Examples of the the word, alienate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( alienate ), is the 8707 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It as a gesture of contempt, an attempt to break his contract with RCA or to, alienate ,his less sophisticated fans. But Reed claimed that the album was a genuine
  2. Jeered, in part because she dressed in expensive clothing which served to, alienate ,her from those suffering the privations caused by the war. She explained that
  3. Which throws the other Kids into a panic, as they fear that the news will, alienate ,the troupe's considerable gay fan base. In yet another sketch (in which an
  4. S signature drink is a White Russian in the film" How to lose friends and, alienate ,people ". It is the means to his being discovered by the protagonist as having
  5. Of September 1958. In these years, North Vietnam could hardly afford to, alienate ,Communist Conrad China. The Soviet Union did not give any substantial support
  6. Involved also, but their motivation was more along the lines of wanting to not, alienate ,their customers. Most of the EDA vendors produced EDIT 2 0 0 translators, but
  7. Anti position, the Irish Times countered that a measure to outlaw divorce would, alienate ,Protestants and" crystallize" the partition of Northern Ireland. In response
  8. It over to her and her new husband in trust for the children. They could not, alienate ,a single utensil. If she did not remarry, she lived on in her husband's house
  9. He called Terboven's" bullying tactics" against the Norwegians, as it helped, alienate ,the population against the Germans. Verboten nevertheless remained in charge of
  10. A pragmatic perspective, they feared that defining papal infallibility would, alienate ,some Catholics, create new difficulties for union with non-Catholics and would
  11. In several ways. Furthermore, France had promised Spain it would never sell or, alienate ,Louisiana to a third party. Napoleon, Jefferson,Madison, and the members of
  12. Palace in Oxfordshire. Unlike many of her predecessors, Philippa did not, alienate ,the English people by retaining her foreign retinue upon her marriage or by
  13. Other issues. Determined to find a course that would reunite the nation and not, alienate ,the South, Lincoln urged that speedy elections under generous terms be held
  14. To hang. Scott was troubled by the sweep of guilty verdicts. He did not want to, alienate ,the Mexican public, who by now had made the deserters national heroes. Scott
  15. Partition and hopefully avoid a general war, or accept Charles II's will and, alienate ,others. Initially, Louis may have inclined towards abiding by the partition
  16. Even to forage, for fear that this would degenerate into plundering which would, alienate ,the population. On 9 November (Julian calendar) William took Peter after the
  17. This position until his death. * The Roman soldiers billeted in Barnum so, alienate ,the citizens of the city that conspirators admit the Carthaginian general
  18. The backwards situation of black Americans because he was" unwilling to, alienate ,the white South. " The Government of Hawaii speedily ratified this, and the
  19. Staged a failed crusade against the Orthodox" heretics ", managing only to, alienate ,his supporters and finally losing his crown. The bones of contention between
  20. Servants. The idea was that such men would be more tractable and less likely to, alienate ,the fief from the crown out of their own greed. The province had a single
  21. Conflicts with the Manchus over the looting of Chinese cities, and managed to, alienate ,most Mongol tribes. He died in 1634 on his way to Tibet, in an attempt to evade
  22. To increase profits through customs taxes. Portugal was also obliged" never to, alienate ,Macau without previous agreement with China ", therefore ensuring that
  23. To grow, and had a desire to get along with political enemies rather than, alienate ,them. As a prior journalist, Harding was the first President to realize the
  24. Party. Again, due to his results oriented style, he had politically managed to, alienate ,all sides. The Bureau of Trade Relations concluded the act overall was
  25. A cardinal for that post. Nevertheless, Honorius was not prepared to completely, alienate ,Diego, and when the Archbishop of Bragg nominated a successor to the vacant see
  26. To his policies, rather than the tribes. Nevertheless, the king had managed to, alienate ,religious leaders and army members. The unraveling began, however,when
  27. And interviews. However, she refused to be drawn on specifics in case she would, alienate ,possible support. Robinson also received the backing of the Irish Times
  28. Or IRA elections, which unlike Plurality voting, punish candidates who, alienate ,a significant block of voters. Here is an example that is designed to support
  29. Declined, saying that to introduce a specific reference to the victims could ", alienate ,other members of the Olympic community," according to the BBC. Alex Milady, an
  30. Police surveillance. The effect of Alexander's dictatorship was to further, alienate ,the non-Serbs from the idea of unity. During his reign the flags of Yugoslav
  31. The events leading to the launch of the ST and Amiga only served to further, alienate ,fans of each computer, who fought vitriolic holy wars on the question of which
  32. For Martin Luther King, or Andrea Working for Gloria Steinem—someone radical to, alienate ,the mainstream and make moderate voices more appealing. The ads featuring
  33. Of September 1958. In these years, North Vietnam could hardly afford to, alienate ,Communist Conrad China. The Soviet Union did not give any substantial support
  34. Encouragingly to him, Honorius avoided having to make a decision that might, alienate ,the powerful archbishops of Canterbury. Over in Spain, Honorius was deeply
  35. That if the letters were published,Wallace's exotic religious beliefs would, alienate ,many voters. Republicans did plan to publish the Wallace letters, but the
  36. Lodged in her vertebrae until her death in 1932. The ensuing scandal was to, alienate ,Debussy from many of his friends, whilst Bardic was disowned by her family. In
  37. A crisis in civilian morale. Indiscriminate use of firepower may only serve to, alienate ,the key focus of counterinsurgency- the base of the people. Police level
  38. An audition in which the young man greatly impressed Kurosawa, but managed to, alienate ,most of the other judges. Drunken Angel is often considered the director's
  39. The crown. The autocratic and arrogant methods of Richard II only served to, alienate ,the nobility more, and his forceful dispossession in 1399 by Henry IV increased
  40. Rice Rebellion in 184 CE, largely because the court did not want to continue to, alienate ,a significant portion of the gentry class who might otherwise join the
  41. Taft took credit, calling it the best tariff ever. He again had managed to, alienate ,all sides. While the crisis was building inside the Party, Roosevelt was
  42. Region of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The overall effect of the division was to, alienate ,the Pashtun tribes from their neighbors as part of the British divide and
  43. By ordering Athens to be re-fortified, and his perceived arrogance began to, alienate ,him from the Athenians. In 472 or 471 BC, he was ostracized, and went into
  44. Tariffs enough to please the Prairie-based Progressives, but not too much to, alienate ,his vital support in industrial Ontario and Quebec, which needed tariffs to
  45. The Church or demoniacally. We also absolutely forbid any cleric in any way to, alienate ,his pretend or any ecclesiastical benefice. If he has presumed to do this in
  46. Cool approach towards them create" two opposing points of view" that ", alienate ,the reader, perhaps unconsciously, from a narrator who can view with
  47. With guns and bombs, and accidental killing of the innocent bystanders will, alienate ,peasants from the revolution. Once an assassination has taken place, make sure
  48. Governments, in order to act independently of them. However, he did not want to, alienate ,them, and sought their undivided support by avoiding alliances with groups
  49. Of fans in St. Paul to support the team. Griffith was determined not to, alienate ,fans in either city by naming the team after one city or the other, so his
  50. By tenants under the various estates. These include the right to: **Transfer (, alienate ,) some or all of these rights to others on mutually agreeable terms; *Nature

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