faced with an important decision to make, and after a certain amount of, deliberation , I say to myself:" That's enough. I've considered this matter enough and now
  6. Sports car less striking and the 425 project was put on hold. After serious, deliberation ,at VW, the project was scrapped entirely after a decision was made to move
  7. The Talmud's galactic conclusions verbatim, without the surrounding, deliberation ,; he also excludes all Agadir (non-legal, homiletic ) matter. The Pilot soon
  8. Turned it down, suggesting the producers cast Rex Harrison instead. After much, deliberation , Harrison agreed to accept the part. Mary Martin was an early choice for the
  9. For jury deliberation and decision-making. In particular, it would allow jury, deliberation ,to be an open process in which extrajudicial biases are aired and confronted.
  10. To institute more formal policy development. This process often took place in, deliberation ,councils (Shanghai). There were about 200 Shanghai, each attached to a
  11. Payment. At the trial, all 12 jurors rejected the suit needing only an hour of, deliberation ,to reach their verdict. With the lawsuit rejected, Reeves was cleared of all
  12. The governor at the time, Frederik Having Johan Headman, presented a thorough, deliberation ,of possible specific locations, and ended up proposing the current site, at
  13. Money at stake). Decisions were made by voting without any time set aside for, deliberation , Jurors did talk informally amongst themselves during the voting procedure and
  14. Moral agents to harm the interests and well-being of others when making moral, deliberation ,; e.g. what is in an agent's self-interest may be incidentally detrimental
  15. Its 3G network to Smart Corporation subject to the Administrative Court, deliberation ,of the legality of the contract. Liberalization and privatization are, in
  16. Capital punishment in some cases. Concerning the king's feudal court, such, deliberation , could include the question of declaring war. These are examples, depending on
  17. Meeting is the most recent manifestation of international consultation and, deliberation , having been first convened by Archbishop Donald Organ in 1978 as a forum for
  18. With nuclear air-to-air missiles over the Bering Sea. Crisis ends After much, deliberation ,between the Soviet Union and Kennedy's cabinet, Kennedy secretly agreed to
  19. Following operations require the authorization of the supervisory board or the, deliberation ,of the administrative board: * any investment project requiring an amount more
  20. Moral agents to harm the interests and well-being of others when making moral, deliberation ,; e.g. what is in an agent's self-interest may be incidentally detrimental
  21. Nomenclature and names for newly discovered satellites are developed in joint, deliberation ,between WGPSN and IAU Commission 20. Names will not be assigned to satellites
  22. Making decisions. Words that refer to similar concepts and processes include, deliberation , cognition, ideation,discourse and imagination. Thinking is sometimes
  23. Jury together with the president of the trial bench, following their common, deliberation , There are many exceptions in both directions. For example, most proceedings
  24. Fields Areas of artificial intelligence deal with autonomous planning or, deliberation ,for robotic systems to navigate through an environment. A detailed
  25. Practical significance. The term" choice of mediator" implies a process of, deliberation ,and decision-making. No formal mechanism for objecting to the appointment of
  26. Must involve choice (and thus deliberation ),and only humans are capable of, deliberation ,and choice. " What is not capable of action cannot do anything by chance ".
  27. And ethical values and principles may be discovered, in the course of ethical, deliberation , Humanism in general is known to adopt principles of the Golden Rule, as in the
  28. For the inclusion of the Green Mountain Boys in the Continental Army. After, deliberation , Congress directed General Philip Schuyler, who had been appointed to lead the
  29. That is traditionally only allowed to take place only after much thought and, deliberation ,over converting. Punishment The Talmud laid down the statutory punishment for
  30. In his election on 2 March 1939,his 63rd birthday, after only one day of, deliberation ,and three ballots. He was the first cardinal Secretary of State to be elected
  31. The European central banking systems and report on them. After ten days of, deliberation , the bill, which would later be referred to as the" Aldrich Plan ", was agreed
  32. But also progressively restricted their supplies of food and wine if their, deliberation ,took too long. Though much of John XXI's brief papacy was dominated by the
  33. Of trial, or more literally to return holding the body for purposes of “, deliberation ,and receipt” of a decision. (" extradition" ) * Habeas corpus ad hacienda
  34. Or selfishness, social anarchists believe that public discussion, collective, deliberation , and mutual aid should provide the basis for social order. Marxist Perspective
  35. Of the state-owned railroad and telephone systems. In April 1990,another, deliberation ,council, the Election Systems Research Council, submitted proposals that
  36. 2) a means or medium of discussion, and (3) a setting for democratic, deliberation ,and citizenship. As a setting for democratic culture, Barney suggests that
  37. Of moral actions. According to Aristotle, luck must involve choice (and thus, deliberation ,), and only humans are capable of deliberation and choice. " What is not
  38. Rather than its executive function; in the former, it prepared measures for, deliberation ,by the assembly, in the latter, it merely executed the wishes of the assembly.
  39. Of the identity of the contracting party, but also to provide evidence of, deliberation ,and informed consent. In many countries, signatures may be witnessed and
  40. Over what chance images and other thoughts enter his mind or influence his, deliberation , They simply come as they please. The agent does have some control after the
  41. This to the attention of the umpire that day, Hank O'Day, who after some, deliberation ,called the runner out. Because of the state of the field O'Day thereby called
  42. Paradigm: problems of" groupthink" can interfere with open and fair, deliberation ,of some new research. Documentation and replication Sometimes experimenters may
  43. To oblige governments to adopt their recommendations. The most important, deliberation ,council during the 1980s was the Provisional Commission for Administrative
  44. Of the Provincial Congresses or their equivalents, to serve as a vehicle for, deliberation ,and collective action. Standing Committees of Safety were created by each
  45. If a state knows it will have a judicial officer who can participate in, deliberation ,and offer other judges local knowledge and an understanding of the state's
  46. On May 15, 2008,after acting as his own lawyer and suffering a nine-day jury, deliberation , Pelican was found guilty on 76 of 77 counts related to racketeering, along
  47. In 1979) is the most recent manifestation of international consultation and, deliberation , having been first convened by Archbishop Donald Organ as a forum for "
  48. Fifty years. There has gradually been a change from Cabinet decision-making and, deliberation ,to the dominance of the Prime Minister. As early as 1965,in a new introduction
  49. Its professors, headed by the dean. The deans are all members of the executive, deliberation ,meeting, which is a regular meeting of the deans and the rector. * The service
  50. Transform the judicial process by providing a more rational basis for jury, deliberation ,and decision-making. In particular, it would allow jury deliberation to be an

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