Examples of the the word, simulated , in a Sentence Context

The word ( simulated ), is the 8717 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Biosatellite will study the effects of Mars-level gravity on mice with gravity, simulated ,in this way. *Spin casting and centrifugal casting are production methods that
  2. Low-flying airplane journey through the exhibit. The aerial journey was, simulated ,by an eighteen-minute ride on a conveyor system, carrying 552 seated spectators
  3. Environment. In the Cruzex 2006 multinational war games, a Brazilian F-5 made, simulated ,kills on two French Assault Mirage 2000 N aircraft, which were supported by an
  4. Circuit can typically operate at higher frequencies than the system being, simulated , This allows the simulation to run faster than real time (which could, in some
  5. The original Church–Turing thesis, since a quantum computer can always be, simulated ,by a Turing machine, but they would invalidate the classical
  6. An algorithm can be considered to be any sequence of operations that can be, simulated ,by a Turing-complete system. Authors who assert this thesis include Minsky (
  7. Increases with the number of civilizations. Holds that beings may have, simulated ,a universe for us that appears to be empty of other life, by design. The
  8. At the FBI Academy, where they receive over 500 classroom hours and over 1,000, simulated , law enforcement hours to train. Upon graduation, new FBI Special Agents are
  9. Natural internal climate variability or solar and volcanic forcing, but is well, simulated ,by two anthropologically forced climate models," concluding that" it is of
  10. Allowing greater visibility. In the early 1990s,the video game Giant, which, simulated , an ant colony, won the 1992 Code award for" Best Simulation Program ". Ants
  11. Which can control volume or modify effect parameters (e.g., the rate of the, simulated ,rotary speaker effect). By the 1980s and 1990s,software effects became
  12. While many games rely on emergent principles, video games commonly present, simulated ,story worlds where emergent behavior occurs within the context of the game. The
  13. Evil, if such needed to retain his crown. The fight between the two armies is, simulated ,by rowdy noises made off-stage (alarms or alarms) while actors walk on-stage
  14. Applied, such as mathematical functions (ex. gravity, particle simulations), simulated , fur or hair, effects such as fire and water and the use of motion capture to
  15. Radio-controlled aircraft, water/slurry drops from firefighting aircraft, simulated ,helicopter rescues and skydiving. Specialist aerobatic aircraft have powerful
  16. Recently, the CHEST model (Chunk Hierarchy and Retrieval Structures) has, simulated ,in detail a number of phenomena in chess expertise (eye movements, performance
  17. In using resources; see energy conservation * Virtual economy, an economy, simulated ,in a virtual world * Economy (Eastern Christianity),a bishop's
  18. The ability to plan onboard activities and correctly diagnose and respond to, simulated ,faults in spacecraft components. Autonomous control will enable future
  19. As it could have been dangerous. The popular television program MythBusters, simulated ,the alleged" key at the end of a string" Franklin experiment and established
  20. To misidentify targets. The Remote Agent system was presented with three, simulated ,failures on the spacecraft and correctly handled each event. # a failed
  21. Of knitting, distinctive crochet patterns such as the Granny square cannot be, simulated ,by other methods. The height of knitted and crocheted stitches is also
  22. Perfect solutions. An example of this would be local search, tabu search, or, simulated , annealing algorithms, a class of heuristic probabilistic algorithms that vary
  23. Pointers (see below) means that true arrays and these dynamically-allocated, simulated ,arrays are virtually interchangeable. Since arrays are always accessed (in
  24. For a terrorist attack on the scale of September 11, 2001 attacks, they, simulated , a chemical explosion on Bishops gate in the east of the City. The" Ring of
  25. Awakening of other" Big" megabus and the revelation that the universe is a, simulated ,reality created by advanced virtual reality technology of unknown origin. A
  26. Powerful enough to execute the program, Turing played a game in which he, simulated ,the computer, taking about half an hour per move. The game was recorded. The
  27. In favor of his thesis justifies a stronger thesis: every algorithm can be, simulated ,by a Turing machine ... according to Savage 1987,an algorithm is a
  28. Test to determine whether the spacecraft would operate nominally on (, simulated ,) internal power while detached from all cables and umbilical. Passing this
  29. System as being important. ); Brain simulator reply: Suppose that the program, simulated ,in fine detail the action of every neuron in the brain of a Chinese speaker.
  30. Pass, double Zimmerman, and touch-and-gos. Tactical demos may include, simulated ,bomb drops, sometimes with pyrotechnics on the ground for effect. Aircraft with
  31. The design processes. Initially the RTL description in VHDL or Verilog is, simulated ,by creating test benches to simulate the system and observe results. Then
  32. Keyboardist with classical training. Haley told the story that when he made a, simulated ,guitar out of cardboard, his parents bought him a real one. The anonymous
  33. Geode’s ‘ future’ was synonymous with technological process, no less in its, simulated ,low-flying airplane journey through the exhibit. The aerial journey was
  34. Matter halos. More research is needed to clarify this situation. Note that, simulated ,DM halos have significantly steeper density profiles (having central cusps)
  35. Archbishop of Sens. The battle At the beginning of the battle, the English, simulated ,flight on their left wing. This provoked a hasty charge by the French knights
  36. System as e.g. function calls. The virtual device driver can also send, simulated ,processor-level events like interrupts into the virtual machine. Virtual
  37. Functions. Function parameters are always passed by value. Pass-by-reference is, simulated ,in C by explicitly passing pointer values. Heterogeneous aggregate data types (
  38. A more expensive original material, especially in the case of fake pearls and, simulated ,rocks, minerals and gemstones. Precious metals and ivory are also imitated.
  39. Hair, a complicated natural background, and possibly interacting with other, simulated ,human characters. This could be done in a way that the viewer is no longer able
  40. Algorithms that vary the solution of a problem by a random amount. The name ", simulated ,annealing" alludes to the metallurgic term meaning the heating and cooling of
  41. Switch from a training incident a year earlier when the same failure had been, simulated , Aaron's quick thinking and Bean's memory saved what could have been an
  42. Island nation. " Danger" At the mansion, the Danger Room, the X-Men’s, simulated ,reality training chamber, gains sentience, christens itself" Danger ", assumes
  43. Acid, the chemical name for the analgesic trademarked as Aspirin * Adaptive, simulated ,annealing, optimization algorithm * Argininosuccinic academia, a disorder of
  44. Of the" neural correlates of consciousness ", the " functional system ", a ", simulated ,mind ", an " emergent property ", or " a virtual mind" ( Marvin Minsky's
  45. Electronic gaming machines, and random number ticket games such as Keno and, simulated ,racing. Gaming machines, such as slot machines and Pacino, are usually played
  46. Measurements can be taken directly with an oscilloscope. In the circuit, the (, simulated ,) 'stiffness of the spring ', for instance, can be changed by adjusting a
  47. Value by an illumination factor, but without calculating the relationship to a, simulated ,light source. To reduce artifacts, a number of rays in slightly different
  48. The game. The term" emergent narrative" has been used to describe how, in a, simulated ,environment, storyline can be created simply by" what happens to the player. "
  49. Earlier work of Baron Wolfgang von Temple. The rudimentary" mechanical man ", simulated ,a human voice. Alec was fascinated by the machine, and after he obtained a copy
  50. Program is written or however it is connected to the world, it is still being, simulated ,by a simple step by step Turing complete machine (or machines). These

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