Examples of the the word, odor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( odor ), is the 8715 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Live seafood tanks. According to Cantonese cuisine, seafood has a repugnant, odor ,so strong spices are added. The freshest seafood is odor less and, in Cantonese
  2. Human toilet, eliminating the litter box and its attendant expense, unpleasant, odor , and the need to use landfill space for disposal. Training may involve four to
  3. Group AUM Shinrikyo released anthrax in Tokyo. Eyewitnesses reported a foul, odor , The attack was a total failure, infecting not a single person. The reason for
  4. Modern chemistry from 1850. Physical and chemical properties Alcohols have an, odor ,that is often described as“ biting” and as“ hanging” in the nasal passages.
  5. Hearing, touch,sight, taste,and smell. The next higher element, water,has no, odor ,but can be heard, felt,seen and tasted. Next comes fire, which can be heard
  6. Has its semantic roots in the Kimono word" Suzuki ", which means" bad body, odor ,". He says:" Both jazz men and Baking use funky and Suzuki to praise persons
  7. Look more massive and imposing. During the breeding season, males give off an, odor ,from the must gland located behind their eyes. Joyce Poole, a well-known
  8. Provide, Bulgaria after being struck by a car. After detecting a strong alcohol, odor , doctors at a hospital conducted a breath test which displayed the man's blood
  9. Or more breeding seasons every year. Both dingoes and Benji lack a distinctive, odor , and are prone to howls, yodels,and other undulated vocalizations over the
  10. Is an historical horror novel about a perfumer's apprentice born with nobody, odor ,of his own but with a highly developed sense of smell, and who attempts to
  11. To listening for particular sounds (such as wheezing) and attending to body, odor , *Inquiring focuses on the" seven inquiries ", which are: chills and fever;
  12. Not usually used as fuel for indoor fire dancing, as it produces an unpleasant, odor , which becomes poisonous in sufficient concentration. Methanol was sometimes
  13. Retreated," the air was filled with an extremely disagreeable sulfurous, odor , " Citizenship and debt During a visit to Philadelphia in 1812 following
  14. It is a highly hydrophobic, colorless,crystalline solid with a weak, chemical, odor , It is nearly insoluble in water but has a good solubility in most organic
  15. Lobes in mammalian brains are proportionally larger than in the reptiles. These, odor ,pathways gradually formed the neural blueprint for what was later to become our
  16. With nitric acid to create" artificial musk" – a resin with a peculiar musky, odor , Although when burned, amber does give off a characteristic" pinewood "
  17. S rash" around the nose and mouth is sometimes seen after prolonged use. An, odor ,of paint or solvents on clothes, skin,and breath is sometimes a sign of
  18. Being refined into industrial products. For a variety of reasons - aesthetics (, odor ,control),health (toxicity),ecological (oxygen depletion in receiving
  19. Emulsified fats in the bones, the trophy will not develop the unpleasant dead, odor , Using the beetle larvae means that all cartilage is removed along with the
  20. Industrial laminated plastic. When rubbed, original Bakelite has a telltale, odor , Bakelite Phenolic sheet is produced in dozens of commercial grades and with
  21. To cover the pipe and developed an elaborate ventilation system to conquer the, odor , A new design was unveiled, combining a large square glass-enclosed atrium with
  22. C27H56) in the ratio 3:3:1,and males are attracted by specifically this, odor , The orchid takes advantage of this mating arrangement to get the male bee to
  23. Be obtained. These swabs should be tested for: * A characteristic" fishy ", odor ,on wet mount. This test, called the whiff test, is performed by adding a small
  24. With oil-based lubricants, is less allergenic than latex, and does not have an, odor , Polyurethane condoms have gained FDA approval for sale in the United States as
  25. Factors that led them to select hydrogen peroxide for liquid-phase headwords, odor ,control. http://www.h2o2.com/municipal-applications/wastewater-treatment.aspx?
  26. To a microscopic slide containing the vaginal discharge. A characteristic fishy, odor ,is considered a positive whiff test and is suggestive of bacterial vaginosis. *
  27. Food additives will contain Capsicum Oleo resin, which gives off a repugnant, odor , making the fecal matter undesirable to the dog. In human beings Sexual aspects
  28. The rectum. The gas released during a flatus event frequently has an unpleasant, odor , For many years, this was thought to be due to ska tole and indole, which are
  29. Few innings, but Wrigley demanded the goat leave the park due to its unpleasant, odor , Upon his ejection, Mr. Spanish uttered," The Cubs, they ain't going to win no
  30. The seeds of the kapok tree. The oil has a yellow color and a pleasant, mild, odor , and taste. It has similar characteristics to cottonseed oil. It becomes rancid
  31. Fermentation and a frothiness in the honey; the honey develops a characteristic, odor ,of decaying oranges. Damage and fermentation cause honey to run out of combs
  32. The Keeshond's coat sheds dirt when dry, and the breed is not prone to doggy, odor , so frequent bathing is unnecessary. The coat acts as insulation and protects
  33. Or secreted by sperm whales. Freshly produced ambergris has a marine, fecal, odor , However, as it ages, it acquires a sweet, earthy scent commonly likened to the
  34. A dark gray or black color, a crusty and waxy texture, and a peculiar, odor ,that is at once sweet, earthy,marine, and Animalia. Its smell has been
  35. Best in all Islam. Bananas are plentiful, also dates and flowers of fragrant, odor , " Jericho is also referred to by him as one of the principal cities of June
  36. Occurring because of recurrent stress Foot sweat is the major cause of foot, odor , Sweat itself is odor less, but it creates a beneficial environment for certain
  37. At standard temperatures into a violet-pink gas that has an irritating, odor , This halogen forms compounds with many elements, but is less reactive than the
  38. Reducing bromine to colorless odor less bromide, thus dealing with stains and, odor ,from the element in unwanted places. For the same reason, thiosulfate is used
  39. Funk. Etymology The word funk basically refers to a strong, generally offensive, odor , The anthropologist/art historian Robert Harris Thompson, in his work Flash Of
  40. CO as primary packaging method, declaring that CO does not mask spoilage, odor , Despite this ruling, the process remains controversial for fears that it masks
  41. The reduction into simpler forms of matter, accompanied by a strong, unpleasant, odor , Diagnosis Problems of definition The concept of death is a key to human
  42. That cannot be reversed. The result of the acetic acid released is a strong, odor ,of vinegar, which is why the decay process in the archival community is known
  43. A small amount of hand soap, hydrogen peroxide is effective at removing skunk, odor , * Hydrogen peroxide is used with phenol oxalate ester and an appropriate dye
  44. A toilet produces only a few pounds of compost every six months. To control the, odor , modern toilets use a small fan to keep the toilet under negative pressure, and
  45. And biological materials, and often have a characteristic pleasant, fruity, odor , This leads to their extensive use in the fragrance and flavor industry. Ester
  46. Charcoal tablets have also been reported as effective in reducing both, odor ,and quantity of flatus when taken immediately before food that is likely to
  47. Precipitation, extraction,and distillation and qualitative analysis by color, odor , or melting point. Quantitative analysis is achieved by measurement of weight
  48. And occurs as free hydrogen sulfide (H2S) - characterized by its rotten egg, odor , We are most likely to encounter biogenic H2S in sour groundwater, swamps and
  49. From herbivores, such as cattle, through omnivores to carnivorous species. Such, odor ,can also be caused by the presence of large numbers of microflora bacteria
  50. The gas is odor less. At higher concentrations it has a sharp, acidic, odor , It can cause asphyxiation and irritation. When inhaled at concentrations much

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