Examples of the the word, contour , in a Sentence Context

The word ( contour ), is the 8714 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. F (z),where the sum is over all the n poles of f (z) on and within the, contour ,C. These results of Cauchy's still form the core of complex function theory as
  2. Higher hills became Great Lakes islands. The Niagara Escarpment follows the, contour ,of the Great Lakes between New York and Wisconsin. Land below the glaciers "
  3. Frac dz, where f (z) is analytic on C and within the region bounded by the, contour ,C and the complex number an is somewhere in this region. The contour integral is
  4. Areas of Menlo Park and East Palo Alto. Studies were conducted to produce, contour ,maps of projected sound levels and carbon monoxide concentrations throughout
  5. The bottle's middle diameter. During the 1916 bottler's convention,Dean's, contour ,bottle was chosen over other entries and was on the market the same year. By
  6. By the contour C and the complex number an is somewhere in this region. The, contour ,integral is taken counter-clockwise. Clearly, the integral has a simple pole
  7. Used by P. A. Hansen in 1843. (This can be generalized to non-integer order by, contour ,integration or other methods. ) Another important relation for integer orders
  8. Mathbf (\math bf, t ) where: \math bf (t) is a surface bounded by the closed, contour ,\part\math bf (t): E is the electric field, : do is an infinitesimal vector
  9. For best results the lines in a sketch are typically drawn to follow the, contour ,curves of the surface, thus producing a depth effect. When drawing hair, the
  10. t): E is the electric field, : do is an infinitesimal vector element of the, contour ,\part\math bf (t),: v is the velocity of the infinitesimal contour element do
  11. Is the relationship between two or more voices that are independent in, contour ,and rhythm and are harmonically interdependent (polyphony). It has been most
  12. Of the contour \part\math bf (t),: v is the velocity of the infinitesimal, contour ,element do, : B is the magnetic field.: DA is an infinitesimal vector element of
  13. Attempted to keep changes in level down to a minimum. These canals known as, contour ,canals would take longer winding routes, along which the land was a uniform
  14. Line integrals are in use. In the case of a closed curve it is also called a, contour ,integral. The function to be integrated may be a scalar field or a vector field
  15. Length level is suprasegmentally phonemic and aided by a distinctive tonal, contour , The script distinguishes only short and long, marked by vowel doubling, e. g.
  16. Railroads and buildings. Topographic maps show elevations and relief with, contour ,lines or shading. Geological maps show not only the physical surface, but
  17. Fall' across the voltage caused by an electric field. As relief maps show, contour ,lines marking points of equal height, a set of lines marking points of equal
  18. And amount of a flow of water can be considered to be an artifact of the, contour ,map of the elevation of an area. Examples of this follow: For gravity:: \DEC =
  19. Reflective illumination; ring lights for coaxial illumination; backlights for, contour ,illumination; linear assemblies; flat, large format panels; dome sources for
  20. Du\, dv. Name "/JJ"> Locarno"/> Minimization Given a wire, contour , the surface of the least area spanning (" filling" ) it is a minimal surface.
  21. The denominator is not zero. The derivative f' ( a) can be written as a, contour ,integral using Cauchy's differentiation formula:: f' ( a) = \point_\gamma \
  22. The contour bottle became the standard for the Coca-Cola Company. Today,the, contour ,Coca-Cola bottle is one of the most recognized packages on the planet ... "
  23. Of complex-valued functions. Several methods exist to do this; see methods of, contour ,integration. Quantum mechanics The complex number field is relevant in the
  24. Function and special cases thereof, can be represented by means of complex, contour ,integrals of products and quotients of the gamma function, called Mellin-Barnes
  25. Side and an interlocking" SC" on the" Missouri" side. The shield's, contour ,alludes to the team's former logo while under the" Kansas City Wizards "
  26. Says that the sculpture has“ an abstract, curvilinear quality and a smooth, contour ,that create an impression of elegance” ( 549). The qualities which produce
  27. Of a place, including (especially in the 20th and 21st centuries) the use of, contour ,lines showing elevation. Terrain or relief can be shown in a variety of ways (
  28. Frac \LIM_\int_^ ex F (s)\, ds, where \gamma is a real number so that the, contour ,path of integration is in the region of convergence of F (s). An alternative
  29. Signs. Contour bottle design The equally famous Coca-Cola bottle, called the ", contour ,bottle" within the company, but known to some as the" hobble skirt" bottle
  30. Was chosen over other entries and was on the market the same year. By 1920,the, contour ,bottle became the standard for the Coca-Cola Company. Today, the contour
  31. Regular changes of entropy and temperature, respectively (like altitude on a, contour ,map),then as the eye moves towards the axes (towards the south-west),it
  32. Sonorant voiced initial consonant V+ = obstruct voiced initial consonant Tone, contour ,variation: * Dialects in and around the Nan tong area typically have many more
  33. The wall follows typical Mycenaean convention in that it followed the natural, contour ,of the terrain and its gate was arranged obliquely, with a parapet and tower
  34. Modeling, with results typically displayed as an isoform map or light, contour ,map. Authorities have also taken a variety of measures for dealing with light
  35. Contour) lying in the complex plane. The contour integral is taken along the, contour ,C. The rudiments of this theorem can already be found in a paper that the
  36. Closed curve C ( contour ) lying in the complex plane. The, contour ,integral is taken along the contour C. The rudiments of this theorem can
  37. Theorem in complex analysis of meromorphic functions inside and on a closed, contour ,*Mathematical argument, a quantity that serves to relate functions and
  38. Work). In addition to location information maps may also be used to portray, contour ,lines (isolates) indicating constant values of elevation, temperature
  39. Damage was that it created fuel for a firestorm. For this reason, the 5 psi, contour ,defines the lethal area for blast and fire. Fire The first effect of the
  40. Axis, from 0 to in along the imaginary axis, and from in to +∞±iπ along a, contour ,parallel to the real axis. Modified Bessel functions: In, Kα The Bessel
  41. As a function of weight (horizontal axis) and height (vertical axis) using, contour ,lines for different values of BMI or colors for different BMI categories. Usage
  42. E^ \, dt, where the integration limits indicate integration along a, contour ,that can be chosen as follows: from −∞ to 0 along the negative real axis, from
  43. Light had a Tribute to Fashion to celebrate 100 years of the recognizable, contour ,bottle. Well known Italian designers Alberta Ferretti, Blumarine, Etro, Fendi
  44. Function homomorphic on and within the non-self-intersecting closed curve C (, contour ,) lying in the complex plane. The contour integral is taken along the contour
  45. Furthermore, even gaping wounds restore in such a way that the animal's body, contour ,is restored, and infection of such large wounds seems rare. A study at the U.
  46. Neutral tones in the second syllables of words, creating syllables whose tone, contour ,is so short and light that it is difficult or impossible to discriminate.
  47. As a landmark case in U. S. law today. In 1997,Coca-Cola also introduced a ", contour ,can," similar in shape to its famous bottle, on a few test markets, including
  48. Scalar field (sometimes called voxels) ** Marching squares: generate, contour ,lines for a two-dimensional scalar field ** Marching tetrahedrons: an
  49. And here the theory of residues among others is useful (see methods of, contour ,integration). If a function has a pole or singularity at some point, that is
  50. More advanced systems use inertial guidance, satellite navigation and terrain, contour ,matching (TER COM). Use of an automatic target recognition (ATR)

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