Examples of the the word, hilarious , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hilarious ), is the 8720 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Who can barely spell). Mencken read the novel as a story of America's, hilarious ,dark side, a place where democracy, as defined by Mencken, is " ... the worship
  2. The Adventures of Picasso" (" Picasso's Avenger" ) Bernard Cribbing plays a, hilarious ,Gertrude Stein, who among other things dresses up as a pirate in a masquerade
  3. The game's humor, and stated that" both the music and sound effects are, hilarious ,"; he cited the voice performance of Richard Sanders as a high point. He
  4. Comedy. Paul Merton often stated on his show Silent Clowns how influential and, hilarious ,Buster Keaton was to fellow comedians. Pork pie hats Keaton designed and
  5. James Tip tree, Jr *" James Tiptree's surface was often airy and at times, hilarious , and her control of genre conventions allowed her to convey the bleakness of
  6. Version the teams were not allowed to speak, making the games both silent and, hilarious , Our version differs in just two ways. " After over thirty years on the air one
  7. Parody. In an interview on NPR Carlo Guthrie said that he thought the parody was, hilarious ,and he thought Woody would have loved it too. Ludo still claims copyright in
  8. With Rachel Solar of the Chicago Tribune noting that the pairing" has been a, hilarious , pitch-perfect success as they play off each other with quick one-liners and
  9. Audience between the age of 2 and 102 are captivated by his vaudeville antics, hilarious ,lyrics and animated guitar playing ... His voice is a cross between Popeye the
  10. In songs like the title track and" The Blue Light" have been described as a ", hilarious ,critique of the willingness of the American people to believe anything ". The
  11. Said," If they had been my houseguests on a Saturday night, it would have been, hilarious , " Although many scenes within the bank establish that it was quite hot during
  12. Age in the late '60s; at its worst Animal House revels in abject silliness. The, hilarious ,highs easily compensate for the puerile lows ". Gary Arnold wrote in his review
  13. Scotch and Wry featuring the comedian Rikki Fulton, which invariably included a, hilarious ,monologue from him as the preternaturally-gloomy Reverend I. M. Jolly. Since
  14. Moviegoers had never seen the duo's burlesque routines, and so their dated but, hilarious ,material seemed fresh. Many of their films cast them as bumbling servicemen
  15. Fort himself, who did nothing to encourage any of this, found the idea, hilarious , Yet he faithfully corresponded with his readers, some of whom had taken to
  16. Along with a variation in designs, the term bikini was followed by an often, hilarious ,lexicon including the monoline (top part missing),seeking (transparent
  17. Informal variation of the game consists of the players exclusively submitting, hilarious ,and outrageous definitions. No points are awarded, and the winner is determined
  18. Listed Penny Arcade on their" 100 Sites to Bookmark Now," calling it" a, hilarious ,and smart webcomic for gamers. " MTV Online named Hopkins and Kahului two of
  19. Would you like for me to open the gate? " Temple finds the line to be, hilarious , Later, while she is in college, she joins other students in her dorm in the
  20. Betelgeuse. ) It didn't get the request played. The ship thought this was, hilarious , ' *Scratch (or: The Present and Future of Species HS (sic) Considered as
  21. As cool or forgiving as I sound,' he sings in 'Floater,' which is either, hilarious ,or horrifying, and probably a little of both. "" Love and Theft is, as the
  22. Hughes and Such thought having a joint councillor for two warring factions, hilarious , Hope less so. ) To date, two councillors have subsequently become mayors: Alan
  23. Spider Robinson panned the novel as" sometimes fascinating, sometimes, hilarious , but usually deadly boring. " Sales were typical for the SF genre in America
  24. Not silent) h in an unstressed first syllable, such as hallucination, hilarious , historic (all),horrendous, and horrific, some (especially older) British
  25. Far too seriously, repeatedly ambushing Clouseau in his own house, with, hilarious , results. If they are interrupted during such an attack (as by a telephone call
