Examples of the the word, fundraising , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fundraising ), is the 8721 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With Federal investigations and unsuccessful indictments of his past political, fundraising ,by grand juries in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and San Juan, Puerto Rico. In
  2. In 1991,Archer, with the Red Cross, set up the charity Simple Truth,a, fundraising ,campaign on behalf of the Kurds. " Archer was made a life peer in 1992 as Baron
  3. Benefit concert for Ethiopian famine relief. During the event, the video for a, fundraising ,single was premiered,Bowie's duet with Mick Jagger. " Dancing in the Street "
  4. Money for the charity Oxfam, obtaining the support of The Beatles in a charity, fundraising ,drive. The band accepted his invitation to visit the senior common room of
  5. Was high for the Republican cause, but the federal government banned all, fundraising ,and recruiting activities a month after the start of the war to preserve
  6. As was his grandfather, Don Antonio Benton Palmer, for his work leading the, fundraising ,for the Peruvian Earthquake Appeal. Benzine was a crack pistol shot and helped
  7. Network. While some funding obtained by the LTTE is from legitimate, fundraising , a significant portion is obtained through criminal activities, extortion among
  8. Literacy Foundation and Got Books? To support school communities and place, fundraising ,book donation containers at schools across the state in order to help raise
  9. Chronic financial problems, and compelled him, at times, to resort to unusual, fundraising ,activities. In 2008,for example, he auctioned an autographed pair of his pants
  10. The Kansas State University Foundation was established in 1944 as the official, fundraising ,arm of Kansas State University. Its mission is to secure and prudently manage
  11. The event's objective is to raise £5 million for cancer charities and the, fundraising ,is supported by stars including Bono, Jose Carr eras, Hugh Grant, Elizabeth
  12. Fundraiser concluded, raising a total of just over US$390,000. * In 2009,the, fundraising ,campaign gained Wikipedia more than US$6 million. *The 2010 campaign was
  13. Were first commonly used by the Junior Chamber International (Jaycees) for, fundraising , They include haunted houses, corn mazes, and hayrides, and the level of
  14. Of Wales, whom she married on 29 July 1981,and an international charity and, fundraising ,figure, as well as a preeminent celebrity of the late 20th century. Her wedding
  15. By various organizations, both non-profit and for-profit. Fundraising party A, fundraising ,party, or fundraiser, is a party that is held for the purpose of collecting
  16. Cul de Sac character Peter Otter loop, done by Watterson for the Team Cul de Sac, fundraising ,project for Parkinson's Disease. His syndicate, which since become Universal
  17. Project and the Kenyan Wildlife Service. On Friday 6 August 2010 Woburn held a, fundraising ,evening with extra activities and later opening times. Legal status In 2002 the
  18. Trial of its editor, Martxelo Amend, due to links with ETA accounting and, fundraising , and other journalists (some of whom reported torture)., indicted members of
  19. For Children. The 24-hour Perth Telethon claims to be" the most successful, fundraising ,event per capita in the world" and raised more than A$7.5 million in 2008. The
  20. Or were not completed. Welles financed his later projects through his own, fundraising ,activities. He often also took on other work to obtain money to fund his own
  21. And opposition leader A. Amirthalingam provided letters of reference for, fundraising , and V. N. Navaratnam, who was an executive committee member of the
  22. Career Bill Clinton continues to be active in public life, giving speeches, fundraising , and founding charitable organizations. Altogether, Clinton has spoken at the
  23. mm,) Nails in art Nails have been used in art, such as the Nail Men - a form of, fundraising ,common in Germany and Austria around the World War 1. Namibia, officially the
  24. Some development projects. The Council use to organize show days and conduct, fundraising ,activities to generate revenue to help run some activities of the
  25. Between far right figures in both countries. * The Trafalgar Club is the BNP, fundraising ,club, and the name the party uses to book hotels and conference facilities. *
  26. Of the $1.3 billion Campaign for the Dartmouth Experience, the largest capital, fundraising ,campaign in the College's history, which has surpassed $1 billion and is on
  27. Passed the 3,600,000 article mark. Fundraising Every year, Wikipedia runs a, fundraising ,campaign to support its operations. * One of the first fundraisers was held
  28. Shrinking state funding, Ohio State has conducted two significant multi-year, fundraising ,campaigns. The first concluded in 1987 and raised $460 million—a record at the
  29. Was reluctant to come to its peoples' aid. Nansen had to rely largely on, fundraising ,from private organizations, and his efforts met with limited success. A major
  30. The charges were later dropped due to lack of evidence. In the 1999 election, fundraising ,scandal, Sharon was not charged with any wrongdoing, but his son MRI, a
  31. Issues and carve out the party's agenda ". The Trafalgar Club is the party's, fundraising ,arm. The party is organized around 12 regions, based upon the UK European
  32. In 1988 to pursue the open House seat recently vacated by Dan Lunge. With the, fundraising ,help of friend Oliver North, Rohrabacher was able to win the Republican primary
  33. Largest presence in the US, with a robust infrastructure, primarily focused on, fundraising , propaganda for the Palestinian cause, and proselytizing. Although it would be
  34. Finance regimes stipulate a variety of regulations for the transparency of, fundraising ,and expenditure, limit or ban specific kinds of activity and provide public
  35. An extensive infrastructure in the US mostly revolving around the activities of, fundraising , recruiting and training members, directing operations against Israel
  36. In Ohio to make their list of America's 150 Best Value Colleges. Endowment and, fundraising ,Ohio State was among the first group of public universities to raise a $1
  37. November being a portmanteau of the words 'Mustache' and 'November' ),a, fundraising ,event for men's health issues. In the United States, it has recently become
  38. Scandals, in particular, the Greek Island Affair and irregularities of, fundraising ,during 1999 election campaign. In the Greek Island Affair, Sharon was accused
  39. Throwers figured prominently in advertising for early modern Games, such as, fundraising ,stamps for the 1896 games and. The women's competition was added to the
  40. Mayhem. In January 2006,the Florida Keys had recovered enough to host the, fundraising ,concert to benefit the more hard-hit community of Ocean Springs. When asked
  41. United States, before and during the Clinton administration, and involved the, fundraising ,practices of the administration itself. The Chinese government denied all
  42. Funding to make this possible. The theater will be launching its largest, fundraising ,appeal in its 30-year history over the Autumn of 2008 to help it launch itself
  43. Loony Society (CURLS). CURLS were an" anti-political party" and charity, fundraising ,group formed largely to be a fun counter-response to increasingly polarized
  44. Gauges support for the various Republican candidates amongst attendees of a, fundraising ,dinner benefiting the Iowa Republican Party. The straw poll dates back to 1979
  45. On 28 July 2008,Fulham announced that, fundraising ,had commenced, with the co-operation of a fan's group, to produce a lasting
  46. The Beard House or have participated in one of the foundation's out-of-House, fundraising ,events. Works *Hours d'Oeuvre and Canapés 1940 (M. Barrows & Co.),revised in
  47. They married in July 1966. Mary went on to specialize in solar power. Charity, fundraising ,After leaving Oxford, he continued as a charity fundraiser, working for the
  48. Released after Monroe's death confirmed that her appearance at the political, fundraising ,event was approved by Fox executives. The production came to a halt when Zukor
  49. Victoria Fund was set up in 1997 and is run as a part of Radiohjälpen,the, fundraising ,branch of Series Television and Series Radio. The fund’s aim is to provide
  50. Rest came mainly from small contributions from Nansen's countrymen, through a, fundraising ,effort organized by students at the university. Despite the adverse publicity

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