Examples of the the word, pastoral , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pastoral ), is the 8716 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Don Quixote announces his plan to retire to the countryside and live the, pastoral ,existence of shepherd, although his housekeeper, who has a more realistic view
  2. Can be used to haunting melancholy effect or, by contrast, to create a charming, pastoral ,flavor, as in the lilting" Ran DES Caches" and works by Brahms, Rossini,and
  3. Andrews and University of Durham, the colleges only provide accommodation and, pastoral ,care. A university college is an independent institution which prepares
  4. 50s BC, and the use of Claudius would have been either a whimsical gesture of, pastoral ,fantasy, or a trendy assertion of antiquarian authenticity. Other Clod ii of the
  5. An important industry. The uplands are surrounded by more fertile, mainly, pastoral , farmland. Near the south coast, deep wooded valleys provide sheltered
  6. By rainwater collected in cisterns, provided sufficient water for the, pastoral ,lifestyle of the small population. On Diego Garcia today, the military base
  7. Name The botanic name Amaryllis is taken from a shepherdess in Virgil's, pastoral ," Eclogues ", from the Greek ἀμαρύσσω (Latin Amarillo) meaning" to sparkle.
  8. Biniou, the Balkan Gaia, the Black Sea Tulum, the Scottish small pipes and, pastoral ,pipes, as well as other varieties. Traditionally, one of the main purposes of
  9. ALP mythology says the first party branch was founded at a meeting of striking, pastoral ,workers under a ghost gum tree (the" Tree of Knowledge" ) in Geraldine
  10. Lodgings and generally consoled themselves that they were doing good in their, pastoral ,roles by providing comfort and required ritual. The research, with Linda
  11. 19th centuries. During the late 1770s and the early 19th century, the Fulani,a, pastoral ,Islamic people of the western Sahel, conquered most of what is now northern
  12. And the East. His writings show a rich devotion to the Word-become-man, great, pastoral , concern,and profound interest in monasticism. Athanasius is counted as one of
  13. Of Hallermund, and reformed in 1593. The abbot of Locum, who still carries a, pastoral ,staff, takes precedence over all the clergy of Hanover, and was ex officio a
  14. Italy. Composition Scholars are not unanimous about the authenticity of the, pastoral ,epistles. While these epistles are traditionally attributed to Paul of Tarsus
  15. Branch of Methodism in the United States) bishops serve as administrative and, pastoral ,superintendents of the church. They are elected for life from among the
  16. At sessions of the Annual, Jurisdictional,and General Conferences, providing, pastoral , ministry for the clergy under their charge, and safeguarding the doctrine and
  17. Was Tito Mansion (RV 738). In 1721,he was in Milan, where he presented the, pastoral ,drama La Silvia (RV 734,9 arias survive). He visited Milan again the
  18. Of Louis-Philippe, he took no part in politics, but devoted himself to his, pastoral ,work. His episcopate, however,is chiefly remembered owing to its tragic close.
  19. Of the new Conservative Party. Some conservatives lamented the passing of a, pastoral ,world where the ethos of noblesse oblige had promoted respect from the lower
  20. And growth. The majority of such cases were still socially functional in their, pastoral ,villages. Nineteenth century More mildly affected areas of Europe and North
  21. The resulting Morgenthaler plan policy foresaw returning Germany to a, pastoral ,state without heavy industry. Because of the increasing costs of food imports
  22. Themes The purpose of this book is not strictly historical but theological and, pastoral , The main emphasis is that God is at work and plans to live again with His
  23. Flourishes from opera-seria in the use of coloratura in what was a short, pastoral ,comedy more in keeping with a Roman Intermezzo. The mixing and pushing against
  24. And took refuge in divination. An oracle in hexameter verse represented a, pastoral ,life as his only retreat, but his disciples, perhaps calming his fears by a
  25. All the particular Churches in communion with him have their own distinct, pastoral ,heads, who,taken as a college in union with the Successor of Peter, are
  26. And practice, in rather a popular than a scientific manner, full of a warm, pastoral ,love and care for the catechumens to whom they were delivered. Each lecture is
  27. Organisations such as the Christadelphian Bible Mission (for preaching and, pastoral ,support overseas),the Christadelphian Support Network (for counselling)
  28. Of Government of the PC (U. S. A.) and the Presbyterian understanding of the, pastoral ,office. While not considered orthodox Christian, the Ecclesial Gnostic
  29. Gold, a rule which was soon entirely disregarded, and that the crook of their, pastoral ,staff should turn inwards instead of outwards, indicating that their
  30. This was particularly true of the artisan and service castes and the, pastoral ,and nomadic castes. The several castes were linked to each other through a
  31. Alone makes it possible to receive all the fruit of Eucharistic grace. For, pastoral ,reasons this manner of receiving communion has been legitimately established as
  32. Include death metal and trip hop. Genres in painting include still life and, pastoral ,landscape. A particular work of art may bend or combine genres but each genre
  33. Many Churches of the Communion have revived and extended liturgical and, pastoral ,practices similar to Roman Catholic theology. This extends beyond the ceremony
  34. Prayer, but many parishes still use it either regularly or occasionally, for, pastoral , sensitivity,for doctrinal reasons and for the beauty of its language. The
  35. Rome, the pope. While the cardinal ate has long been expanded beyond the Roman, pastoral ,clergy and Roman Curia, every cardinal priest has titular church in Rome
  36. Before God, as Josiah had been. Alfred's ultimate responsibility was the, pastoral ,care of his people. Family In 868,Alfred married Ealhswith, daughter of a
  37. Vernacular translation. The Institutes, together with Calvin's polemical and, pastoral ,works, his contributions to confessional documents for use in churches, and his
  38. Some form of irrigation, although there are methods of dryland farming;, pastoral ,herding on rangeland is still the most common means of raising livestock. In
  39. Is expanded upon, reinforced by the lilting rhythm of the poem, the dreamlike, pastoral ,metaphors and allusion to scenes from the Garden of Eden. By the end, the poet
  40. Juniors participate in a church internship program to prepare them for the, pastoral ,ministry. In 1995 there were 1,290 BYU graduates serving as senior or associate
  41. The apartment block to an uncertain future or driving through an idyllic, pastoral ,landscape. Technology Spinner" Spinner" is the generic term for the fictional
  42. And associates in ministry, but they serve as the principal celebrant of all, pastoral ,ordination and installation ceremonies, diaconal consecration ceremonies, as
  43. Roman Curia or priests elevated after their eightieth birthday. Bishops with, pastoral ,responsibilities on the other hand are created cardinal priests. Cardinal
  44. Of 1895. All Catholic parishes within Allen are today incorporated into four, pastoral ,care units within the Postal Deanery of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart
  45. Impeach and perhaps at the Hill of Tara. Beltane marked the beginning of the, pastoral ,summer season when the herds of livestock were driven out to the summer
  46. Non-Orthodox clergy to be rapidly ordained within Orthodoxy as a matter of, pastoral ,necessity and economic. Priests entering Eastern Orthodoxy from Oriental
  47. S central message. Thus, his letter (written in the apocalyptic genre) is, pastoral ,in nature, and the symbolism of Revelation is to be understood entirely within
  48. Monastery should be managed. And two chapters specifically describe the abbot’s, pastoral ,duties. The Saint Benedict Medal This medal originally came from a cross in
  49. Two additional operas in 1770 both with libretto by Bothering. The first a, pastoral ,opera, L'more innocent (" Innocent Love" ) was a light-hearted comedy set
  50. Generations of descendants, and was blessed at the end of his life with large, pastoral ,wealth (Job 42:16,12); Joseph, who as Minister of State did great things in

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