  26. Life in the People's Republic of Poland, reducing a weekend river cruise to a, hilarious ,parody of the entire communist system. A stowaway (Stanislav Tom) sneaks
  27. Hollywood Reporter:" We just could not find a home for it. We had six or seven, hilarious ,scripts from our own staff – and nobody wanted it. " Neither the pilot nor the
  28. Like their image, what they stood for, or anything about them ";" They were, hilarious ,but you can only go so far with 'duh-dur-dur-duh '. I've heard it. Next. Move
  29. Of physics, and a mythology which describes the work. He stated that his ", hilarious ,picture" is intended to depict the erotic encounter between a bride and her
  30. Mentioned in" Reginald's Christmas Revels. " * Paul Jennings described the, hilarious ,results of his attempt to decipher the rules of the game from a set of
  31. To Helen of Serbia" touching" but found the thought of Helen kissing him, hilarious , " How funny if they might have children, can (she) be kissing him? " Tatiana
  32. Were corrupted in a playful and humorous way. Unwind’s performances could be, hilarious ,yet disorienting although the meaning and context were always conveyed in a
  33. Sync and awkward dialogue. Since the results were frequently unintentionally, hilarious , this has become one of the hallmarks that endear these films to part of the
  34. Dumbfounded disbelief, the audience finds LSD's beatnik-like portrayal to be, hilarious ,and misinterpret the production as a satire. Springtime For Hitler is declared
  35. Noted" the satirical tabloid's online send-up of 24-hour cable-TV news was, hilarious , trenchant and not infrequently hard to distinguish from the real thing. " In
  36. And repeatedly saying" Jew! ", and laughing loudly, which McCartney found, hilarious ,and" very liberating ". Epstein later became heavily involved in the 1960s
  37. Has cancer and that’s not funny to me. ' Or someone else can say,'Cancer’s, hilarious , but don’t talk about rape because my cousin got raped. ' Those are rather
  38. Not silent) h in an unstressed first syllable, such as hallucination, hilarious , historic (all),horrendous and horrific, some (especially older) British
  39. Out in years" ), the New York Herald Tribune (" A wild, moving,shocking, hilarious , raging, exhilarating,giant roller-coaster of a book" ) and The New York
  40. Rewarding the best with a ceremonial turkey leg. It's both an odd and, hilarious ,gimmick, adding to the sheer spectacle of the King's Court. Current roster
  41. Genius Grant please! " Zorn's comments on the Colbert segment were" It was a, hilarious ,spot. " Discography Filmography * Put More Blood Into
  42. Blanc (or, in two other cases, his wife and his psychiatrist, as well) to, hilarious ,insanity by exchanging the gift, pestering about the Christmas card or wrapping
  43. Sturgeon praised Cat's Cradle, describing its storyline as" appalling, hilarious , shocking, and infuriating," and concluded that" this is an annoying book and
  44. Then what he was" ), and goes on for four more mostly dull but occasionally, hilarious ,paragraphed pages. Along the way, Blaine tells many stories, each of which
  45. In 1883,An Unsocial Socialist was published in 1887. The tale begins with a, hilarious ,description of student antics at a girl's school then changes focus to a
  46. Stars, Bruno Tools said the didn't know if Steve Wozniak's dance was ", hilarious ,or delirious "," it was like watching a Teletubby go mad at a gay pride parade
  47. History between Angel, Spike and The Immortal, and thought the idea would be ", hilarious ,". ) Although ID had planned to launch the series as a bona fide ongoing
  48. Been described as" a wildly wacky, unbelievably creative,90-miles-an-hour, hilarious , journey " this award-winning stage adaptation is written for five actors who
  49. Casters had" no trouble" choosing the role of Dot:" Tress Marseille was just, hilarious ,(...) And yet she had that edge. " Marseille was nominated for an Annie Award
  50. Of detailed graphics and actual spoken dialogue managed to take the already, hilarious ,story to a whole new level ". Adventure Classic Gaming addressed plot criticism

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